
Understand the fundamentals of how our digestive processes is the best way to understand the basics of a diabetic diet. Any food that we will be divided into its basic components during digestion, and one component is sugar said. Sugar is a substance that is easily absorbed into the bloodstream. However, carbohydrates must be processed by the body for an hour or two before it can be absorbed by the blood. Proteins take four hours and fat take longer to become absorbed as it needs six to eight hours. Healthy eating has greater benefits than taking the medicine when it comes to diabetes.

A diabetic diet can vary between individuals, because the plan best for one person may not be the best for another. Because everyone's body is unique, as are the circumstances behind the diabetes. There are generally two types of illness that are defined by the type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes means that the body has lost the ability to produce enough insulin to control blood sugar levels. The right balance between quantity of food and insulin should therefore be the primary goal of meal plans. Type 2 diabetes instead means that the body cannot produce enough insulin, but has lost the ability to make full use of insulin said. In this case meals should be focused on weight loss because they have more excess body fat inhibits the function of insulin.

Gestational diabetes diet is a special meal plan especially for a pregnant mother and her baby on her lap. Focuses on how to keep your blood glucose under control while at the same time provide mother and child enough nutrition.

The diabetic diet is vital to diabetes sufferers. Is the most effective tool in keeping your body healthy and making sure the disease worsens to the point that it becomes a threat to life. The big change in meal plans is that the individual needs to eat small meals several times a day. Six meals after every few hours is generally better eating plan for diabetics. This is to ensure that the body has a constant flow and nutrients throughout the day. Sugar intake is also a bit to make sure the body is able to address adequately.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you are diabetic, diet can literally heal diabetes. Traditional medicine never seems to speak of a "cure" for diabetes but I know it can be done as I am one of the thousands who have treated with success first hand. My HgA1C levels were 10.6 (very high) when I was first diagnosed. As a scientist, I refused to accept that this disease could not be cured and I started to read everything I could get my hands on. Within 5 months, my HgA1C results were dropped to 5.4, within the normal range and their stay consistently normal fin.

If you have type 2 diabetes, the cell membranes do not work properly and this is one of the keys to the disease. I know that traditional doctors never talk to their patients about their cell membranes, but to cure diabetes, you need to better understand why these membranes are so important and how food affects them.

There are literally trillions of cells in the human body and each one of them is enclosed by a cell membrane. These membranes are designed by nature to protect what goes in and what comes out. Hormones such as insulin act like old fashioned goalkeepers, escorting the good stuff in and making sure that bad things that remains outside.

The digestive system breaks down the food we eat on the basis of nutrients such as glucose. For the body to use these nutrients, must arrive within the cells. Even if your diabetic diet is healthiest foods in the world, if these nutrients cannot enter, do the body good. In a healthy person with cell membranes healthy, insulin "escorts" nutrients in the cells.

One of the main problems in people with diabetes is that their cell membranes are damaged to such an extent that they do not respond properly to insulin, meaning that their cell membranes become "insulin resistance." If you are "insulin-resistant", you have what is known as "type 2 diabetes" or "pre-diabetes" (which is really just a euphemistic way to say the early stages of type 2 diabetes).

Eat the wrong food is probably what damaged cell membranes in the first place. Trans fats are the main culprit as easily replaces the omega-3 that should be in cell membranes with something that shouldn't be there and does not allow the right things through. Glucose cannot get inside cells and ends up in the bloodstream, which is what causes "sugars", the main symptom of diabetes type 2. Although insulin "comes knocking," glucose cannot get through the cell membrane "door".

Unfortunately, trans fats are found in a lot of food. In fact, the food industry loves trans fats for 3 reasons that are very important for their profit:

1. Trans fats gives food a very long duration-this makes them more money. 2. Can become really cheap unhealthy oils that are liquid at room temperature normally in solids like margarine and shortening and sell them for a profit. 3. Trans fats are like a magic wand for them. You can use it to pull funny tricks like change the consistency of the food and how it interacts with human language. You can actually get an advanced degree in the science behind this. This spell is used in sauces, condiments, sauces, highly processed foods and snacks. Almost all canned and ready to microwave and food has trans fat.

The good news is that most cells in our body are constantly being replaced or repaired. If you are removing trans fats from your diet completely and make sure you eat a lot of foods rich in omega-3 such as fish, shrimp, grass fed beef and chickens (and their eggs) and green leafy vegetables that you'll end up with again-healthy cell membranes and this will cure diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
There is no such thing as a "diabetic diet".

We recommend a balanced diet. All foods are causing an insulin response varies in our bodies. Eat lots of foods such as vegetables, legumes, whole grains and fiber influencing blood sugar release. Foods that should be avoided include refined sugar, food, junk food, cakes and biscuits.

When the control labels, watch out for the hidden forms of sugar, such as dextrose, glucose, sucrose, corn sweeteners, fructose, lactose, dextrin, maltose, malt, fruit juice concentrate.
Protein snacks should be eaten between meals.

Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine should be avoided.
Foods that are high for the "Glycemic Index" cause your blood sugar to rise quickly, than those with a lower rating. In essence, the glycemic index is based on how fast a particular food is digested, metabolized and then released into the bloodstream as glucose.

Glycemic Index foods higher are white bread, pastries, packaged foods, pastries, desserts, frozen food, dried fruit, whole milk, hamburgers. Glycemic Index foods lower the most vegetables, leafy greens, 100% whole wheat bread, skim milk, buttermilk, chicken, fish and many nuts. Many factors continue to influence the glycemic index of a food, as the method of preparation and consumption.

Tips for planning a healthy diet for a diabetic patient:

· Eat a variety of foods-a plate of food of different colors will give you nutrition of all food groups. Are more fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, green leafy vegetables and whole grains.

· Restrict salt intake-that affects blood pressure. Avoid packaged foods, snacks, potato chips, pickles. Is recommended sodium intake of no more than 3000 mg per day. For people with high blood pressure, sodium should be limited to 2400 mg daily or as recommended by a doctor.

· Avoid saturated fats-like butter, ghee and cheese. They increase "bad" cholesterol (LDL). Instead, go for good fats, such as omega-3 fats in fish and vegetable oils from plants such as peanut oil, safflower oil, etc.

· Eat good amounts of fiber-rich sources of fiber are whole wheat bread, cereals high in fiber, vegetables, and fiber supplements as isabgol. Foods with fiber also help manage your blood sugar, how to reduce the need for insulin and also lower the level of blood fats.

· Place on portions you eat. " Eat about the same amount of food every day. Don't keep fluctuating your diet, or the quality of meals.

· Do not skip meals. Eat small meals every four to five hours.

· Eat meals at regular intervals each day. If you are on a medication for diabetes, eating meals and take this medicine about the same time every day.

· Include in your diet all foods you like to eat. Even desserts can be eaten occasionally in moderate amount. If the diet includes foods that you don't like, or if you like to eat something is left out, you're less likely to continue with the meal plan.

A simple diet plan-

A proper diet for a diabetic patient is one that is low in fat and simple sugars and high in fiber and complex carbohydrates, so that helps balance your blood sugar and weight control. The goal of a diabetes nutrition program is to provide a mixture of fats, carbohydrates and protein at every meal calorie level is appropriate for providing both essential nutrients, and create a smooth version of glucose in the blood.

Choose a diet so that the approximate calories from various food components is as follows:

Protein-20 percent

Fats-20 percent

Carbohydrates-60 percent

* Diabetics must fill on leaf vegetables, bitter gourd (karela), papaya, oranges, lentils, pulses with strings and the skin intact, whole grain cereals, pulses, sprouted moong Dal and 10-20 grams of guar ki phali (from the cluster of beans).

* Eat apples and other fruits that have high pectin content. You can go for an elevenses or afternoon of fruits like Apple to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

* Take proteins mostly from plant sources, such as cereals and legumes. Fish and low fat dairy products (buttermilk, low-fat yogurt, skim milk) are also acceptable sources of protein. Try to avoid fatty meat.

* Eat more carbohydrates.

* Do not take large doses of vitamins B1 (thiamine), B3 and C, excessive amounts can inactivate the insulin. These vitamins should, however, be taken in normal amount.

Is a recommended diabetic diet is nothing to be afraid. It is not torture nor a nightmare; a bit of planning and one can do in a much looked forward. So if diagnosed with diabetes, bring it into your daily routine and to pay a little more attention to your diet from now on!
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
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