
Type 2 diabetes often goes completely undetected, which makes it a very dangerous disease. If you are fortunate enough to have some symptoms of Type 2 diabetes, it can be detected and treated early on while your pancreas is still working. For my son, he had many symptoms all at once, which helped him decide to go to the doctor. The following are some of the most common symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

Before I talk about symptoms, it is important to learn to listen to your body. Your body will tell you when there is a problem. Don't ignore signs it sends to you. Sometimes it may just be a thought that keeps going through your mind, you may think, why is that sore not healing? If you have a discomforting feeling you can't express, it may be your body giving you signs there is a problem. Even after you have been diagnosis, listening to your body will help you to manage your diabetes and keep you in a positive frame of mind.

If you notice frequent sores and cuts that do not heal normally, this is one sign of diabetes.
Maybe you feel numbness in your hands or feet, or you experience a tingling sensation. If you have constant dry mouth and are always thirsty, and can't seem to get enough to eat, these too are common symptoms of diabetes.

Do you feel tired all the time, and have no energy, and or you feel sick to your stomach a lot, these are more signs... Maybe you notice extreme weight loss or gain, and you are urinating constantly, again symptoms of diabetes.

You may have what you first think is jock itch, or if a female, vaginal itching. Another symptom is problems with vision, things look blurry to you. Maybe you need glasses, or again a symptom of diabetes. Other symptoms include bladder infection, skin infection on a regular basis, or infections of the mouth and gums.

Any single symptom is reason enough to make an appointment with your doctor. Unfortunately some people with diabetes may not show any of these symptoms. Regular check-ups are the best prevention.
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