
Diabetes has been a standard sickness amongst a lot of individuals across the world. It's an ailment that's believed to be a disorder that is affecting the method your body makes use of or breaks up food for energy. When you have got diabetes, typically your blood sugar gets too high. Diabetes has been widespread with individuals who have nutritional deficiency, folks who are obese, and folks with less physical movement and can sometimes be genetically acquired or hereditary.

Diabetes has 2 sorts, Type I and Type II. Type I is believed to be as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. With Type I diabetes, the body does not turn out any insulin or it makes less insulin to regulate the extent of blood glucose in the body. Insulin - could be a hormone made by our pancreas and it can help glucose move to be absorbed by our cells. With Type I diabetes, frequent insulin injections are needed to maintain or help the glucose be absorbed the cells.

Another type of Diabetes is Type II which is opposite of the primary kind, it's described to be a condition whereby you've got plenty insulin however the cells has become resistant to it. Type II diabetes is believed to be a lifestyle disease as it's mainly brought about by lack of physical exercise or physical activities, by obesity, or just eating to several of everything, though with proper diet and exercise, you'll fight Type II diabetes.

With this condition there are numerous cures to cure diabetes. One among which is keeping a healthy daily activities. Workout or having physical activities is of the ways that to keep up a healthy lifestyle; movement frequently burns and uses energy thus utilizing one's blood glucose. Exercise is very vital especially if you have got or susceptible to Type II diabetes. Other than physical exercise and physical activities, another vital issue is having a balanced diet. With a healthy nutritional diet, you don't have to stress regarding anything and surely you'd eliminate the prospect of getting sick.

There are various other cures that can be used to fight diabetes. From herbal medicines to home remedies, there are also prescribed injections and medicines. Olive oil as an example will help you reduce your blood sugar levels. You'll use olive oil for cooking or as a salad dressing. Fiber-enriched foods also are useful for diabetics. Fiber often slows the rise of blood glucose after eating. Other useful remedies will be grape juice - grape juice has been confirmed to be effective in controlling diabetes. Bitter melon is one alternative thing that's believed to be effective in fighting diabetes - it's helpful in regulating carbohydrate metabolism.

These days there are a lot of bitter gourd or bitter melon natural drinks or medicines, it's taken like a supplement to assist you cure or fight diabetes. These supplements will lower down blood glucose or management your blood sugar and thereby decreasing the probabilities of worsening your Type II diabetes. These supplements don't seem to be made to fully cure diabetes, it is most important that together with dietary supplements or nutritional supplements; you're following a healthy diet and active lifestyle.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes can be described as a metabolic disorder for which there is no absolute cure available. Diabetes treatment is all about modifying one's lifestyle for the better management of the disorder. This article contains 5 ways which any diabetes patient can follow to perfectly manage his or her life and live a peaceful and normal life despite having the disorder.

• It is very important to control your weight because the occurrence of diabetes is mostly over weighted people. Exercise must be done on daily basis such as walking, swimming or running in order keep your weight up to a safe level.

• Avoiding both smoking and drinking. Tobacco is strictly not at all allowed for diabetes patients whereas if there is some lust for drinking then it should never be done with an empty stomach. Still drinking should also be done with moderation.

• Healthy eating is very important for diabetes patients, therefore spicy and sweet dishes must be avoided and focus should always be on fruits and vegetables. Every time you eat, try to make it into smaller pieces instead of big meals.

• Stress management is one of the most important things, diabetes patients should focus on, if they are looking to have a cutting edge diabetes treatment because stress can highly affect the levels of blood sugar and secretion of insulin.

• Taking medication in a timely manner is vital for people suffering with diabetes. If you are undergoing some home cures or natural remedies, you should still keep a regular contact with your doctor in order to keep on discussing about the types and times of your dosages.

By adopting this healthy lifestyle, you can have a perfect and timely diabetes treatment.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Juvenile Diabetes (also known as Type 1 Diabetes) is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system essentially attacks the pancreas and eliminates the beta cells that are responsible for producing insulin. Therefore the body either stops making insulin, or the insulin is destroyed before it can effectively enter the bloodstream and metabolize blood glucose.

Currently, the only effective treatment for Juvenile Diabetes is injected insulin. People with Juvenile Diabetes must inject insulin into their fatty tissue on a regular basis to control their blood sugar levels. While people with Type 2 Diabetes can sometimes control blood sugar levels with oral medications, diet and exercise, people with Juvenile Diabetes have to take insulin.

Although there is no cure for Juvenile Diabetes at present, there seems to be a great deal of buzz in the media and in research circles lately about a cure. Several promising breakthroughs have been reported recently, ranging from alternative drug therapy to beta-producing stimulants to various forms of transplantation.

 A study published in "Endocrine Practice," a peer-reviewed journal, revealed that scientists at CureDM isolated a peptide that repeatedly stimulated new islet production in several preclinical trials. The Human ProIslet Peptide (HIP) is responsible for regenerating pancreatic islets and has been isolated using the human genome. Studies on diabetic animals confirmed that this peptide indeed stimulated new beta cell islet production and clinical trials are soon to follow.

Cure news spread fast a few months ago when two Leukemia drugs effectively caused diabetic mice to go into permanent remission. Gleevec and Sutent suppressed the immune response in Juvenile diabetic mice that caused their bodies to destroy their own insulin-producing cells. "This study opens up a new area of research in the field of type 1 Diabetes, and importantly, opens up exciting opportunities for developing new therapies to treat this disease and other autoimmune diseases," stated Dr. Arthur Weiss of University of California, San Francisco, who worked on the research.

Though still the answer of last resort, some people have had success with pancreas transplants and even islet transplantation. Research is still continuing in these two areas, because while islets and the pancreas can be transplanted, the immune system activity that is responsible for destroying beta cells may still be active. While a few people have reported no longer needing insulin after transplantations, the evidence is not ample enough to suggest that transplantation may provide an ultimate cure for Juvenile Diabetes.

While only five to ten percent of the 200+ million people with Diabetes have Juvenile Diabetes, that is still at least twenty million people worldwide. And while many people who have had Juvenile Diabetes for decades may say that they've lost hope for a cure, there still exists a lot of hope out there that a cure is imminent. Until that day, with insulin, a balanced diet and exercise, it is possible for people with Juvenile Diabetes to have long and healthy lives.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Controlling your blood sugar is the most important goal of any type of diabetic on any kind of treatment. It is essential to feeling healthy and avoiding long-term complications of Type 2 Diabetes. Some people are able to control their blood sugar with diet and exercise alone. Others may need to take medications, in addition to making lifestyle changes. In either case, monitoring your blood sugar is a key part of your treatment program.

You may need to test your blood sugar levels only once a day or as little as twice a week. Remember that the amount of sugar in your blood is constantly changing. Self-monitoring keeps you on top of the problem and should be done regularly.

Factors that affect your blood sugar include:

--Food. Food raises your blood sugar level; what and how much you eat, and the time of day, also affect your blood sugar level.

--Exercise and physical activity. The more active you are, the lower your blood sugar. Physical activity causes sugar to be transported to your cells, where it's used for energy.

--Medications. The purpose of oral diabetes medications is to lower your blood sugar. But medications you take for other conditions may affect glucose levels as well so consult your pharmacist or physician.

--Illness. The physical stress of a cold or other illness causes your body to produce hormones that raise your blood sugar level. Monitor your blood sugar more frequently when ill.

--Alcohol. Alcohol drives blood sugar levels sky high. If you drink make sure you know how your body reacts to it.


You already know the foods you like. You need to learn the foods that are good for you and that your body will tolerate. The easiest way is to consult with a dietitian at a local hospital or get a book at the library and follow the guidelines. Your dietitian may recommend developing your meal plan based on the dietary exchange system, carbohydrate counting or the glycemic index.

Being consistent and being true to the principles of the diet are key. It doesn't have to be boring.


As with any exercise program always talk to your doctor before you begin. Walking, hiking, jogging, biking, tennis, cross-country skiing and swimming are all good choices for anyone especially diabetics. Combine your aerobic activity with stretching and strength training exercises and remember to start slowly and build up time and intensity.

Healthy weight

Fat makes your cells more resistant to insulin. But when you lose weight, the process reverses and your cells become more receptive to insulin. For some people with type 2 diabetes, weight loss is all that's needed to restore blood sugar to normal. A modest weight loss of 10 to 20 pounds is often enough.


If diet, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight aren't enough, you may need medication. Various drugs may be used to treat Type 2 Diabetes.

Glucose monitoring

Keep blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible. Eat healthy, exercise and monitor your blood sugars. Once you learn to measure your blood sugar and understand how important it is, you'll feel more comfortable with the procedure and more in control of your disease.

Testing is crucial because it tells you whether you're keeping your glucose levels in the range you and your doctor have agreed on. The ideal target range before meals is 90 to 130 mg/dL, and below 180 mg/dL two hours after meals.

Follow these guidelines and you will be well on your way to getting and keeping control of diabetes.

To get more valuable information on diabetes, home security, or self defense products click on the links below.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
We can easily get rid of diabetes by following a balanced diet. The importance of healthy diet is very essential to control the blood sugar level in our body. We mostly see obese people suffering from this problem. The excess fats in their body causes this ailment and in order to prevent themselves from this disease. They should go for diabetic cure which includes shedding those extra pounds of weight . It can be only possible with a proper food intake and a regular exercise. Reducing extra pounds from body can be the effective tips to cure diabetes without injecting Insulin.

Regular exercise will keep high metabolism in their body hence they will lose lots of calories. Eating low fat diet will keep them healthy and sugar free can be one of the best diabetic cure.

There are three types of diabetes. They are Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational. Among them, the most common form is type 2. Surveys say that around 95 percent people in US suffers from this disease. It's very common due to excess intake of junk food and their irregular habits. Avoiding junk food can be the best diabetic cure. There are numerous effective tips to cure diabetes without injecting insulin.

Tips To Cure Diabetes Naturally Without Injecting Insulin

. Exercise and diet is the best tips to cure diabetes without injecting Insulin. The change in your lifestyle for good can help you a lot as it can prove to be the best diabetic cure. A diabetic should usually take 1500-1800 calories in order to lose weight and maintain the sugar level in the body. The dynamics of carbohydrates counting plays a vital role in controlling the blood sugar level. It can prove to be the best tips to treat diabetes.

. One should eat lots of green vegetables and fruits as they contain high fibers, which helps in the reduction of glucose level from the body. One should totally avoid red meat from their diet.It can be the best tips to help diabetes naturally. Injecting insulin is not a safe diabetic cure as it can lead to certain side effects in the body.

. It is always advisable to make a diet list according to calories from a doctor or a dietitian. It will make your work much easier. You can have fishes, soy and poultry meat. While in fruits, you can have apples, which can be considered as best diabetic treatment .These can be the best tips to diabetes naturally without injecting insulin.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetic Neuropathy is damage to nerves caused by the prolonged effect of high sugar levels in the blood. High blood sugar is a consequence of having diabetes. Diabetics strive to manage their blood sugar levels by eating a healthy diet, exercising (and injecting insulin in some cases). It is believed that keeping blood sugar levels low or at least constant is the best way to manage diabetes and prevent further complications occurring. This article will outline the various types of neuropathy, why it is important to treat them and how they are treated.

Diabetic neuropathy can affect any nerve or system of nerves in the body and has be sub-classified by the parts of the body that they affect. The four types are :

Peripheral - that affects the extremities of the body, notably the feet.

Autonomic - that affects the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for the automatic processes that go on in the body. They manifest in the stomach generally.

Proximal - the areas affects are the hips, thighs and buttocks.

Focal - a focused group of nerves in any region of the body. This is characterized by sudden 'flare ups' of irritation or pain in a specific part of the body. They are as likely to 'flare down' or dissipate with treatment as they are to 'flare up'.

The most common form of neuropathy is peripheral neuropathy. It generally affects the feet but can move into the legs. It is also known to affect the hands and arms but is less common. The most obvious signs of peripheral neuropathy are numbness or tingling in the feet. As the nerves become more damaged the loss of feeling in the feet increases. This insensitivity is exacerbated because the feet of diabetics are prone to cuts and bruises. Without the sensation of pain that might accompany a cut the cut can be left untreated and fester. This can lead to gangrene and infection. In some cases people have had to have feet amputated.

This is why treatment and prevention are important for diabetic neuropathy.

Treatment of diabetic neuropathy is problematic because the symptoms can affect any part of the body. Therefore the treatment of neuropathy focuses on dealing with the immediate symptoms and then working on preventing the neuropathy from worsening.

The immediate symptoms may be any form of pain or irritation in the feet, for example. A pain killing medicine might be prescribed, a cream might be administered to the area most affected or a therapeutic course of action like acupuncture, might be followed.

In conjunction with this treatment of the immediate problem, a long term prevention strategy will be advised. Long term prevention means keeping the blood sugar level low or within a target range that is recommended by your doctor. The best way to do this would be to devise and stick to a diabetic diet, exercise regularly and take insulin replacement therapy to control the blood sugar levels before or after eating. This will require a fair amount of discipline from the diabetic but the complications of diabetic neuropathy will be far worse over time if allowed to worsen.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Have we entered a new age? What does that mean? In the past if I had some ailment I would look to get rid of the problem as quick as possible. And usually take some drug to alleviate the pain or issue. Maybe you chose this route like I did.

I am still looking to get rid of my illness as quick as possible BUT, I look for some alternative to drugs. It is the same for me with diabetes. I have had high blood sugar. Through the use of a diabetes natural treatment I was able to decrease both my blood sugar level and my hemoglobin A1C. For me this is the only way to go.

Here is your diabetes natural treatments herbs list.

Asian ginseng

Asian ginseng is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine as a natural treatment for diabetes. It has been shown to enhance the release of insulin from the pancreas and to increase the number of insulin receptors. It also has a direct blood sugar-lowering effect. A recent study found that 200 mg of ginseng extract per day improved blood sugar control as well as energy levels in Type 2 diabetes (NIDDM).

Pterocarpus Marsupium - (This sounds like a possum's name)

The tree is the source of the Kino of the European pharmacopeas. The gum-resin looks like dried blood (Dragon's blood) (how appetizing). This is a often used in India as a diabetes natural treatment. The flavonoid, (-)-epicatechin, extracted from the bark of this plant has been shown to prevent alloxan-induced beta cell damage in rats. Both epicatechin and a crude alcohol extract of Pterocarpus marsupium have actually been shown to regenerate functional pancreatic beta cells. No other drug or natural agent has been shown to make this activity.

Gymnema Sylvestre

Gymnema assists the pancreas in the production of insulin in Type 2 diabetes. Making this herb an effective diabetes natural treatment. Gymnema also improves the ability of insulin to lower blood sugar in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. It decreases cravings for sweet. This herb can be an excellent substitute for oral blood sugar-lowering drugs in Type 2 diabetes. Some people take 500 mg per day of gymnema extract.


Experimental and clinical studies have demonstrated the antidiabetic properties of fenugreek seeds. The active ingredient responsible for the antidiabetic properties of fenugreek is in the defatted portion of the seed that comprise the alkaloid trogonelline, nicotinic acid and coumarin.

Two good friends to have - Onion and Garlic

Here are two easy to find diabetes natural treatments. Go check out the pantry. These two bulbs have been effective as having blood sugar lowering action.

The effects were alike in both raw and boiled onion extracts. Onions affect the hepatic metabolism of glucose and/or boost the release of insulin, and/or stop insulin's destruction.

Onion extract was found to diminish blood sugar levels throughout oral and intravenous glucose tolerance. The more onion extract used the better the results. There were also beneficial effects observed even for low levels used in the diet (eg., 25 to 200 grams). Raw or boiled onion made no difference in the results. Onions affect the hepatic metabolism of glucose and/or increase the release of insulin. This may also ward off insulin's destruction.

The bonus you receive from the use of garlic and onions are their beneficial cardiovascular effects. They are found to lower lipid levels, inhibit platelet aggregation and are antihypertensive. So, liberal use of onion and garlic are recommended for diabetic patients. Two great diabetes natural treatments.

Just be careful not to get too close to people when using these foods.

Blueberry leaves

Blueberry anthocyanosides increases capillary reliability, inhibits free-radical damage and enhances the quality of the vascular system. In Europe, it is used as an anti-haemorrhagic agent in the handling of eye diseases including diabetic retinopathy. I heard for a long time how good blueberries are. As a diabetes natural treatment makes all the sense in the world to me.

A mixture of the leaves of the blueberry has a long history of folk use in the treatment of diabetes. The compound myrtillin is apparently the most active ingredient. Upon injection it is somewhat weaker than insulin, but is less toxic, even at 50 times the 1 g per day therapeutic dose. Lasting weeks, one dosage has proven to be an effective diabetes natural treatment.


Bilberry may lower the risk of some diabetic complications, such as diabetic cataracts and retinopathy.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba extract may prove useful for prevention and treatment of early-stage diabetic neuropathy.

Cinnamon - Triples insulin's efficiency

The benefits of using diabetes natural treatments compared to using drugs are many. Two are; that they are safer to use, and get to the problem without the side effects that quite often accompany medications. You may have to experiment with these alternative remedies to find the one that is best for you. Be responsible with your care.

You have been given a list of at least seven diabetes natural treatments. I have had success using some of these herbs. Hopefully you will as well.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The raw food diet and a special kind of macrobiotic diet are just two ways to reverse diabetes. Though results are not assured because each case is different. Reason being that individual variables are many as overall health condition, allergies, capacity to metabolize certain nutrients and stress level plays a significant part. These below techniques apply mainly to Type 2 diabetes. This can as well be beneficial to diabetes Type 1 sufferers. All these approaches are to your general health and immune system too.

There Are Some Steps to Naturally Diabetes Reversing

* Number one step is to consult your doctor before making any change to your diet or any medications.

* The second step is to eat low-glycemic, organic, vegan, live raw foods. You have to choose foods that are grown in a hale and hearty way, with the least amount of chemicals. Meaning you should eat directly from nature. Also drink green juices of your liking, which are low-glycemic and full of nutrients to boost your immune system.

* The third step is to stay away from alcohol, refined foods, fast food, dairy, meat, caffeine, junk food, candy and sugar. Diabetic's body need not to process complex fats and chemically unhealthy products and substances.

* The four step is to eat three meals and two/three snacks every day to keep up your metabolism.

You can make use of your juicer to make leafy green, apple and ginger juices to snack on and clean your system. Again choose your raw food combinations to make your juices keep up low-glycemic content.

* The fifth step is to exercise on a daily basis for 30-60 minutes, if possible cardiovascular activities, like walking or running.

Another Steps to Reverse Diabetes With Macrobiotic Diet for Diabetic

* Number one step: The dissimilarity between this kind of diabetic diet and the other diet is that foods here are, for the most part, cooked. In addition, the macrobiotic diet is based on the yin/yang principles applied to food and need some basic knowledge to get significant results.

* The second step is to choose healthy, unrefined, organic, whole foods. Prepare them and combine them in line with the macrobiotic guidelines.

A pressure cooker can be used to cook grains and beans to the correct degree while maintaining their strongest nutritional effect. Each type of grain, bean and vegetable should be cooked in line with the macrobiotic guidelines.

* The third step is to stay away from shellfish, all dairy foods, all animal food including red meat and red meat fish, all sweet foods and drinks, tomatoes, vinegar, fruit, melon potatoes, eggplants and all mushrooms.

* The number four step is that your every day nutrition must be low in fat and have protein and simple carbohydrates. Your main foods should contain brown rice (short, medium or long grain), millet, buckwheat, and combinations of rice/millet/buckwheat, sweet brown rice, azuki beans and rice and gomashio (roasted sesame seeds and sea salt, in a 3-to-1 or 5-to-1 proportion). Numerous side dishes are available, like shio kombu (seaweed), tekka miso, kabucha and other winter squash, and miso pickles.

* The fifth step: A specific edition of the macrobiotic diet is designed to have a stronger effect in the reversal of diabetes.

Diabetics should eat is brown rice only with 100 grams of potimarron (kombucha squash)and 50 grams of azuki beans on a daily basis. You may make use of your pressure cooker for best results.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
What is diabetes? Why do we need to slash down our sugar intake?

People don't have any choice but to quit their in-taking of sweets because their health is at risk. Having a diabetes condition makes a person's sugar level rise due to a a insulin deficiency or a insulin malfunction. People giving up sugar is not impart of their free will, it's because they need to give sugar up for health reasons. Diabetes is not a simple disease that can be treated immediately. That why doctors advise diabetics to avoid sugar-rich foods to prevent unhelpful reactions.

Types of Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes treatments will not significantly impair normal activities, if sufficient patient training, awareness, appropriate care, discipline in testing and dosing of insulin is taken. Type-1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes since its affect majority of the diabetic children. Insulin may be given by injections using a syringe, insulin pump, or insulin pen. Gum disease and loss of teeth can also be a result of improper diabetes treatment. At this point, insulin therapy is necessary to maintain normal or near normal glucose levels.

Diabetes Treatment

For type 2 diabetes, start by eating healthy foods, include physical activity in your daily routine and maintain a healthy weight. Always stay healthy be eating foods in moderation. Stay at a healthy weight and maintain a good body weight. With proper treatment, people who have type 1 diabetes can expect to live longer and healthier lives.

Alternative Diabetes Cures Through the Herbal Way

Marine Phytoplankton may also help to bring back the functionality of our cells by making tissues that has the ability to detoxify the lane through the intestines, kidneys, skin and liver. Diabetes may be treated with medical treatments and with alternative diabetes cures. Failing to include physical activities into our schedule, is why most people have severe health problems or will soon have health related problems in the future. Studies have also proven that marine phytoplankton may enhance our immune system and may lessen the effect of the damage the disease could give the patient. Diabetes hinders our body's process of in-taking foods that we need to converted into energy. Once glucose is being passed thorough our bloodstream, it needs insulin in order to let the glucose to be injected into our cells. Carbohydrates can be found in foods like pasta, rice, cereals, bread and potatoes.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes mellitus, sugar diabetes is a complex and common disease. The feline diabetes is affecting the cats in an alarming rate. The feline diabetes mellitus is incapable to produce insulin towards balancing blood sugar or glucose levels. If it is not treated timely, it leads to weight loss, loss of appetite, vomiting, dehydration, severe depression, and functional complications, and it leads to coma and death. The disease affects one in four hundred cats. Symptoms are similar to humans. The disease occurrence rate of cats is less than dogs.

The symptoms of feline diabetes are -

1. Excessive thirst is the first feline diabetes symptom
2. Intensified appetite or least appetite
3. Increased urination
4. Commencement of the disease within a few weeks
5. Weaker back legs
6. Peripheral neuropathy
7. Glucose in the urine, showing by keto or glucose strips, ketones in the urine showing an emergency by strip
8. Apparent fragility
9. Thickening skin
10. Acute symptoms of lethargy
11. Limpness
12. Acetone-smelling breath

The diets of feline diabetes are given below -

The diet of feline diabetes can be based on two assumptions. It is a high protein along with low carbohydrate diet, or it can be a diet of high carbohydrate, low fat with high fiber.

These both diets are designed to lower weight, and to control blood sugar levels. The responsiveness of each cat is to be different based on application of diet plan.

Protein and fats replace the low-carb diet. If the cats suffer from kidney, liver or bowel diseases, the higher-protein diet would not be suitable. Considering the health condition of cats, you choose the diet. The canned foods for cat, Purina DM can be in this category.

It can be high-carb, high-fiber. The added soluble fiber, psyllium reduces the intensification of conversion rates for starch to glucose, and it helps the glucose levels control. Not for gaining weight, it is for the losing weight. The foods in these categories are Hill's W/D, Hills R/D and Purina OM. Determine the best diet. You monitor the signs of high blood sugar, excessive thirst or urination, and check ketones with strips.

The treatment of feline diabetes are given below

Eighty to ninety five Feline diabetes affected cats are similar to type 2 diabetes. Symptoms are diagnosed. Studies reveal these cats are severely insulin dependent. The prompt effective treatment can perhaps cure cats of type 2 diabetes.

However, it increases the weakness of the legs, malnutrition, ketoacidosis, dehydration and death of the cats. The treatment contains insulin injections once or twice daily, diet and oral medication. Initially, the veterinarian is to check and recheck the symptoms, signs and prepare the treatment schedule. The veterinarian is to select the dose of insulin. Excessive insulin can cause the death of cats.

To sum up, the basic remedies in this instance can be -

1. Insulin therapy
2. Oral medication in place of insulin
3. Test of blood and urine tests
4. Physical examinations
5. Behavioral signals establishing insulin therapy
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There is no cure or any specific treatment for diabetes. The best thing that you can do is to control it. Complications and severe attacks caused by the disease can be prevented with proper management of medications and diet programs. Before talking about glucose treatment and what its benefits are, it is best to know all the other treatments available for the treatment of diabetics.

Many studies and research have been done to study the effects of the disease in an attempt to totally eradicate it. The closest one can get to being free from this illness is to undergo a pancreatic transplant but this is a last resort measure as diabetes can be controlled effectively.

There is a vast range of diabetes pills on the market today. Examples are: Sulfonylureas (which helps in stimulating your pancreas to create insulin); Biguanides (which decreases the glucose that is produced by your liver); Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (these slow down starch absorption); Thiazolidinediones (this medicine helps you become more receptive to insulin); Meglitinides (much like the Sulfonylureas, they can stimulate the creation of insulin by your pancreas); D-phenylalanine derivatives (these do not only stimulate but hasten the creation of insulin by the pancreas); Combination Oral Medicines (this simply means you put together varying types of pills for better results).

Now there's glucose treatment. Glucose, to begin with, is a monosaccharide that can also be used to control blood sugar levels. This is an over-the-counter product that can be used by anyone, even pregnant or lactating women. This can be bought in gel or chewable tablet form. Oral glucose treatment has short-term effects. Upon an attack, it can help in stabilizing the patient. However, there is a form of glucose treatment that can produce long-term effects.

The latest study for the treatment of diabetes is the so-called glucose treatment, sometimes called glucose therapy. The goal of this study is to know whether neonatal infusion of glucose would have a positive influence on patients. Glucose treatment was primarily tested among lab rats to see if it could help alleviate the effects of diabetes.

The initial tests done with the lab rats showed promising results. First, there were thirty-nine rats that had to undergo this experiment. Nineteen of these rats were male and the rest (20) were all females. This group served as the experimental group. The objective was, for the rats' first six days of life, they would be injected twice in a day with 8 grams of glucose/kilogram BW/day. There was also a second group of rats that served as the control group (20 male rats and 16 female rats). They, unlike the first group, remained untreated.

The result? After the 6 experimental days, 16% of the treated males became diabetics as compared to the staggering 50% among the ones who were not infused with glucose. As with the females, 50% of the treated females acquired diabetes as compared to the 69% of the untreated batch. With this data, it was concluded that glucose treatment could be very valuable and could help reduce diabetes in humans. And, of course, humans were next to be tested. The scientists wanted to conclude that glucose treatment could also be beneficial to humans.

With the human study, glucose infusion was done, not with injections, but through IV's. One woman was reported to have stated that before the glucose treatments, she spent countless days and months in the hospital. She said that she never had a social life because her disease prevented her from living a normal life.

With this same subject, she reported that there was even a time when she was hospitalized for a total of 30 times within just 3 months! This would definitely drive anyone to try all the types of available treatments there is.

This patient's treatment included having home infusions but she did not mind. When she stuck with her regular glucose treatment, improvement soon became evident. She had an improved disposition and had no more acute attacks. To add to that, she has not been hospitalized since she underwent the glucose treatment! It was, for her, a chance for a new life.

Diabetes and glucose treatment is nothing but good news to all diabetics. Maybe this is the beginning of an era where diabetes is no longer untreatable.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Does your doctor recommend natural remedies for diabetes?

The truth is that your doctor doesn't know about this remedy for the reason that most of them basically don't have time to keep up on natural solutions. In fact only about 20% of universities even teach classes on nutrition; they simply can't tell you what they do not know.

Let's assume that they know it but from a business perspective it is just not in their best interest to let it known to you. Prescription of drugs and performing surgery is the lifeblood of their occupation. They only make money if you accept traditional medical treatments. They depend on your returning as a customer repeatedly. Who doesn't want his customers or clients to be coming back to him/her again and again. I can't reform all of health care nowadays, but I can share with you a simple, safe, proven natural remedy breakthrough and answer for your own diabetes.

There is a cure for type 2 diabetes and I can show you how to beat it.

Do you know that millions of people from all walks of life struggle with Type 2 Diabetes? The long term health effects of being diabetic can be disturbing. Reversing and finding a way of how to cure Type 2 diabetes should be a your main concern and should be now. It is very possible to do so.

The victims of type 2 diabetes can counteract the progression of diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and by enhancing glucose metabolism. The victims can stop the complications that accompany diabetes. So the cure for type 2 diabetes is found through the combination of the following:

*Diet: You have to ensure that your carbohydrates come from whole grains, dark green and brightly colored vegetables. You have to read the label and make sure that you consume poly and mono unsaturated fats, the more mono-unsaturated the better.

There is need to limit your consumption of saturated fats, animal products such as cheese, whole milk, cream, fatty meats, ice cream, butter and oils. It is so because saturated fats will clog your arteries. Furthermore try to limit your consumption of Trans fats for the reason that they are not good for you. Trans fats are found in commercially baked foods, processed foods, fried food and margarine.

*Exercise: People who have a tendency to develop type 2 diabetes are normally obese. For that reason, 30-40 minutes a day of light to moderate exercise combined with healthy diet is the first step in concurring diabetes.

*Nutritional Supplements: Lots of nutrients have been shown to raise insulin sensitivity, shield vulnerable cell membranes and decrease the damaging effects of high glucose. Ideally, a combination of improved diet, nutritional supplements and exercise can reverse mild to reasonable hyperglycemia before stronger drugs are required and permanent damage is done and cure type 2 diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent type of diabetes, and is accountable for over 80% of diabetes cases world wide.

It is commonly found in adults but sadly nowadays, many adolescents are developing this type due to an intake of excess food and a sedentary lifestyle with little or no exercise.

How should it be treated? How should it be handled?

The first step is that a diabetic must always be conscious of his blood sugar levels. A sufferer must check his blood sugar levels regularly to ensure it does not rise and when it does rises, takes effective steps to bring it down to tolerable levels.

The next step is to curtail food intake. Basically, diabetes is caused when the body over a period of time takes in more calories than it can handle. This impairs the pancreas and leads to insulin resistance. And since insulin breaks down the body's sugar, an excess of sugar accumulates in the body.

Since carbohydrates are the major source of sugars(glucose) in the body, it is recommended that carbohydrates account for between 40-60% of the their daily intake of food of a diabetic. With a reduction in the intake of carbohydrates will come reduction in the quantity of sugar available in the blood system.

One must also reduce the intake of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats as this can negate the effect of the lower carbohydrate intake. The two fats can be substituted with saturated fats.

Diet should be kept to a regimen of 1,500 - 1,800 calories a day of food. Variables exist in the calorie intake due to factors such as height, sex drive, age and other issues of the concerned persons. What matters is that the diabetic controls his or her food intake for the purpose of managing the blood sugar levels.

The next step is exercise. Exercise to me is the most important.

Exercise has the ability to not only burn off the excess body fat but most importantly has the natural ability to cut down the food intake of the sufferer by reducing the appetite for food.

So what kinds of exercises are best for a diabetic?

It has been found out that a an exercise that is a mix of aerobic and resistance training had the best results on glycemic levels. Though aerobics and resistance training can be conducted separately, the best results were gotten when they were combined.

The amount of exercise needed is not extreme but has to be consistent. For most people, exercise starts off with a little of fanfare and after a while, interest dims and the exercise regime stops. Consistency in the exercise regimen is the key here to reducing the weight and therefore glycemic levels.

The truth about diabetes is that once the weight is well controlled, the level of sugar in the blood drops to tolerable levels.

Most sufferers must see to it that they develop a healthy exercise regime which they adhere to so as to bring their glycemic levels down and also reduce their appetite for foods.

Even a brisk 45minutes walk everyday or taking the stairs rather than the lifts can make a remarkable difference.

It is common to prescribe drugs for diabetes treatment. Type 2 however responds very well to exercise and a sensible diet.

If however the above regimen does not appeal to you, perhaps you find it too tasking or unappealing, it is advised you follow a drug regimen.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Times were when being diagnosed as having diabetes was the end of the world though today, however with great advances in technology and medical science there's less reason to be worried as there are a variety of different diabetes treatments to look after the issue including taking medicines while it's also feasible to do without them. However, after you are diagnosed as having diabetes you must straight away talk to a physician who will then prescribe the best diabetes treatment for your personal case.

Though it is feasible to take diabetes treatment without turning to medicines and injections, the final straw would be the sort of diabetes that affects you and its causes as well as your present state of being. Among the other diabetes treatments that you need to think about using is performing lots of exercise while chalking out a correct diet has additionally proved to be extraordinarily effective.

Since you form certain habits that are a consequence of your diet and exercise program, this is one superb way of improving your diabetes problem as it helps to reduce the chance of complications while also brings blood sugar levels to controllable levels. And, if that is not enough, this sort of diabetes treatment can also help in preventing the illness under certain circumstances.

Diet is a terribly effective diabetes treatment that means changing your way of life to bring raised blood sugar levels down to ordinary, and it'll prevent you from suffering from other complications too. In truth, obesity is among the number one reasons for turning into a diabetic, which needs shedding weight so that it will help you become less of a diabetic, figuratively speaking.

When you factor in diet as your system of diabetes treatment, you may only take a meal which has less of sugar and also the least of saturated fat as is possible and eat more of fibrous content that is much more healthy. Another aspect to diet as your technique of diabetes treatment is being consistent with your diet which needs eating the same quantity of calories in the day that will so not cause any issues with blood sugar and keep it in the standard range too.

But, diet alone may not be adequate as your diabetes treatment, and it's got to be accompanied with correct exercise that will do wonders for your diabetes condition. Actually, you need to make it a point to exercise thrice in a week for approximately twenty minutes for each exercise which should do you well, and jogging and also walking is also advantageous to your contentment.

Other diabetes treatments that you might also think about for your diabetes condition are using medicines or perhaps insulin injections though you should also study your blood sugar at regular intervals so that you can control the dose. The final analysis is you need to take all of these needed steps to guarantee that your diabetes treatment provides you with maximum benefits.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
If you are looking for a diabetes home remedy, you are not alone! Almost 200 million people suffer from this disease worldwide and many of them do not have access to insulin medication. Fortunately, natural health research is now showing that you do not have to take diabetes insulin the rest of your life. You can actually cure your disease with a diabetes home remedy.

In this article, you will learn how to cure diabetes with your diet, lifestyle, herbs, and supplementation.

Why Cure Diabetes Naturally?

If you are taking insulin for your diabetes, you do not have to take it the rest of your life. That is if you treat it naturally. Unfortunately, many people try to ignore the disease. If diabetes is left untreated, it can lead to cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, blindness and joint problems. In extreme situations, diabetics could lose circulation to the peripheral tissues and amputations may be necessary.

If you haven't already noticed, diabetes is a serious disease. Fortunately, your body is very miraculous and is continually making healthy NEW cells that can eventually accept the insulin (cause of type 2). By the time you finish reading this sentence, your body has made about 60,000 new cells. But are they healthy new cells?

With this in mind, you can use your diet, lifestyle, herbs and supplements to make new healthy cells that are not pre-diabetic! Here is how!

How to Cure Diabetes?

Since type 2 diabetes is a disease that is caused by improper nutrition and poor lifestyle decisions, the diabetes will focus on your diet, supplementation and lifestyle changes. Here are some simple, yet effective tips.

1. Begin your treatment by eating more protein which is available in nuts, lean meats, and seafood. Protein is responsible for repairing the cell membrane. This is essential for a cure.

2. You should reduce your sugar intake and your carbohydrate intake. When carbohydrates enter the body, your body converts them into sugar. Your blood sugar should be counted at least 4 times per day.

3. You should be exercising 30 minutes a day, every day. Try to do something you enjoy so you do not get burned out. Besides losing weight (which will help reverse diabetes), it will also create healthier cells.

4. Keep your blood sugar more constant and consistent by eating more regularly. Humans are grazing creatures like cattle. Therefore, you should try to eat 6 meals a day that are about the size of your fist.

5. Avoid milk, alcohol and all soft drinks. Your main beverage should be water which you should try to get about 16 ounces every 2 hours.

6. Finally, you should also supplement. For instance, vitamins A, C, E and Selenium have been helpful to reverse diabetes in some patients. You should also consider a quality multi-vitamin and amino acid supplement which will aid in rebuilding cells.

Cure Diabetes in Less Than 4 Weeks
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


It is extremely important to be able to recognize the symptoms of adult diabetes. Recognizing the symptoms is important because diabetes can be a life-threatening disease if not properly treated. Approximately 17 million people in the United States suffer from adult diabetes.

Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas, and it's function is to regulate blood sugar levels. When high levels of sugar in the blood exist, it can cause the first symptoms of diabetes. Diabetes can be caused by not having enough insulin in the body, or by the body not being able to use insulin, or both.

There are three primary types of diabetes:

Type 1 Diabetes is most often diagnosed during childhood. The body will produce only small amounts of insulin or no insulin at all, causing daily insulin injections to be needed.

Type 2 Diabetes makes up approximately 9 out of 10 cases of diabetes, most often occurring in adults. The pancreas does not produce enough insulin to maintain normal blood sugar levels, usually because the body does not properly utilize the insulin produced naturally. Type 2 Diabetes is becoming more common in today's world with the increasing obesity rates, lack of exercise, and other bad habits practiced by many people.

Gestational Diabetes is when a woman who does not have diabetes develops high blood sugar levels during pregnancy.

The most common symptoms of adult Type 2 diabetes are blurred vision, fatigue, increased thirst and appetite, male impotence, slow healing wounds, and urinating more frequently.

If you have any of these symptoms and are not sure if you have diabetes or not, the best way to find out is to do what's known as a "fasting blood sugar test" and if it shows your blood sugar (glucose) level to be higher than 126 mg/dL on two separate tests, then you most likely have diabetes. If the blood sugar levels are between 100 and 126 mg/dL on two separate tests, then the condition is often called pre-diabetes and should be considered a high risk for developing Type 2 diabetes.

So what should a person do to stabilize blood sugar levels and keep diabetes under control? Well, there is no cure for diabetes, so the primary goal is to control your blood glucose levels and watch for symptoms so you can eliminate them by taking the proper steps. The main objective is to get rid of the symptoms, give you a longer life and prevent long-term health risks that come from diabetes such as kidney failure and heart disease.

A person suffering with adult diabetes or the symptoms of diabetes should discuss the condition with their doctor and maintain close contact with the doctor for help in keeping blood glucose levels within a safe range. The more you know about how to recognize symptoms of adult diabetes and the trouble they can cause, as well as how to treat the symptoms, then you can take control and make adjustments to your lifestyle that will improve your health and longevity. Some diabetes sufferers have even been able to control their condition simply with exercise, improved diet and weight management instead of having to take medication.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea are two conditions that are hard to live with. And the worst part is that you can be a type 2 diabetic and have obstructive sleep apnea, both without knowing it.

If you have type 2 diabetes you are in a state of insulin resistance. There is no known cure for it. Diabetes and sleep apnea have this in common.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Silent Killer

One third of men with type 2 diabetes also have this sleep disorder. In men older than 60 the number becomes almost two thirds. Among women the number is less, about one half.

If you snore at night and you are observed to stop breathing and then gasp for air or cough, that is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) at work. There are several things going on in your throat to cause the obstruction.

Relaxed throat muscles, a larger or longer uvula (the thing that dangles at the back of your throat), a large tongue that falls back into your throat as you sleep, these are problems that go along with obstructive sleep apnea.

Your condition can be mild, moderate or severe based on those things as well as on fat deposits in your neck. The more fat you have stored around your abdomen, the worse the sleep disorder is likely to be.

Because you can have sleep apnea without knowing it, the problem will continue for years untreated. That is why it is a silent killer. Going for seconds and even minutes without breathing at night puts stress on your heart.

High blood pressure that does not respond to medication, strokes, and increased insulin resistance are some of the things that can happen. And insulin resistance is what links diabetes and sleep apnea.

Obstructive sleep apneic events waken you over and over, sometimes hundreds of times a night, and the deep sleep you need isn't happening. This is especially true if your condition is moderate to severe.

Sleepiness through the day at work and while driving has led to accidents both on the job and while driving. So dying in an accident and dying at night because they did not wake up during an apneic event are two of the worst consequences of OSA.

What Are the Chances You Have Diabetes and Sleep Apnea?

Of the type 2 diabetics tested in one research study, 36% had OSA and did not know it. That's over a third. That means all of those people may have had unexplained fatigue, depression and reduced insulin sensitivity.

They probably blamed it on their type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea was the real cause. The strange thing researchers have discovered is that being more or less overweight does not affect your risk of having the sleep disorder.

When type 1 diabetic children were tested for sleep apnea, it was found in one-third of them as well. And they had it no matter what they weighed. Type 1 diabetics suffer from the complications of fatigue and depression from lighter sleep as well as higher blood sugars, just like type 2 diabetics do.

What You Can Do About It

One doctor said treating obstructive sleep apnea would do more for a diabetic than any other treatment to improve blood sugar levels. The reason? Treating OSA lowers insulin resistance and the stress levels that are causing blood sugar to rise and be difficult to control.

People who are treated successfully for OSA get better blood pressure control, better blood sugar readings, and the fatigue and depression from lack of deep sleep are gone as well. Treating diabetes and sleep apnea together helps both.

For mild to moderate symptoms of OSA, tongue and soft palate exercises can help. The tongue exercises are things like trying to touch your chin with your tongue, and wagging it from side to side as far as you can.

For the soft palate you can try gargling as loud as you can using warm water. If these things sound silly to you, they come straight from the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Other things you can try involve your sleep position. You need to avoid sleeping on your back. If that is hard for you, make a pocket in the back of your pajamas and put a tennis ball in it so you won't want to roll over on your back. Or use pillows to prop yourself on your side.

Losing weight can help too. Don't drink alcohol at night or take drugs that relax your muscles. And stop smoking. These things have been shown to help mild sleep apnea.

But if you have severe OSA you will probably do best with a CPAP. It's a continuous positive airway pressure machine, usually about the size of a small humidifier with a tube leading to a mask you have to wear.

It delivers pressured air that blows into your nose and/or mouth. This actually stops most snoring and apnea events. The level of pressure is adjusted to fit your needs based on testing a sleep doctor does.

The CPAP has some downsides. It takes time to get used to sleeping with it, and finding the proper fitting mask for your face can be hard. And the blowing air causes stuffy nose and headaches, though using an attached humidifier can help. The contraption can irritate your face too.

But the biggest problem is the cost. Sleep doctors use expensive equipment and guages for oxygen levels and measuring your time at different stages of sleep. Then special machines tell them what air pressure you will need after they have counted your apnea attacks and decided you need CPAP.

The test takes all night, but it is necessary to document moderate to severe sleep apnea before insurance will pay for it. There are machines that will test in your own home, but they are still new, and often you'll need confirmation and adjustment in a doctor's office.

But the results of this treatment for diabetes and sleep apnea are well documented. CPAP does improve and even end OSA as long as it is being used. It doesn't cure sleep apnea though, so you will have to continue to use the machine.

Sometimes weight loss and lifestyle changes can stop the symptoms of diabetes and sleep apnea as well. And sometimes surgery helps, but the results of throat and tongue surgery are often disappointing.

The clamps, jaw braces and other things that are supposed to keep your airway open at night, as well as jaw surgeries, can be a waste of money. They often just don't work.

Finding Out Is the First Step

Finding out if you have diabetes and sleep apnea together is the best starting point. If you notice fatigue, lack of energy, sleepiness during the day, and if you snore and others say you stop breathing at night, it's sleep apnea.

Diabetes and sleep apnea will plague you whether you know about them or not, and lifestyle changes with a good diet, exercise and treatment of sleep apnea are going to improve your quality of life. Who knows? You might be able to take less insulin and other medications.

Anything that makes your type 2 diabetic condition easier to treat is a plus. That's why discovering diabetes and sleep apnea, and their connection to insulin resistance, is important.

It may give you a better chance to do the things you care about and live to see the fruits of your dreams. It's what I'm hoping for all of us.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetics today have a choice in treatment of diabetes. These treatments include the conventional treatments in addition to complementary and alternative treatments.

Natural treatments for diabetes are those that are not classified as the standard Western medical practice. These treatments fall into the complementary and alternative medicine categories. These two are made up of everything from diet and exercise to mental conditioning and lifestyle changes. Examples include acupuncture, guided imagery, chiropractic treatments, yoga, hypnosis, biofeedback, aromatherapy, relaxation, herbal remedies, massage, and many others.

Partaking in dietary changes and exercise as a form of natural treatments for blood glucose management, can help many people avoid the long-term complications associated with diabetes. Here are a few things to incorporate into you lifestyle:

o Use a diabetes meal plan. This may be obtain from your healthcare provider.

o Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, fish, lean meats, chicken or turkey without the skin, dry peas or   beans, whole grains, and low-fat or skim milk and cheese.

o Keep protein to about 3 ounces (or the size of a deck of cards). Bake, broil, or grill it.

o Decrease your fat and salt intake look for foods that are low in fat and salt.

o Increase your fiber eat foods such as whole grains cereals, breads, crackers, rice, or pasta.

o Get 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week. Brisk walking is a great way to move more.

o Get to and stay at a healthy weight by using your meal plan and moving more.

o Ask for help if you feel down. A mental health counselor, support group, member of the clergy, friend, or family member who will listen to your concerns may help you feel better.

o Manage your stress level. Being stressed can raise your blood glucose. There will always be stress in life, look for ways to handle it better.

o Stop smoking. If you have been unsuccessful, seek help from your healthcare provider.

o Take medicines even when you feel good. Ask your doctor if you need aspirin to prevent a heart attack or stroke. Tell your doctor if you cannot afford your medicines or if you have any  side effects.

o Daily foot care check your feet for cuts, blisters, red spots, and swelling. Call your health care team immediately about any sores that do not go away.

o Oral hygiene brush and floss your teeth every day to avoid problems with your mouth, teeth, or gums

o Check your blood glucose. Test your blood sugar as directed by your healthcare provider. Take any recordings to your doctor visits.

o Check your blood pressure if your doctor advises.

o Report any changes in your eyesight to your doctor.

Many people are also turning to natural remedies to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Below are some of the natural remedies that are having a tremendous impact not only with aiding in glucose management, but also with other complications diabetics are often faced with.

Pycnogenol®: This natural super-antioxidant, has been shown to help lower elevated blood glucose levels and improve cardiovascular health.

Madeglucyl(TM) (Eugenia Jambolana): Specifically developed to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, this patented product has been proven effective in pharmacological and clinical trials.

Silbinol® (Pterocarpus Marsupium Extract): Silbinol concen- trates the Indian kino tree's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to help manage both blood sugar and cholesterol.

Glucohelp(TM): This patented banaba tree extract contains a high percentage of corosolic acid, which has been shown to support healthy glucose metabolism.

Salacia Extract: Research has indicated that consuming sala¬cia extract on a daily basis can be effective in lowering blood glucose, serum cholesterol, triglycerides and increasing HDL (the "good" cholesterol) levels.

Omega 3 Fish Oils: The Omega 3 Fish Oils have many health benefits, in addition to those for the brain, joints and throughout the body. Omega 3 fish oils also help promote cardiovascular health and maintain optimum blood pressure and cholesterol levels, common challenges for individuals with elevated blood sugar.

There is no doubt that in today's market people are seeking both natural and alternative treatments for their diabetes and diabetes related conditions. However, there are many choices being marketed, thus choosing the right one isn't an easy process.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes is a wide spread chronic disease of which 80-90% are Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. Beta Cells of the Pancreas Glands is responsible for Insulin which is essential for proper utilisation of carbohydrates. If insulin is absent, the carbohydrates is not utilised and these appear in the blood in the form of Glucose. Main problem with Diabetes is that it is very difficult to diagnose in the early stages. The main symptoms are: excessive urine formation & frequent urination, burning of palms and soles, increased hunger, excessive thirst, sweet taste to mouth, weight loss, blurry vision, wounds that take time to heal, skin Infections, unexplained extreme fatigue etc. Poorly managed diabetes can lead to Heart attacks, Strokes, Blindness, Nerve damage, Impotence etc.

Drugs, Insulin injections and all other Medicines available for diabetes can only control the level of sugar in blood stream and may not be effective at all times. And also it should be consumed throughout your life time.

According to Ayurveda, diabetes is not just lack of insulin. Its most probable cause is poor maintenance of your body which can be improved through Panchakarma treatments like hebal purge for the liver, pancreas, spleen, colon and the digestive tract and herbal massages, modification of diet and exercise, Yoga and breathing exercise.

Treatments Methods for Diabetes

After the diagnosis, the doctor sets out to treat the patient in a very systematic manner. This would include a set of appropriate Panchakarma treatments and Rasayana therapies .

The Panchakarma Treatments are meant to flush out the toxins, They are classified as pre-purification, main purification and post purification phases and include various types of therapies like oil massages, fermented liquid massages, medicinal enemas, herbal purification methods.

The Rasayana Therapies are meant to nourish the body, to bring the doshas back to balance and to regenerate the body.These comprise diet regulations, daily regimens, intake of oral medicines and ayurveda tonics, yoga and a stress free life. After the treatment the ayurveda doctors will advise you how to lead a healthy life. The benefits and results of the treatment are shown only after the Rasyana Treatment is over and doctors advise is strictly followed. The results will manifest itself normally after 3 to 4 weeks as the body takes time to regenerate itself.

Panchakarma for Diabetes

Pre-purification therapies are the first ones applied to loosen the toxins, open up the circulation channels and get the body ready for discarding these wastes. These methods are highly relaxing for the body and mind. The commonly adopted pre-purification therapies for Diabetes are Snehapanam, thalapothichil and thakradhara.

Snehapanam: Medicated ghee, eaten in empty stomach, for its first hand therapeutic value, is called Snehapanam. The treatment involves the removal of hard-core toxins and wastes from the body. Snehapanam is one of the excellent preparatory methods before the main Panchakarma. The ghee lubricates all the channels of the body, including the lymph, and forces out the toxins from them, into the digestive tract. It also calms down the mind and reduces mental stress. As a result, the body immunity increases, the effects of the ailments subside and frequent recurrence of the disease is prevented. It also increases the person's appetite level and accelerates peristaltic movements of the intestine.

The medicated ghee is prepared by processing herbal paste, herbal juice, milk, ghee etc. The herbal paste and juice are selected, based on the disease being treated, from herbs like amaltas,Sarsaparilla,Jaman,Indian Kino Tree, guggul, ginger, neem, onion, chopchini, tribhala, malabar nut, sweet flag, mustard etc. The herb chopchini has powerful anti inflammatory and antibiotic properties and gives the effect of a steroid. Snehapanam, done once a day in empty stomach, is usually continued for 3 to 7 days. The exact duration and type of ghee to be used are decided by the doctors who treat you .

Thalapothichil, In Thalapothichil, the person's scalp is completely applied with high value medicinal pastes. This enables the medicines to penetrate faster into the brain cells. The healing properties of the herbs also calm down the nervous system and rejuvenate the person. To start the treatment, the person sits on a chair, well relaxed. Selected medicinal herbs, thoroughly ground and made into fine paste, is then thickly applied on to his scalp. The head is then covered up with leaves, usually banana leaves, to form a perfect mask. This is done to allow the medicines to stay on and function well. The mask remains on the person's head for almost 40 to 50 minutes giving wonderful relaxation to the mind. The effect of the medicines calms down the nerves, relieves mental tension, increases the person's memory power and improves his sleep pattern. Herbs and fruits such as gooseberry, henna, asparagus, moringa ,guggul, lotus, seeds, sandalwood, nut grass tuber etc. are used in the treatment. They are first moisturized in buttermilk before being grinded to a paste form. The paste thus obtained becomes a rich blend of various cooling agents.

Thakradhara Thakradhara means the profuse pouring of medicine-rich buttermilk on a person's forehead. The treatment induces coolness to the brain, relaxes the mind, reduces mental stress and increases memory power. Thakradhara is a good treatment for diabetes. Thakradhara starts with a mild, full body oil massage to loosen the nerves and muscles. After this, medicated buttermilk is poured on the person's forehead relentlessly for almost an hour. Such continuous out pour of buttermilk, directly on the head, gives wonderful relaxation to the mind and soul. A prolonged treatment for 2-3 weeks not only removes diabetes but also recoups the total mental status of the person. Excellent cooling and therapeutic agents are used in this treatment. The buttermilk is made by boiling milk with assorted herbs. It is then cooled, fermented and cream-removed. The left over buttermilk is the medium used for Thakradhara. The assorted herbs used are gooseberry, sida plant, neem, bark of ficus, nut grass tuber, sandal wood, lotus, etc. Gooseberry and lotus are excellent cooling agents.

Main purification Therapies for Diabetes

This is the phase of elimination of toxins that were loosened at the pre-purification treatment stage. These therapies are highly potential methods and are usually overseen by doctors. The three commonly adopted Panchakarma treatments for Diabetes are Vamanam, Virechanam and Vasti .

Vamanam Induced vomiting, using herbal medicine is called Vamanam. This treatment is effective for diabetes. It is one among the renowned Panchakarma treatments. Through vamanam, the toxins and acids of the upper parts of the body are completely eradicated. As the channels are freed from harmful toxins, the body tissues get recharged. The person's memory power also increases, the sense organs get better clarity and his digestive fire increases. In total, the person gets a powerful revitalized feeling. Vamanam, in addition to treating many diseases, also rejuvenates the person's body and mind. These methods loosen the impurities of the body channels and prepare the body for the main treatment. The person is made to drink sweetened milk stomach full, followed by a single dose of medicinal decoction. In 2 or 3 minutes he vomits, throwing out all the excessive acids, and toxic substances of the body. The medicinal decoction used is made of black Pepper, beetle killer root,Tamarind and Liquorice. Salt and honey are also added to it when consumed.

Virechanam is the intake of oral medicines leading to the elimination of toxins through the anal route. It eliminates excess bile toxins from the mid zone of the body. Virechanam constitutes one of the treatments of Panchakarma. When the digestive tract is clean and toxic-free, it benefits the entire body system. As a result, the person's appetite increases, body strength enhances and the person becomes active and buoyant. Thus virechanam also functions as an excellent rejuvenative procedure. Herbal powder, medicated castor oil, or herbal paste is commonly used as the purgative medicine. Avipathychoornam is the herbal powder generally used for the treatment. It is a mixture of herbs like turpith, embellia fruits, dry ginger,lotus,cardamom, long pepper,konch,sweet flag, cinnamon, etc. The treatment usually begins early in the morning. The person consumes the appropriate herbal medicine in empty stomach. The medicine does a good cleansing of the entire digestive system. And within 1 to 2 hours he empties his bowels, expelling along with it, all the accumulated toxins. The dose of medicines, diet patterns etc. are to be strictly followed as per the doctor's recommendation. Virechanam, using strong medicines, is mostly done only once in a month under the supervision of doctors.

Vasthi is an enema therapy and is considered the ace colon cleaning panchakarma treatment. In this form of treatment special medicines are introduced through the anal route for the evacuation of accumulated toxins and metabolic wastes. It washes out all the toxins in the metabolic system through the digestive tract. It is highly recommended in the treatment of diabetes. As an effective rejuvenating health therapy, vasthi imparts high immunity and longevity, reduces degeneration of tissues, and prevents aging. Dill seeds, bael, honey, rock salt, herbal pastes, oils and decoctions are the main ingredients used in vasthi.

Rasayana Therapies for Diabetes

These are body nourishing therapies to rejuvenate the body and mind after the Panchakarma treatments. They keep the enzymes in the tissue cells in their normal functioning condition, restore and balance the body functions and maintain the overall health and well being of an individual for much longer periods after the Panchakarma course. Rasayana includes oral medicines and diet regulation.

Oral medicines for Diabetes

Oral medicines used for treating diabetes will be extracts of pure medicinal herbs, leaves, spices etc. These are prepared specifically to restore the lost balance and to provide the needed inputs to cure Diabetes.Kashayam and Arishtam - herbal decoctions and fermentationsLehyams - semi solid formulation are commonly prescribed. Some of the herbs and spices used in the preparation of kashayams and lehyams for treating Diabetes include neem, gurmar leaves, karela and vinca rose etc.

Diet regulations for Diabetes

Diet regulation will be suggested for patients suffering from Diabetes during and after the treatment. They should strictly avoid sugar in any form. Apart from this consumption of rice, bananas, potatoes, and sweet fruits should also be avoided. They can however consume a low calorie, low fat and alkaline diet. Seeds of bitter gourd, and fenugreek, Vegetables such as bitter gourd, cucumber, onion, garlic, Fruits such as Indian gooseberry and grape fruits, Grains such as Bengal gram and black gram, Dairy products such as home made cottage cheese, curd, butter milk etc can all be consumed. Besides, consumption of raw vegetables are always advisable. You can find out your type of prakruthi and decide a diet for yourself

Yoga and Life style for Diabetes

Yoga and meditation are always beneficial and have always played a vital part in curing every type of disease. Yoga exercises done every day replenish and re balance the physical and emotional systems that are depleted by the everyday stresses that lie so heavy on our lives. Yoga makes it possible to rest on a strong base of confidence and strength within oneself. Light yoga postures, meditations and breathing exercises are advised. Yoga exercises such as Bhujang Asana,( cobra pose), Shalabah Asana( Locust pose) and Dhanur Asana( Bow pose ) are highly beneficial.

Life Style for Diabetes Patients suffering from Diabetes are advised to take at least one or two weeks of rest after the Panchakarma experience. At this time the body is weak after the purification process and needs time to get back to normalcy. Diabetes patients are advised to avoid sleep during the day. It should be remembered that they should avoid all sorts of injuries as any injury, especially that of the foot may take long time to heal . Proper care must be given to the upkeep of the eyes as the disease in an advanced stage can cause major problems for the eyes. Exercises such as cycling, swimming and jogging are recommended.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Nothing can be so disastrous than being a parent of a diabetic child. If your toddler has been diagnosed with diabetes then no matter it is a hard truth but there are many choices and treatment alternatives that can be adopted for controlling this diabetic condition and ensuring a happy and healthy childhood of your toddler.

First you must make sure that you are not the only hard lucked parent as the number of diabetic toddler is increasing.

There are two main types of diabetes. Generally the toddlers suffer from type 1 disease.

It is also good to seek the help of other parents of diabetic toddlers.

Parents Must Learn About The Disease:

Diabetes is a frightening condition for any one but it is especially alarming for the parents of toddlers. One must not permit the disease to take over the charge of his life. The better is to learn abut the disease as much as possible. It is also important to learn about the potential complications and the symptoms of those complications; this will help to detect the problem the moment it sets in.

Last but not the least is to learn about the ways of taking care of the diabetic toddler. One must know the medications that could be required for controlling the diabetic condition. In most toddlers disease could be controlled by switching to the favorable diet plan.

Monitor Level Of Blood Glucose: Diabetics must monitor the level of blood glucose very often. This is an important task for settling the child who is experiencing problem so you can put a stop on the deadly complications that may arise. Till so far the most reliable method of blood sugar monitoring involves a prick so it is important to make the procedure less painful as much as it is possible.

There are many ways of less painful and reliable testing that are available in the market nowadays.

You can also take the help of the doctor in selecting the best diabetic testing supplies for toddlers.

Develop A strict Eating And Playing Schedule: Schedules are important for the lives of all diabetics including children. It is important to develop a well plan schedule and make sure that your child sticks to it. It is important that diabetic child eats smaller meals frequently throughout the day. As the child grows, think for developing a gaming plan that does not make him feel tired.
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Ways to Treat Diabetes Other Than Medication

Type 2 diabetes has become an epidemic with no end in sight. Conventional treatments for diabetes seem only to stave off the inevitable, leaving a person with complications and a much shortened life span. The most common treatment for diabetes is medication but many of these medications do only a mediocre job of controlling blood sugar and come with complications of their own. For this reason more and more people are searching for type 2 diabetes natural treatment options.

Type 2 diabetes is completely preventable, and can be reversed with plenty of effort from the diabetic. While many diabetics may not wish to put forth this effort for those that do, the prognosis is good. Type 2 diabetes natural treatment options start with diet, there are a number of diets that are said to help and even completely reverse the disease process of diabetes.

There are several diets to try and the one that will work best for you will depend on you and your lifestyle. Low carb diets often claim to be the best diet for your diabetes, but this will depend on how well you can tolerate a low carb diet. For many this solution works, helping them to lose weight and get off their medication. A low glycemic diet is based on eating foods that will not enter your blood stream rapidly, allowing your blood sugar to rise slowly and level off quicker.

Another Type 2 diabetes natural treatment is based more on the nutrients you put in your body rather that those you avoid. Diabetes responds well to a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and fish such as a Mediterranean style diet. The Omega 3 fatty acids in this diet will help keep your blood sugar stable as well as keep your heart healthy.

Other treatments that have been suggested include a vegan diet, a diet that does not include grains, and things such as acupuncture, Chinese medicine and supplements. Whatever type 2 diabetes natural treatment you choose it should work for you to make you healthier overall not just treat the diabetes or your blood sugar. The key to any treatment is to treat the root of the disease rather than the symptoms, and with diabetes that lies in making your whole body healthy.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Many doctors and research call the rise in diabetes cases an epidemic of the world. Constant research is being performed to seek out new persons with diabetes' treatments to control blood sugar and reduce the health related side effects associated with the condition. Medications and alternative treatments are seeing the most progress.

Pramlintide Acetate

A new medication on the market for person with diabetes is pramlintide acetate. This medication is administered at meal time and is used to maintain healthy blood glucose levels by preventing the spikes that often occur after eating. The medication tends to be stronger than other blood sugar control options which mean less medication and more effect. The use of pramlintide acetate is associated with nausea so medication strength is increased very gently. Diabetes patients also reporting losing weight while taking the new diabetes treatment. Pramlintide acetate comes in a pre-filled pen injector.


Another pre-filled injection medication, exenatide is one of the most interesting medications to hit the person with diabetes market. The source of the medication is the saliva of the Gila monster. Only Type 2 person with diabetes are approved to use exenatide. The medication is used to improve the body's natural ability to produce and excrete insulin. Decreased appetite may be associated with exenatide though the manufacturer is adamant that exenatide is not a weight loss product.


An oral medication recently approved by the FDA is saxagliptin. This medications works to control blood glucose levels after meals. The medication is approved for Type 2 person with diabetes only and can be combined with other person with diabetes medications or used as a standalone therapy.

The Combo Diabetes Medications

Several medication combination have been created for patients who need to take more than one prescription to control their diabetes. The most common combination include metformin and another prescription diabetes treatment. Metformin is often suggested as the first medication to be prescribed to a newly diagnosed person with diabetes.


Recent studies suggest that diabetes, an auto-immune disease, is caused by inflammation in the body. Much of that inflammation was thought to be linked to obesity, but not every patient with Type 2 diabetes is overweight or obese. Other forms of inflammation in the body are now thought to be extenuating factors in the development of Type 2 diabetes. Patients are turning to natural anti-inflammatories to reduce free radical damage to the cells which can cause inflammation.

Under the Skin Blood Glucose Sensors

Small sensors implanted under the skin can communicate current blood glucose levels with a small, hand held device. The device must be kept within a short distance of the implant, but the patient is no longer required to prick every hour or every meal to obtain current blood glucose levels. In some cases, the sensor can communicate with another new diabetes treatment device, the insulin pump.

Insulin Pump

An insulin pump is either attached to the body with an inserted cannula or a skin patch that transmits insulin to the body. The insulin pump is battery powered and programmable. Depending on the activity level, the pump constantly delivers insulin to the body. It acts, almost, like an artificial pancreas on the outside of the body. Some newer pump models can communicate with the blood glucose sensor. The insulin levels will not be adjusted, but the pump will beep if the blood glucose is measured outside of the programmed range of acceptance.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There are many studies showing that natural diabetes treatment from herbs, oils and their by-product are very effective in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and controlling the effects of diabetes. This is not to say that one should stop consulting their medical practitioner. In fact consulting your doctor and exploring a natural cure for diabetes should not be mutually exclusive, both options should be followed in tandem.

Before medicines, diabetes was always treated by natural means. However, the need for speed and immediate gratification has allowed for medical science to speed the process up with medicine.

In 90% of the cases, diet and nutritional balance can prevent diabetes, and the right food and nutrients has also shown to cure diabetes, or should I say reverse the effect of diabetes on the body.

There are 2 secret natural diabetes treatment , while these may be known to some, to some they are new, and therefore secret.

A. Blood Cleansing - included in a good herbal total body cleanse.

Our bodies are bombarded with toxins on a daily basis, not to mention our entire lives. We should from time to time undergo a complete body detoxification, especially a blood detoxification. In fact, I personally undergo a complete body detoxification annually, and I remain on a smooth colon cleanse system continuously. This process is important to rid the body of all the bad food we have ingested, and the effects on the environment on our aging bodies. The blood cleanse usually incorporated in a total body cleanse will in fact rid the blood of toxins which are contributing to elevated blood sugar.

B. Flaxseed Oil and Omega-3 Flaxseed Oil and Cottage cheese mixed together and in a small protein shake can reduce the effects of diabetes. Incidentally while this has been promoted as a natural cure for cancer, I have had people tell me that it has worked for them and reverse the effects of their diabetes, so much so they hail it as a natural cure for diabetes. Fish oil is also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which a beneficial in fighting against cardiovascular disease and other complications related to diabetes.

Many Natural Diabetes treatment are found in herbs. Many herbs have always been used in the treatment of the disease. However, as is well known, herbs work but for them to do so effectively they have to be taken consistently. This should ot be a problem, because herbs are foods from mother nature and therefore as a proposed natural cure for diabetes, the positive results with be long term and sustained. Some herbs, such as ginkgo biloba, cinnamon, garlic, onion, barberry , burdock root are all effective as a natural diabetes treatment. Night time teas before bed with some of these herbs will promote regular sugar levels the next morning.

Finally, ultimately the best form of diabetes cure and relief is the reduction of sugar intake. Sugar is in all food we eat and if you are diabetic you must have already been advise of what foods to stay way from. If you are not sure which foods to stay away , we can guide you.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
When it comes to diabetes treatment, medications and drugs are not always necessary. In most cases, you can get more effective results by following some natural ways. Considering the very fact that it has been a rapidly growing popular and millions of people from all around the world are suffering form this disease, lots of researches and studies have been conducted in the medical world so far. The majority of researchers recommend the natural ways instead of taking drugs and medications. The best thing is that where medications can have certain side effects, there is no such fear associated with the natural treatment method. Here is a brief rundown about the same.

Develop A Proper Diet Plan
There can be an array of different natural ways for diabetes treatment, but the first thing that you have to do is to develop a balanced diet plan and stick with the same. The best diet menu for diabetic patients must include a low glycemic index that actually refers to the food items that are rich in fiber, contain moderate amount of protein, and a low level of carbohydrates. Following such diet programs have been found to be very effective in reducing the need for medications, reducing the intake of insulin levels, and reducing the levels of diabetes blood sugar. In fact, implementing this diet plan does not only cure diabetes but it also reduces blood pressure level and extra weight. Juices of Cabbage, Carrot, Spinach, Bitter gour, Cucumber, Lemon, Rose apple, and tomato can also be very effective. Besides that, the diabetic patients are also recommended to eat a handful of groundnuts everyday.

Follow A Proper Exercise Program
Exercises can also be very beneficial for diabetic patients. Following the right exercise program can be very helpful in diabetes treatment. Maintaining a good activity level can be very helpful in improves the good (HDL) cholesterol level, lowers bad (LDL) cholesterol, improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, improves the insulin's sensitivity, lowers the blood glucose levels, and reduces extra weight. You are also recommended to play some games, such as badminton. It can also be very helpful in the reduction of blood sugar level. Likewise, little jogging or daily walking in the morning can also significantly cure diabetes. Besides that, you can also try some yoga asanas, such as Paschitmottasana, Sarvangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, and Bhujangasana.

Herbal Tips
Herbal treatment for diabetes has also proven its worth. Some of the best herbal medicines include garlic, madhuca, amla, fenugreek seeds, and curry leaves. For example, you can experience some significant results if you eat eight to ten fresh curry leaves everyday for at least twelve weeks. Swallowing a clove of garlic can also be a good cure for such disease.

The natural ways for diabetes treatment are gaining rapid popularity because of their effectiveness.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


While there have been major developments in the treatment of diabetes it is the diagnosis of diabetes which is the greatest challenge going forward. Once you have been diagnosed as a diabetic the treatment is fairly straightforward and should not impact upon your standard of living and your quality of life in the longer-term. However, diabetes diagnosis is essential in the fight against the condition because many people believe that for every one person diagnosed with diabetes there is potentially one person remaining undiagnosed.

Signs of diabetes

There are many small telltale signs which could indicate a pre-diabetes phase which include extreme thirst, nausea, tiredness, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, fatty liver and the excess production of urine. Many of these symptoms on their own may not cause any alarm but once you start to put two or more symptoms together there is the potential that your body is trying to warn you about diabetes.

Diabetes screening tests

Diabetes is one of those unfortunate conditions for which there is no simple test which will give a definitive yes or no answer as to whether you have the condition. Ultimately a diabetes screening test will check the level of sugar in your blood and it will then be up to the medical profession to decide whether you are at risk of diabetes or indeed whether you have developed the condition.

The screening tests are very simple, very quick and very effective and the more tests carried out around the world the greater the opportunity to understand more about diabetes and further developments in treatment will follow.

How common is diabetes?

There's no doubt that over the last 10 or 20 years there has been a massive increase in the number of people suffering from diabetes. However, it is the obesity epidemic which is gripping the world that is the major concern going forward because many people believe that the recent increase in diabetic sufferers is only the tip of the iceberg and will get very much worse in the future.

It is also the fact that diabetes is now commonplace amongst those in their 20s when only a few years ago it was more commonplace in those aged 40 and above. A general reduction in the health, dietary habits and exercise regime of younger people today is potentially leading us down a very difficult and dangerous path.

Will diabetes change my life?

There is no doubt that those who have been diagnosed with diabetes who need to make changes in various areas of their life but ultimately the treatment is now available to ensure a high standard of living and a long lasting life. By simply changing your dietary habits and your exercise regime, together with the introduction of various medications, life can and does go on as normal.


Diabetes diagnosis is the first point of attack when looking to reduce future instances of the condition. Once a person is diagnosed as a diabetic then treatment can begin and potentially life-threatening situations present before the diagnosis can then be avoided.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Advanced Diabetes Treatment Centers are locally owned and operated centers which provide individualized treatment for those diabetics whose diabetes has gotten out of control.

These centers offer a state of the art therapy for persons with both Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes which in most cases have developed complications. These centers offer intense therapy known as Metabolic Activation Therapy or MAT. With this therapy, a diabetic visits one of these clinics once a week where intravenously insulin is delivered in a series of ten doses over a one-hour period. After an hours rest, this process is repeated two more times. This steady, measured insulin to the liver is much more effective than other treatments.

This MAT therapy stabilizes or decreases kidney dysfunction as well as improves cardiac function, wound healing, digestion and neuropathy. These are all some of the most common life threatening complications of diabetes. This therapy is currently the only therapy that exists which has been proven to arrest and in some cases reverse common complications of diabetes.

MAT is indicated when blood glucose levels have gotten out of control with frequent hospital stays because of diabetic ketoacidosis or severe hypoglycemic problems with hypoglycemic unawareness. MAT is also indicated with diabetics whose renal function has continued to decline despite oral hypoglycemic agent and insulin therapy with blood pressure control.

Other indications for MAT are in cases of non-gangrenous, non-healing ulcers on the leg which are not complicated by osteomyelitis and are not responding to other therapy. It is also indicated in cases with severe neuropathy.

Diabetes is a disease with many complications when the blood glucose levels, diet and other forms of treatment have gotten out of control. It is these extreme complications that make this disease so difficult to live with and is such a threat to a patient's life and well-being.

In the eyes of diabetics, an eye disease called diabetic retinopathy can develop which can lead to bad vision and even blindness. This is because of narrowing of the blood vessels in the back of the eyes which get weak and can lead to blood and fluid leaking into the retina from these weakened blood vessels. The retina is the part of the eye that sends visual images to the brain.

The kidneys are affected by diabetes because of the damage that can be done to the small blood vessels which are needed to filter the blood. This will show up as excess protein in the urine. Often if not treated, so much protein is lost that water from the blood moves into body tissues and causes swelling. Diabetes also causes damage to nerves in parts of the body. The nerves in the bladder can be affected making it difficult to urinate. This can also cause damage to the kidneys. Also because of the high level of sugar, there are problems with frequent kidney infections. All of these problems can damage the kidneys and even damage the kidneys so badly that they fail to function.

Drink lots of water because it is calorie free and helps to flush away the toxins. Did you know that flavored carbonated water has no calories, sugar, body, sweetener, color or preservatives? The taste is fantastic, extremely refreshing and gives diabetics a great drink without any carbohydrates. Read more about carbonated water at carbonatedseltzerwater.

Diabetics have the most problems with their feet. This is because of nerve damage in the feet and the narrowing of blood vessels in the legs. These two problems can cause a tiny cut to become extremely infected and lead to gangrene of the foot. Gangrene can lead to amputation of the foot or leg.
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