
Deciding what to eat when you are challenged by Diabetes can sometimes be confusing and frustrating, but think of it as saving you from the food pit falls that many are struggling with. Many foods that Diabetics should avoid ironically are foods everyone should avoid. What foods to avoid if you are a diabetic? Anything that is not natural, with a few exceptions.

Stay away from foods that have been adulterated or undergone any processing, there is really no need to tell you to stay clear of junk food that is a no brainier. Potatoes, white rice, and other foods that will turn into sugar once the body processes it should be left alone. If you love eating out there are many restaurants that are very aware of people with dietary problems so don't hesitate to ask for those items that are beneficial to your health.

Many people are trying to eat healthier and surprisingly the diet is very similar to the Diabetic diet. Diabetics should stay clear of foods that have preservatives, in a word no chips, or any other vending machine item. Stay away from fruits with heavy natural sugar, bananas, oranges, grapes and a few others. Stay away from candy, chocolate and other sweets, although, a bit of chocolate made with heavy cocoa is fine. Fruit is good but dried fruit is far too sugary. Tea and coffee will not help your blood sugar so dislike them as much as they dislike do you. What foods to avoid when you are a Diabetic, primarily grain, wheat, rye and other grains, once these foods turn into glucose your body will not be able to process them. You must avoid carrots and peas which have a sweetness all their own and beans but remember to focus on the many foods you can eat.

A very sensible method to eating when you must deal with Diabetes is to do everything in moderation. Something sour on your dinner list might help to keep your sugar level in balance if you are giving yourself a special treat. As with dieting most times all you really want to do is to taste the forbidden, not really eat it. Develop a passion for salads, they can be quite good, and they can make you look really good too; but leave the dressing. Being restricted in any way is not easy but try and think of the future benefits and all of the wonderful things you will do because you have kept your body healthy.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The flavan-3-ols are a group of flavonoids (plant based chemical compounds which have numerous health benefits) that can protect your body from a number of nasty diseases. In this article I will be providing a full breakdown of 3 key flavan-3-ols, discussing the best food sources and explaining exactly how they can boost your health.


Epicatechin can be found in a wide range of foods. Cocoa beans (99.18 milligrams (mg) per 100 grams (g)) and dark chocolate (41.5mg per 100g) are 2 of the richest sources. Apple skins (28.73mg per 100g) and blueberries (13.69mg per 100g) also contain good levels of this flavan-3-ol.

Like many flavan-3-ols, epicatechin is a powerful antioxidant (a substance that protects your body's cells from the dangerous free radicals which are released during oxygen related reactions). It also keeps your heart healthy. However, the main benefit of epicatechin is that it treats diabetes (a disease which causes your blood glucose levels to become extremely high).

Epicatechin may also have even more health benefits. An observational study of the Kuna Indians (who consume very high quantities of epicatechin) revealed that this flavan-3-ol may prevent cancer (a condition which leads to rapid, uncontrollable cellular growth), heart failure and strokes (a loss of blood flow to the brain which causes brain damage). However, further studies are needed before these health benefits can be validated.


Gallocatechol (also known as epigallocatechin) can be found in many different foods with some of the best sources being black diamond plums (13.06mgper 100g), cocoa beans (156.67mg per 100g) and green tea (16.71mg per 100g).

The only confirmed health benefit of gallocatechol is that it acts as an antioxidant. Provisional studies suggest that it may also boost the immune system, prevent arthritis (inflammation of the joints), prevent cancer, prevent heart disease and reduce blood levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (a type of cholesterol which causes blockages in the artery walls). However, further research is required before these health benefits can be confirmed.


Epicatechin gallate (also known as ECG or epicatechin-3-gallate) can be sourced from many different types of tea. Black tea contains 7.24mg of this flavan-3-ol per 100g whilst green tea contains an impressive 20.95mg per 100g and oolong tea contains 6.73mg per 100g.

In terms of health benefits, epicatechin gallate is a potent antioxidant which can also protect the skin cells from ultraviolet (UV) damage. However, its most impressive function is that it can prevent various types of cancer including breast cancer and skin cancer.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
A bezoar is a mass of hardened, undigested food or other material trapped in the digestive system, usually the stomach. Bezoars can also form in the large intestine, the trachea, and the esophagus (especially in children).

The word "bezoar" comes from the Persian for "protection from poison". Bezoars from animals were once believed to be antidotes for any type of poison, and were highly prized and sought after in Europe as a type of medical good luck charm for centuries.

People would place bezoars in their drinking glasses as an antidote to any potential poisons, and even set them into jewelry. There was a gold-framed bezoar in the Crown Jewels of Queen Elizabeth I as recently as 1962. Animal bezoars are still in demand from some practitioners of Asian medicine.

Bezoars are often found in people with diabetes mellitus and impaired gastric functioning, both of which can cause underactive digestive systems. Food that sits motionless in the digestive system mixes with mucus and solidifies into a stone-like lump.

Bezoars are classified by their content. Phytobezoars are the most common type, and are formed from undigested plant material. A diospyrobezoar is a common sub-type of phytobezoar formed specifically by the consumption of unripe persimmons.

Pharmacobezoars are masses of undigested drugs, usually found after an overdose of sustained release medications or heavy use of antacids. Lactobezoars are formed from milk and other dairy products.

Trichobezoars are basically a large hairball, and typically result from a psychiatric condition called trichophagia which involves the compulsive pulling out and eating of hair, which humans can not digest. In 2007, Chicago surgeons removed a ten-pound hairball from the stomach of a young woman with the condition.

Doctors usually treat bezoars by attempting to dissolve them with enzymes, with many doctors directing their patients to swallow meat tenderizer. Severe cases may require surgery, laser therapy or shock wave therapy. Since 2002, there have been a number of cases, primarily in diabetes mellitus patients, where doctors successfully used cola therapy to dissolve diospyrobezoars.

One documented case involved a diabetic gastroparesis patient with three large diospyrobezoars in his stomach. He was instructed to drink two cans of cola every six hours. Within 24 hours, the bezoars softened and began to dissolve. The doctors then injected cola directly into each bezoar, which caused them to completely dissolve by the next day. Doctors aren't sure why cola helps dissolve bezoars, but assume it's because of its acidity, possibly aided by its carbonation.

The symptoms of a bezoar are similar to those of gastroparesis (delayed gastric emptying), and include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and a feeling of being full after eating a small amount of food. As diabetes and gastroparesis often occur together, any such symptoms should be taken seriously by a diabetic.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes isn't being cured for one all-encompassing reason-the health care industry doesn't want you to know that simple lifestyle changes will cure it. The ugly truth is that treating diabetes is a $200 billion business. So the drug industry and many family physicians may be conspiring to withhold the truth from diabetics.

According to Federal Government health sources, the people who keep track of these things, we are told that about 8 percent of the U.S. population-that's nearly 26 million people-have been diagnosed with diabetes. They also say that 67 million Americans are borderline, pre-diabetic.

Has your doctor told you that there's no cure for diabetes? Has he told you that a few simple lifestyle changes can actually reverse diabetes? He hasn't? Hmmmmm! Shame on him!

What you should know about diabetes

First let's make this clear-I am not a health care provider, nor do I have any formal training in the medical sciences. I am a freelance writer who has witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of diabetes. And I have also witnessed firsthand how one determined woman reversed her condition without any help from health care providers, drugs or insulin shots.

The health care industry is hell-bent on treating diabetes, since it serves as a cash cow that consistently fills their coffers with cold, hard cash.

Here's what's in store for you, sometimes even with diabetes treatment:

ท Kidney disease: Diabetes is considered to be one of the leading causes of kidney failure. Diabetes ranks right up there with cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism.

ท Heart disease: Diabetics are more than twice as likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than the rest of the population.

ท Blindness: Adults aged 20-75 with full-blown diabetes account for most of the new cases.

ท Amputation: Due to increasingly poor circulation in the lower limbs, diabetics face the threat of amputation

ท Nerve damage: It is estimated that over 60 percent of diabetics will suffer damage to their nervous system.

2 things you can do now will begin the process of Reversing Your Diabetes

1. Lose weight! A recent study published in the Annuals of Internal Medicine found that diabetics who did not lose weight during the study ended up on diabetes-treating drugs. But the problem is that many health care providers believe they are "Whistling in the Wind" when they suggest that their patients lose weight. Most don't listen, but this advice is crucial to recovery.

2. Exercise: Oh Lord no! Not exercise! But you see it does work. Some studies indicated that the majority of diabetics are both overweight and are devoted "couch potatoes.

So can it be that simple? Just 2 simple steps?

No it is not that simple because several other factors enter into this equation.

At the risk of sounding flippant, confusion rules when it comes to just how to lose weight. It seems that there are as many diet plans on the market as there are diabetics!

Maybe I can help overcome some of this confusion by giving you examples from my own personal experience:

Case No. 1: A very good personal friend was diagnosed with diabetes before I even knew him. He was not merely overweight-he was obese. He didn't know precisely how much he weighed because his doctor's scale only went up to 350 pounds. He drank no less than 2 liters of sugar-loaded cola drinks each day and one of his favorite snacks was chocolate รฉclairs. And he kept several boxes of candy bars at arm's length. About a year ago the downward slide began. When he required hospitalization it took a team of burly members from a nearby fire station to carry him out to the ambulance. He ended up in a nursing home, and he clung to the belief that he would be well soon. I gave the eulogy at his funeral.

Case No. 2: This family friend had full-blown diabetes and had been on insulin injections for a long period of time. As his blood circulation to his legs worsened, one leg was amputated just below the knee. This didn't help the problem, and it became necessary to remove more of the leg-above the knee. Toward the end his medical team was contemplating hacking off his other leg, but he died of a heart attack before this could be accomplished.

Case No. 3. About a year and a half ago this woman was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. At her annual checkup her A1c hemoglobin test had a reading of 6.8. At that tine 7.0 was considered chronic diabetes. (Recently the chronic level was lowered to 6.5.) Yes, this woman was a friend, my best friend, she is my wife, Margie. Once we got over the initial shock Margie began her search for a way out of this situation. Somehow, Divine Guidance I believe, she would not accept the fact that there was no cure for her condition. And do you know what-she discovered the "cure" that the health care industry keeps trying to sweep under the rug.

Today her A1c tests show her well into the safety zone. Instead of relying on the antiquated ideas of medical science, she used a little common sense. Diabetes occurs when the blood sugar level gets so high that her insulin supply can't do what it is meant to do-convert sugar and simple carbohydrates into glucose. All of the body cells (except those in the brain) depend on glucose for energy. Oh... by the way-there was a side effect to all of this. Margie lost over 50 pounds and she is keeping it off with diet and exercise.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
What one eats is very important from the point of view of his health.
The chief concern while monitoring and controlling diabetes is to see that the sugar level does not cross the normal range. This means that one needs to cut down on certain types of food and consume regularly those foods, which are good at regulating diabetes.

People with diabetes should try to maintain a healthy weight and eat a diet that is:

« low in fat

« low in sugar

« low in salt

« high in fruit and vegetables (at least five portions a day)

« high in starchy carbohydrate foods, such as bread, chapatti, rice.

There is no such food that people with diabetes should never eat. In addition, there is no need to cut out all sugar. But, people with diabetes should try and eat only small amounts of foods that are high in sugar, fat. So, if you have diabetes you can treat yourself to cakes and biscuits once a blue moon, as part of a balanced diet.

What foods to eat?

« A diabetic patient must eat lots of fruits and vegetables in which fibre content is very high. Such type of food lowers the requirement for insulin, the reason being it releases energy into the body cells slowly. A high fibre diet means more chromium, which is very helpful in the treatment of diabetes.

« As for vegetables, onion, garlic, ginger, radish, spinach, kale, cucumber, carrot, tomato, cabbage and cucumber are excellent in the treatment of diabetes. Moong, kidney beans which have been sprouted, and unripe banana which is cooked, are also recommended.

« Fenugreek seeds which have been soaked in water are good for diabetic patients.

« For fruits, take guava, Indian blackberry (jamun), fig, kiwi fruit, apples, citrus fruits and pomegranate juice. Let these things be a part of your morning breakfast. Since, fruit juice is high in fructose (fruit sugar) and can cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly, it's best for diabetics to drink fruit juice with a meal and avoid having more than one small glass a day.

« Replace white sugar with palm sugar, dates and honey, if you want to have something sweet.

« Unpolished rice, sprouted grain should be taken in moderate quantity.

« Fats like olive oil and peanut oil are good in diabetes.

« Drink plenty of water, at least 8 to 10 glasses per day.

« Single helping of fish or seafood, as it provides omega 3 fatty acids.

« Condiments such as pepper, chilli, mustard, herbs and spices.

« Raw vegetables need to be taken in large quantity, as cooked food raises the level of blood sugar fast.

« Eat non-fat dairy such as skim milk, non-fat yogurt and non-fat cheese, plain yoghurt, avoid cottage cheese a sit is high in carbohydrates.

« Some herbs and vegetables are specifically prescribed for diabetes, like Bitter Gourd and bitter melon juice.
What to avoid?

« Processed foods, white sugar, white flour and junk food, must be totally given up. Avoid sweets, glucose, fruit sugar, cakes, ice cream, chocolates, soft drinks, cream and fried foods.

« Anything that contains harmful preservatives and too much salt should be avoided.

« Avoid smoking and alcohol.

« Try and abstain from sweets, ice-creams and chocolates, including the so-called sugar-free types.

« Foods made from white flour, rye, corn, polished rice, bread, pasta, pastry, cakes, biscuits, pies.

« Starchy vegetables such as potatoes in particular; and go easy with beet, carrots, peas, beans.

« Avoid concentrated dairy products, such as khoya, kheer, cheese, cottage cheese.

« Fruits such as bananas, mango, grapes, strawberry, custard apple, date.

« Cottage cheese (except in small amounts)

« Avoid commercially packaged foods such as fast foods, chips, ready-to-eat foods, snack foods and "health foods."

« Fruit juices, as these are much higher in carbohydrates than fresh fruit. Moreover, they also lack in dietary fibre.

A few helpful tips if eating out -

· Avoid items called jumbo, combo, giant, deluxe, as they tend to have more calories.

· Choose grilled, baked roasted or steamed food.

· Choose water and calorie-free "diet" drinks instead of regular soda, fruit mock tails, sweet tea and other sugar-sweetened drinks

· Avoid creamy toppings, like mayonnaise. Add flavour with pepper, tomato, and onion.

· Watch out for high-fat topping salads, dressings, cheeses, and croutons.

· Choose a thin-crust pizza with extra vegetable toppings. Limit yourself to one or two slices. Keep off the extra cheese, which add calories, fat, and sodium.

· End your meal with sugar-free, fat-free frozen simple yogurt or a small cone of fat-free yogurt. Better still, go for a platter of fresh fruit salad.

· Check out on your portion size.

Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Recently the medical establishment announced that the new normal blood sugar levels has been lowered. 100 to 125 mg/dL (5.5 to 6.9 mmol/L) is mildly abnormal and is called a borderline diabetic blood sugar level. This is very important information for a diabetic. The importance of this could be the difference between life and death. To understand this we must first expose the type 2 diabetes crisis that has hit the world. What was once considered a problem for the United States has now grown into a global crisis.

What prompted the lowering was that original borderline diabetes level was too high and many thought they were safe but in fact were not. A large number of people in the United States became diabetic with 18 months of being told they were on the borderline. This prompted the medical establishment to lower the number of what was considered safe. People were in danger and never realized it. Diabetes is a silent killer, it is slowly killing the cells of the pancreas. The sugar in the bloodstream is literally choking the life out the the diabetic. The bloodstream is coming polluted and it is affecting the circulation. Men may lose the ability to maintain an erection. Studies show the body without normal blood sugar levels is aging faster than one with a normal sugar range.

The lowering of the safety level is important to the diabetic, this is alerting more people that this dangerous and deadly disease is starting to kill their pancreas. Many health officials think that the lower level is still not enough. Some health researchers want the borderline level to be lowered at least another down even more. To those with borderline diabetes it is urgent to get normal blood sugar levels as it can save your life.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Have you recently found out that you have diabetes? Have you been struggling with it for years? Diabetes is a serious disease and should not be taken lightly- but the amazing thing is that it can be completely reversed.

To reverse diabetes you need to reverse your bad habits. Type 2 diabetes is a growing epidemic and it comes from overeating, sedentary lifestyle and stress. these are all the results of our modern existence. We have made life so easy that it is making us sick.

The first thing that you need to do is take a look at what you are eating. Do you have a healthy diet? If you are like most of us then you are eating way too much refined carbohydrates and sugar and this will lead to diabetes. You should write down everything that you eat and be careful not to cheat! Because a lot of people tend to hide things that they are eating- but you can't hide it from your body.

You need to change your diet immediately. This may seem extreme but if you want to reverse diabetes then you should cut out all carbohydrates- including fruit and especially sugar. It is very difficult and uncomfortable, your body will feel like it is starving but if you eat plenty of vegetables- especially starchy ones like carrots, and if you eat beans then your body will have what it needs for the time being. Once your diabetes is under control then you can go back to eating some carbohydrates.

You also need to start exercising- it doesn't have to be extreme, walking is great! Just do something for an hour a day. This will do wonders for your entire body. You will feel better and happier and of course, you will lose weight as well.

Although it is a challenge to make these kinds of changes it is the best thing that you can do for yourself.

Also, there are a number of herbs and supplements that you can take that will support your body to reverse diabetes. If you use these then you will see that you will be doing better in no time!
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Many people suffer from the known disease of diabetes. Diabetes is a life threatening disease causing damage to major organs such as the heart, and kidneys. Heart disease is linked to diabetes as well. Diabetes can cause many secondary factors such as losing a limb, blindness, and stroke if not properly controlled. Healthy eating is needed to slow this process. The doctor will give you a diet to follow for healthy eating. The beginning symptoms of diabetes are a low blood sugar a precursor experienced by the person as light-headedness, slight confusion, and an increased heart rate. The person may also experience blurry vision and numbness at the lips. The person may also feel cold. At this point the person should go to the emergency room and become evaluated regarding the symptoms. A history of diabetes in the family in a positive risk factor for diabetes as it indicates that diabetes runs in the family. After a period of time, the blood sugar becomes high above the normal range. The normal blood sugar according to some lab affiliations is considered 70-120. Some labs use 80-120 or 110. It really depends on the lab testing the blood samples. After a firm diagnosis is made, treatment starts with monitoring the blood sugar and a change in diet. If the blood sugar goes down on its own it is probably type 2 diabetes. If it doesn't go down without the help of injected insulin, it most likely is type1 diabetes. A person needs to monitor their blood sugar two-four times a day as prescribed per the doctor. The specialist known as an endocrinologist can advise the person on taking care of the out of range blood sugar and to become educated an aware of the needs for treatment. There are many types of insulin.

Type 2 diabetes is treated with oral insulin or oral hypoglycemic. These medication help lower the blood sugar by increasing the amount of insulin secreted by the pancreas. The beta cells of the pancreas become lazy when type 2 diabetes occurs. This often happens with large amounts of belly fat and the amount of insulin it takes to get rid of the sugar in the cells located within the human bloodstream. Obesity is linked to type 2 diabetes. I wanted to mention borderline diabetes, which is controlled by diet and doesn't require medication. This is close to the type2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is controlled with synthetic insulin, which is injected into the person via the subcutaneous body tissue and is absorbed into the body. It directly lowers the blood sugar within the body by knocking the sugar out of the cells and then out of the body. The kidneys have to work hard and therefore the person is usually placed and a medication called an ace inhibitor, which protects the kidneys from getting damaged. The names of insulin are regular insulin, Lente insulin, Novolog insulin, and 70/30 mixed insulin. Actos, metformin and Diabeta are other forms of oral insulin, and insulin stimulates. Metformin is the insulin stimulator out of the list. The others are actual oral insulin, which lowers the blood sugar much quicker. By normal exercise and controlling body fat a person can live a much happier life. Protecting one's self against diabetes is done by lowering the body fat, eating less fattening meals, and drinking more water. Water helps lubricate the body and is a healthy source of a nonfattening drink.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
There are 347 million diabetics in the world and the numbers are rising at an astounding rate. Will Turmeric be a life saver to some of those millions? If you are diabetic you will want to know the answer to that question and the information in this article.

Diabetics need to be very careful of their bodies and their health. They must eat right, monitor carbohydrate intake, exercise, take particular care of their eyesight, be mindful of any sores or injuries that do not heal properly and monitor blood sugar levels regularly.

Recent studies are beginning to show that Turmeric may be useful to diabetics. It is an Asian spice used in cooking for hundreds of years. It is a relative of ginger and a flowering perennial found in the tropical religions of India and Southern Asia.

This lovely spice has also been used, in addition to a cooking spice, as a pain reliever, inflammation reducer and to heal wounds for hundreds of years by herbalists. The ancient people seemed to grasp the connection between various herbs and spices and good health.

The active anti oxidant ingredient in Turmeric is curcumin which research has shown may reduce the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's and cancer. This is exciting new research.

In addition to the above, there may be a beneficial effect to diabetics too because the curcumin in Turmeric seems to help regulate blood sugar.

My adult son was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes; he has found that by adding the curcumin supplement to his routine does, indeed, seem to keep his blood sugar regulated. It is important for diabetics to keep themselves in top physical shape and to regulate blood sugar in order to control the disease.

Note also, heart disease is a killer for many diabetics. With it's known ability to reduce inflammation around the heart the curcumin in this spice is a wonderful way to supplement your diet and benefit your heart at the same time.

Who knew that this wonderful spice could be so important in the treatment and care of diabetics. Also, there is no known dose limitation due to toxicity when supplementing the diet with this spice.

It may be too soon to determine if increasing curcumin intake in obese people with diabetes can have the effect of reducing weight. But there have been a few studies in diabetic mice that show a decrease in body fat when given curcumin in their daily diets. This is currently being tested in humans as well.

If human testing should show that curcumin did, indeed, help control obesity, especially in diabetics then this supplement could be even more beneficial than we could ever imagine today.

How amazing to know that something so natural and easy could be of such benefit to the millions of diabetics that are struggling to maintain their health. Without a doubt, this could be the best thing diabetics could ever do for their health.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes is a condition that many don't understand, including those who have been diagnosed with it. That lack of knowledge can lead to a host of complications. We will go so far as to say diabetes can be fatal. It is important to learn everything you can to take care of yourself when you are diagnosed with diabetes.

What is Diabetes?

In simple terms, diabetes is the imbalance of blood sugar in the body that throws the metabolic process into chaos. The body uses sugar, called glucose, for fuel. This fuel is used by the cells for their processes as well as to keep you moving. Burning glucose is the reason you are able to do all that you do during the day without simply dropping from sheer exhaustion. You usually can save that for the end of the day!

Carbohydrates are broken down by the body and glucose is released through the intestinal tract. The liver picks it up and stores it as glycogen until it is needed. The glucose that makes it into the bloodstream stays there waiting to be used.

The pancreas secretes a hormone called insulin that acts as a carrier for glucose.Insulin moves into the bloodstream and bonds with the glucose, carrying it to cells where it is needed. The cells allow the glucose in because it likes insulin and allows it to attach to it and release its precious cargo.

With diabetes, the body either doesn't make enough insulin or the cells have developed sensitivity to it and won't allow it to bind to the surface. In both cases, blood sugar rises to dangerous levels, causing several reactions, once which diabetes sufferers notice right away - fatigue from the lack of proper fuel.

Carbohydrates, Weight, and Complications

It seems we have a love-hate relationship with carbohydrates. We love to eat them but we hate the way certain ones can make our body look. We might as well glue those muffins to our waistline.

Obesity is one of the risk factors for diabetes. However, it's important to note that it's not just the extra weight itself, but what we ate to get that extra weight. Eating carbohydrates, like breads and muffins, and other sugars causes the blood sugar to rise significantly. Remember, carbohydrates turn into sugar in the body. Keep this high carbohydrate and sugary diet up, and over time your body may not be able to produce enough insulin to counteract all of the sugar you are taking in. That can lead to a diagnosis of diabetes and future complications if you are not careful.

High levels of blood sugar can affect a variety of systems in the body. For example, these high levels of sugar can damage your nerves which is a common complication of diabetes. Damaged nerves can result in losing the feeling in the hands and feet. This nerve damage has been known to cause injury by burning on a stove, or stepping on a sharp object where the person couldn't even feel the pain until the injury was very severe. The resulting injury may take a long time to heal, another complication caused by a diabetic condition. Sadly, these injuries can lead to very serious conditions such as gangrene, and even amputation.

The complications of diabetes can also affect the kidneys. You may urinate more frequently as the body tries to rid itself of excess sugars through the urine. The kidneys are trying to handle this bombardment of sugar; a task the kidneys were not designed to do.

Your entire body can be thrown out of whack by diabetes, especially when it is uncontrolled. Refuse to be uninformed. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, ask your doctor to help you manage it to avoid dangerous complications.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you or a family member has been diagnosed with diabetes Type 2, you probably have many questions. First of all, what's the cause of diabetes Type 2?

Diabetes Type 2 is the insulin-dependent form of the disorder. It is also known as adult onset diabetes because it is most often newly diagnosed in people over the age of 40. The pancreas, like many other parts of the body, works less well as it gets older.

In this form of diabetes mellitus, the pancreas somehow does not produce enough insulin. This could be caused by an injury to the pancreas. It also be may the result of Cushing's syndrome or other hormonal disorders.

There is evidence that insulin-independent diabetes is genetic. If a family member is diabetic, there is a strong chance you will also develop the disorder as you age. This may be also be related to lifestyles. An overweight person will pass on his or her eating habits to other members of the household.

Most often, however, the cause of diabetes Type II is overweight. If you eat too much, your pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to effectively handle the glucose you eat in your food.

Therefore, the best plan to treat your diabetes is to eat properly. Your doctor or dietician will recommend a diet to specifically meet your needs. In general, this diet will range from 800 to 1500 calories per day, depending on your weight and height.

In addition to following the diet, you should also eat small portions of carbohydrates at scheduled intervals each day. You should also avoid sweets and alcohol. Whole grain breads as well as vegetables are recommended.

Even though it may be a difficult adjustment, following your diet is essential. If you do not follow it, you may develop problems with your eyes, nerves, kidneys and feet. Some people have had to get their toes, feet or legs amputated because of poor diabetic control. There is increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

Unlike insulin-dependent (or Type 1) diabetes, diabetes type 2 is relatively easy to control. Often the condition resolves itself once the patient loses enough weight.

No matter the cause of diabetes type II, you can lead a full and normal life if you take care to follow your treatment plan. With today's emphasis on healthy eating, this is easier than ever. Why not have your family follow your diet with you?
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Time and again, the importance of healthy nutrition has been linked to the prevention and management of diabetes. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services urges us to eat healthy to reduce our risk of diabetes. A diabetes diet offers the healthy nutrition that diabetics and prediabetics need. A healthy recipe book with diabetic friendly recipes is a must for anyone on a diabetes diet.

Just what is a diabetes diet, anyway? Healthy nutrition is at the heart of a diabetes diet. Diabetic friendly recipes from a healthy recipe book help guide diabetics and prediabetics in their quest for healthy nutrition. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that, as of 2007, 23.6 million people in the United States are diabetics. This amounts to 7.8% of the population. What's more, 5.7 million of those diabetics don't even know they have it. This is why following a diabetes diet is important even if you feel healthy.

If you're wondering what a diabetic diet looks like, there is a food pyramid for diabetics on the American Diabetes Association website. The Diabetes Food Pyramid is slightly different than the USDA Food Guide Pyramid. The Diabetes Food Pyramid groups foods according to their carbohydrate (and protein) content. Starchy vegetables, like potatoes and corn, are in the grain group. Another difference is that cheese is placed with the meats instead of the milk group. The Diabetes Food Pyramid is a good guide for diabetics and prediabetics to have when planning meals from a healthy recipe book.

If you do not have diabetes or prediabetes, a diabetes diet is still a good way to get in healthy nutrition. Diabetic friendly recipes are not solely for those with diabetes and prediabetes. Everyone stands to benefit from the healthy nutrition that comes with following a diabetes diet. And all you need to get started with a diabetes diet is this article and a healthy recipe book with diabetic friendly recipes.

The healthy nutrition that often comes from diabetic friendly recipes is nothing out of the ordinary. Following a diabetes diet doesn't mean you need to become a vegan or ban your favorite foods. A diabetes diet is all about choosing foods from a healthy recipe book that will stabilize your blood glucose, lower high blood pressure, and bring your cholesterol levels to optimal numbers.

Of course, a diabetes diet also brings diabetic friendly recipes that will help you achieve, or maintain, a healthy weight. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises people who have prediabetes to lose weight if they need to. Getting down to a healthy weight can postpone the onset of full blown diabetes and, in many cases, even normalize blood glucose levels. You can usually find diabetic friendly recipes in a healthy recipe book that will assist in weight loss.

The best way to ensure that your meals are healthy is to prepare them yourself. Grab a healthy recipe book with diabetic friendly recipes and use it to plan out your meals for the week.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Doctors know that diabetes is associated with several serious complications, now there's growing evidence that cancer could be a new diabetes health risk. New work has discovered that women diagnosed with diabetes have an 8% higher risk of being diagnosed with cancer in general, while diabetic men had a 9% increased chance after incidents of cancer of the prostate were taken out of the equation.

The chance of dying from cancer was higher for diabetics - 11% higher for women; 17% greater for men.

We know that diabetes is the result of too little insulin, resistance to insulin or both. It affects more than 20 million in the United States. Today there is no cure for diabetes, managing the disease can include medication, diet and exercise and is the best way to reduce your symptoms, prevent complications (blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, amputation of limbs) and prolong your life.

Cancer, defined by medicine as the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body, comes in many different guises. It can develop in any organ or tissue in the body. The symptoms depend on the type and location of the cancer, and with certain cancers, appear only at the advanced stages of the disease. While a diagnosis of cancer is hard to deal with, life altering perhaps, the disease can be treated successfully.

This most recent study used data from just shy of 300,000 men and another nearly 200,000 women who lived in eight different U.S. states. Diabetes was not formally diagnosed, rather it was self reported, so we don't know whether subjects had type 1 or 2, though it's thought the majority of subjects had the more common, type 2 diabetes. The initial study also didn't account for diabetes management or medications, so these factors could not be evaluated.

After 11 years, 55,888 of the men and 26,000 of the women had been diagnosed with cancer.

The chance of developing liver cancer was more than doubled for those with diabetes, the chance of rectum cancer rose by 28% and colon cancer risk went up by 15% in those suffering from diabetes. For males, the chance of pancreatic, as well as bladder cancer was increased; for females stomach, uterine and anus cancer was a greater risk for those suffering from diabetes.

No link between lung, skin or other cancers and diabetes was found.

For an unknown reason, diabetes was actually tied to a lower rate of cancer of the prostate in men. When prostate cancer was considered, the male subjects' cancer rates dropped by 4%.

More work will need to be done to try to understand what's happening here. Researchers are unsure what's behind the rise in cancer risk might be, but there are a few possibilities. Is it how you eat? Is it not being active? Does socioeconomic status factor into things?

The important message to take from the study is the potential for increased risk for some cancers. Screening for these forms is important, as is living a healthy lifestyle and doing all you can (i.e. stop smoking) to keep your body healthy and free of disease.

Anytime you can avoid a chronic disease like diabetes, by simply making better choices in how you live, you need to do it. Once you're diagnosed, there's no turning back the clock... no rewind or do-over. From that point you'll be forced to manage your condition and hope to lessen your risk of complications.

Another diabetes related study found a link between metabolic syndrome and increased risks of liver cancer.

The work included 4,000 patients with liver cancer who were compared to around 200,000 cancer free controls. The researchers found that 37% of those with hepatocellular carcinoma also had metabolic syndrome. And about 30% of those with another form of liver cancer, intrahepatic carcinoma, were found to also have metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors, which come together in a single patient, and is diagnosed when at least three of the following are present - high blood pressure, larger waist measurement, high triglycerides, high fasting blood sugar and low HDL cholesterol. Those with metabolic syndrome are well known to have a greater risk of heart disease, however this work found they also have a higher risk of cancer of the liver as well.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetic ulcers are a serious health condition that can lead to amputation of your body part. This is the reason that you should immediately seek and apply the necessary treatment to prevent full blown escalation of the ulcers. The most common ulcers for diabetics are the leg and foot ulcers that in their worst condition can result to amputated leg or foot.

Successful management and treatment of the ulcers involve the individual to determine the risk factors, identify the warning signs and symptoms, and a regular and consistent preventive and maintenance treatment of the condition. These should be done along with the treatment for one's diabetes. Here are the essential things you must be aware of to arrive at the best treatment for diabetic ulcers.

The Risk Factors:

• Neuropathy where the tissues of the nerve are affected and damaged. This happens when the glucose or sugar level in the body is poorly managed and controlled. It is characterized by the loss of nerve sensation.

• Arterial narrowing or blockage from micro-vascular disease. The small arteries fail to function properly and carry blood back to the heart, failing to deliver the essential nutrients and oxygen that the body needs to maintain its good health.

• Foot deformities such as corns, calluses, cocked toes, bunions, and hammer-toe that can result to leg and foot ulcers as well as the seeping of infection that can only aggravate diabetic ulcers.

• Undue pressure on the legs or feet, such as the pressure from wearing shoes that do not fit.

Reducing the Risk Factors:

One of the most effective ways to reduce the risk factors of diabetic ulcers to control and manage your diabetes and make sure that you keep your blood sugar at its recommended level. If you find yourself burdened with too much weight, you need to lose your excess weight.

It is important to keep your feet clean and free from deformities to prevent leg and foot ulcers. Avoid wearing shoes that do not fit (too tight or too loose) and make sure that you give your legs and feet the exercise they need to maintain their good health.

Crucial to the treatment of diabetic ulcers is to prevent worsening the condition with skin infection. You would often find your wounds are hard to heal and you must do something about these wounds as they are the ones most likely to aggravate your condition that can lead you to foot and leg amputation.

To treat your hard to heal wounds, you can find a new solution in Dermawound which you can readily avail online. This solution will make it easier for you to deal with your leg and foot ulcers including hard healing wounds. It helps to make it a part of your hard to heal wound care regimen.

You should be particularly attentive to your leg and foot care when you suffer from diabetes. This is the area that is most likely to be affected by the disease and can lead to serious effects such as leg or foot amputation. When you prevent diabetic ulcers that usually occur in the legs and feet, you are eliminating the risks of losing any of your body parts.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Though diabetes is not a disease it is a bodily disorder that may affect the internal parts of your body. Serious problems are possible when the early symptoms of diabetes are not watched over or just ignored. Increased blood sugar due to diabetic condition may affect your kidneys, heart, liver, or vision gradually without any obvious signs or symptoms. However, there are specific remedies and many ways of preventing diabetes Risks. One among them is wearing diabetic medical bracelets.

When a diabetic happens to collapse in a public place or in an office, there is the risk of diabetic coma which is a sign of life threatening complication. If you are a diabetic and wearing diabetic bracelet, it is an Identifying Token of your diabetic condition for others. The medical practitioner who comes for first aid can assess your condition from the bracelet you are wearing. It will be helping him to diagnose properly that you are a diabetic. Right diagnosis ensures right treatment to start and manage the critical situation of diabetic coma.

You need not feel ashamed of being a diabetic but it is bad that others do not know what caused coma condition for you. If you are wearing diabetes bracelet the person attending on you can make it sure that it is a COMA caused through diabetes. You are safe when the attendant is able to proceed with right treatment for you. Be sue it is your diabetic medical bracelet that has saved you in emergency by letting it known to others that you are a diabetic patient.

For the same reason, if you are a pre diabetic or live diabetic you should wear a diabetic bracelet as one item of every day wear. You can have the bracelet in any form engraved on it as DIABETIC. Wearing bracelet for diabetics is always to help you in emergency. Since an emergency medical aid meant for a normal person can sometimes result in grave ends to a diabetic, it's good that you wear a diabetic bracelet as an ID for your diabetic body.

If you are wearing this bracelet you need not hesitate to go outside on any affair without a companion for help in emergency. The bracelet is your best companion to be with you whenever you are going for shopping or attending any function all alone so that others can identify as diabetic for first aid treatment. Are you now convinced that wearing diabetic bracelet is always doing GOOD only?
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Ask yourself these few questions:

1. Do you wake up each morning with tingling hands?
2. Do your feet tingle every time you sit down?
3. Do you just blame it on "sleeping on" your feet or hands?

If you answered "yes" to any or all of these questions, then I'm glad you're reading this. The tingling or numbness in your hands and feet may be a warning sign of diabetes.

This sensation of tingling or numbness has alternative names such as:

* Loss of sensation
* Neuropathy
* Paresthesias
* Restless leg syndrome
* Sensory loss

Type 2 diabetes is gradual and many people aren't aware that they have it. Diabetes is a condition that causes the blood sugar level to be higher than normal. This high blood glucose, among other things, damages the nervous system causing the sensation of tingling or numbness.

If you're not sure if you have diabetes, look at these symptoms:

* Blurry vision
* Constant Numbness
* Constant Tingling
* Excessive thirst
* Extreme hunger
* Frequent urination
* Increased fatigue
* Irritability
* Unusual weight loss

Don't self-diagnose diabetes. You must see a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis. Still, you should keep a log when you notice these symptoms so you will be able to intelligently answer questions your medical professional will need to ask you.

Though not a complete list, some of the medical complications caused by diabetes are:

* Eye Disease
* Heart Disease
* Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose)
* Kidney Disease
* Kidney Failure
* Stomach Nerve Damage
* Stroke
* Urologic Problems

The reason why tingling or numbness isn't caught in time before it gets serious is because these sensations are similar to the feeling of having a foot or a hand "fall asleep."

Tingling and numbness is defined as an inability to feel anything when it touches your skin. Thus, the "falling asleep" sensation.

Tingling or numbness can be serious. Call your doctor immediately

1. You have a rash.
2. You have dizziness, muscle spasm, or other unusual symptoms.
3. You have tingling or numbness has no obvious cause like them "falling asleep"
4. You have tingling or numbness in the fingers and/or wrists.
5. You have tingling or numbness in your legs and it worsens when you walk around.
6. You have pain in your neck, forearms, or fingers.
7. You urinate more often.

These symptoms of tingling and/or numbness will be worse at nighttime.

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, your life is not over and you definitely aren't alone. If you want something to help keep your diabetes under control, Diamaxol is a safe and effective product that will help you take control of your diabetes so your diabetes won't take control of you.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is a killer!

Diabetes is a debilitating disease that is becoming more and more common among the population. This dreaded disease struck closely to my home, so I began a detailed study of it. Medical science divides diabetes into three categories:

Type I is often referred to as "childhood diabetes." as it often infects children and young adults. It occurs when the pancreas stops producing insulin-the hormone that keeps our blood sugar under control. Consuming food that contains sugar, starches and to a lesser degree-some other foods as well must be converted. Insulin converts sugar into glucose, which supplies the energy the cells in our bodies require to function in a normal manner. With proper diet and insulin therapy, this group of diabetics can live normal, healthy and most importantly-long lives!

Type II strikes adults and does not discriminate as to age. There have been some studies that indicate certain people are more prone to get the disease. The American Diabetes Association states that "Type II diabetes is more common in African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders, as well as the aged population." In the case of type II diabetics, the pancreas is still producing insulin but in markedly reduced quantities or the cells refuse to accept the sugar being carried by the insulin.

Gestational Diabetes: Many women are diagnosed with this disease at about 28 weeks into their pregnancy, whether they were diabetic prior to conception or not. And having this illness during pregnancy usually results in a return to normal blood sugar levels after delivery.

Close To Home!

In my case two male friends and my wife were faced with the problem. One friend suffered through the amputation of one leg and his medical team suggests that the other leg be amputated too. The other male friend was grossly overweight and drank one sugar loaded soft drink after another-not to mention the candy bars consumed. He died recently with congestive heart failure, liver and kidney problems. His weight was well in excess of 300 pounds.

My wife was treated for a serious pancreas problem. A gallstone blocked the duct from the pancreas stopping the flow of insulin. This required gall bladder removal. And sometime later, during her regular checkup, her blood sugar was two tenths of a point (6.8) below true type II diabetes (7.0).

But unlike my male friends she went to work to prevent the actual disease, She adopted a strict low carb diet and eliminated any use of sugar, including what is usually found in many processed foods. In three months time her blood sugar was at 6.0 and the added bonus was that she went from a size 18 to a size 8.

The best medical advice she was given was to cut out the sugar. Her low carb diet took care of that and the loss of many unneeded pounds.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Ignoring diabetes guidelines is one of the worst things that you can do if you are a diabetic. You may not realise it at the time, but the diabetes guidelines given to you by your doctor or dietitian can save your life. These guidelines can include things like the right diet for diabetic, some tasty and practical food for diabetic, the relationship between diabetes and alcohol, and advice on how to achieve diabetic weight loss could be significant in giving you a lifestyle free of debilitating symptoms.

You may feel that your doctor has given these diabetes guidelines just to ruin your quality of life. This is simply not true. Sensible diabetes guidelines including those looking at diabetic weight loss, and the correct diet for a diabetic, can only add to your quality of life, not ruin it.

The whole idea of this advice from your doctor is to not only help you cope with the sugar readings you are taking every day, but also help you live a normal and active life. You will find in many cases that the diabetes guidelines he suggests do not involve the total exclusion of certain foods and drink, but rather sensible moderation which, if you follow the correct advice, can see you not only enjoying the foods that you like but also having a lifestyle that is entirely normal.

The same applies to alcohol. In many cases, doctors are not suggesting that total exclusion of alcohol, but a sensible and moderate approach to diabetes and alcohol, which means you can still enjoy a drink with friends without seriously endangering your health. You need to always be mindful of the fact that most alcohol, including full strength beers and spirits, is actually made and distilled from sugar, and if abused can pose a serious threat to the life of a diabetic.

If you only desire in life is to sit in front of the television and eat and drink alcohol, then by all means ignore the doctor diabetes guidelines. However, if you desire to lead a full life, and if you would like to play in the yard with the kids, or go hiking, or visit another country, or live long enough to see your grandchildren and great-grandchildren, then please listen to your doctor and his diabetes guidelines and follow them to the letter. Doctors are not trying to ruin your life, they are trying to give you a full, physical, enjoyable and long life.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetic neuropathy, the condition of ongoing loss of sensation in the feet, the hands, and other parts of the sensory nervous system, is a particular challenge to the medical profession. From their earliest training, doctors learn how to diagnose and develop treatment plans on the basis of pain as a system. In diabetic neuropathy, however, not feeling pain is the symptom. It's very difficult for doctors, and diabetics, to treat a condition characterized by what the diabetic does not feel.

Diabetic neuropathy is depressingly common. Among type 2 diabetics who have diabetes for 10 years or more, about 50 per cent develop neuropathy.

Loss of sensation in the feet is particularly problematic. Cuts, scrapes, and scratches, along with something as simple as dry skin, can present open avenues to infection. Infectious microorganisms, as you have probably heard over and over again, thrive on sugar. Diabetes presents a "sweet" environment for the growth of infectious bacteria. When there is limited sensation in the feet, a simple infection can cause serious tissue damage in a very short time, untreated because it is unnoticed. Up to 25 per cent of type 2 diabetics eventually develop foot ulcers, and sometimes the very first diagnosis of type 2 diabetes occurs only when a foot has to be amputated.

Although the very best prevention of diabetic neuropathy is keeping blood sugar levels under control, there are many routes to treating and reversing neuropathy even after it occurs. The one thing to remember is, just as different diabetics respond best to different diets and different medications, no two diabetics experience diabetic nerve damage in the same way, either. You may have to try more than one method--in addition to keeping your blood sugar levels well controlled--to turn neuropathy around.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Pre diabetes, as the name suggests, is the stage just before the onset of the full-fledged stage of diabetes. This stage is known by many names in the medical fraternity. Call it touch diabetes, borderline diabetes or chemical diabetes, it all refers to one thing only and that is pre diabetes.

Knowing how to determine if one is in the pre diabetes stage will go along way in determining how healthy a future one has by learning how to deal with the disorder at this early warning stage. That is just what this stage of diabetes is meant to be, an early warning of things to come if preventive measures are not taken in a timely manner.

While medication is not required at this stage, a lifestyle change is definitely called for, and a drastic change at that. Living a sedentary lifestyle is the main cause of developing the symptoms that lead up to diabetes in all its impunity. Therefore it is important to get active at the very first signs of developing blood sugar. Elevated sugar levels in the blood are the first signs of onset of diabetes.

When this occurs it is not necessary to completely abstain from sugar and starchy foods but a lower intake is called for with a lot of exercise, preferably walking briskly for at least twenty minutes each day increasing this time to about forty minutes over a couple of months.

There is no fixed age when diabetes can develop. In fact, people, including infants, suffer from this blood sugar disorder. But with the increasing number of diabetes patients in the world the numbers are alarming. Diabetes can lead to other medical complications such as heart failure, kidney failure and failure of sight. So, being able to identify the symptoms is important and then learning to deal with them is more.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
The Diabetes Food Guide more commonly known as the Food Pyramid for Diabetics is a tool that illustrates in diagram for the amount of foods belonging from each food group a person with diabetes should consume per day. It is a modified version of the food pyramid and is tailor fit for people who want to lose weight and maintain stable blood glucose levels. It shows that the diet should consist mostly of starchy vegetables that have the same complex carbohydrates of whole grain by having peas, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squash, and beans placed at the bottommost level of the pyramid. Cheese has also been transferred from the Milk Group to the Meat and Others Group because its carbohydrate content is similar to the latter.

Useful Facts about the Diabetes Food Guide

1. Selecting foods in quantities based on the food pyramid can serve as a reliable quick guide towards having enough nutrition while also having a stable blood sugar level.

2. Understanding the proper serving size of carbohydrate-rich foods and how to select the right number of servings per meal is a great way to keep the stability of your blood sugar level.

3. Servings are usually small with a slice of bread or piece of starchy vegetable having a recommended size that should fit in the palm of an average woman.

4. The recommended size of a fruit per serving should not exceed the size of a tennis ball.

5. The recommended serving of milk should equal to that of a small coffee cup.

The Diabetes Food Guide helps make sure that you eat enough foods from each food group and that each food is of better quality in terms of the type of carbohydrates it contains. It is important not only to reduce your consumption of carbohydrates but also to limit your carbohydrate consumption to purely complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates greatly increase the amount of sugar in the bloodstream. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed almost immediately which makes the blood glucose rise extremely fast. Complex carbohydrates on the other hand are broken down into simpler components first and thus the increase in blood glucose is gradual and spikes in sugar levels are avoided.

The Diabetes Food Guide places foods that are low in carbohydrates with the carbohydrates being complex in quality on the bottom levels of the food pyramid. Foods rich in simple carbohydrates on the other hand are placed on the topmost levels.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


La gravidanza è in genere un tempo meraviglioso di grande eccitazione e di attesa. Tuttavia, può diventare molto spaventoso quando sono diagnosticati con il diabete gestazionale. Nessuna donna ama sentire che hanno una condizione di salute che potrebbe mettere a rischio la loro bambino. Ecco perché è importante capire la tua diagnosi e bastone per il piano di trattamento che è possibile proteggere te e il tuo bambino.

La gravidanza è una condizione molto stressante per il corpo. A volte questo stress può causare anomala elaborazione degli zuccheri che viene chiamato diabete gestazionale. Il diabete gestazionale si verifica quando il corpo non può memorizzare correttamente glucosio circolante, con conseguente livelli di zucchero che sono più alti rispetto al normale.

Nessuno è esattamente sicuro di ciò che causa questo tipo di diabete, anche se esistono molte teorie. Tra i più popolari ipotizza sono che ormoni prodotti dalla crescita del bambino disturbare il normale equilibrio della madre tra insulina e glucosio. Indipendentemente dalla causa del diabete in gravidanza, rimane una condizione grave che non deve essere ignorata.

I bambini nati da madri con diabete non trattate possono verificarsi complicanze tra cui:

-Hypoglyemia neonatale, o poco zucchero nel sangue dopo la nascita. Questo può essere molto grave.
-Macrosomia fetale: Questo significa che il bambino è più grande del normale, che può creare complicazioni durante il parto.

Tutte le donne incinte sono sottoposti a screening per il diabete gestazionale, in genere intorno alla 26 settimana di gravidanza. Questa operazione viene eseguita utilizzando il test di tolleranza al glucosio orale. Questo test richiede al paziente di bere una bevanda zuccherata e hanno dello zucchero di anima livelli monitorati in seguito. Il test di screening richiede un'ora per completare. Se restituisce anormale, poi un seconda, tre ore di test di tolleranza al glucosio è fatto. Il test del glucosio digiuno plasma ed emoglobina a1c non vengono utilizzati per diagnosticare il diabete gestazionale.

Se sono stati diagnosticati con il diabete gestazionale, il medico dovrebbe vi rimando a un educatore diabetico certificato o un dietologo che si può imparare come migliorare il tuo zuccheri attraverso la dieta. In alcuni casi, possa essere prescritti farmaci o insulina per riprendere il controllo e ridurre il rischio di complicanze materne e fetali. È molto importante prendere la diagnosi sul serio per ridurre il rischio di danneggiare il tuo bambino.

Inoltre è importante ricordare che la maggior parte delle donne con diabete gestazionale non continuerà a sperimentare gli zuccheri nel sangue anormali dopo la gravidanza. Follow-up test dovrebbe essere fatto entro i primi mesi di nascita per vedere se gli zuccheri nel sangue sono tornati alla normali. Se la glicemia rimane alta, il paziente sarà diagnosticato con il diabete di tipo 2 e cura sarà girato al medico di assistenza primaria del paziente.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Currently, our country is in the grip of an epidemic of low thyroid conditions. These are due, in large part, the increasing air pollution, food and water, resulting in an autoimmune response against our delicate endocrine glands. The organ most severely affected seems to be the thyroid.

Doctors at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York estimates that 20 million people are currently receiving treatment for a thyroid problem, and study at the University of Colorado Health Sciences confirms that another 13 million people would be diagnosed with low thyroid if they had only minimal standard tests performed. Many more people would be diagnosed with the condition if more sophisticated tests were performed.

This constitutes a huge segment of the population of the United States and is likely to be at least partially responsible for several other epidemics more advertised, we are facing: the epidemic of diabetes, especially in children; the epidemic of cholesterol in middle-aged men. the epidemic of serious menopause in middle-aged women; pandemic depression in all ages of our society; and certainly the growth of obesity in America.

Most people are unaware that their individual problems of fatigue, depression and obesity may be due to an undiagnosed borderline low thyroid. In addition, persistent nagging issues may include sinusitis, constipation, eczema, insomnia, dry skin, thinning hair, brittle nails, heat or cold intolerance and a host of female infertility as Difficulties, recurrent miscarriage, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, PMS also hurt.

The solution to these problems can be easier than you might suspect, even when a range of conventional and alternative interventions can have so far proven less fully effective. You must first receive an accurate diagnosis, and then engage in a program of upgrading specific and personalized thyroid. This can be done with conventional medicine, alternative medicine or a combination of the two. In his thirty years of practice, Dr. Richard Shames says "I've seen thousands of patients benefit tremendously on all levels to treat properly what he thought mistakenly by their other doctors to be a normal thyroid situation."

Many of those who were given the traditional blood tests, only to be told that their symptoms are imaginary, find a more thorough verdict with a saliva test. Hormone health group, canaryclub.org, offers these home hormone test with a discount from two of America's most respected Labs. We understand that they have the lowest price available. The information from these tests often indicate an awareness of their patients that there is really something wrong. This in turn can lead to an effective treatment and, ultimately, a return to prosperity.

If you don't feel well, just not up to par, having unwanted kilos, they feel depressed for no apparent reason, have unexpected problems and seemingly unjustified by male or female-don't wait and don't settle for an unsatisfactory diagnosis-get properly tested-and then treated. It's easy, inexpensive and can make the world of difference in your life now!
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Pre-diabetes is also known as borderline diabetes. A blood sugar normal people would be between 70-100 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter) when fasting. People with pre-diabetes have a blood sugar reading of 100-125 mg/dl above 125 mg/dl is considered diabetic.

Fortunately there are ways to help reverse this condition and are fairly simple, if you do them. The first is to get some activity in your daily life. Sedentary people build insulin resistance, which predisposes to pre-diabetes. Exercise and activities to improve insulin resistance and help you burn the sugar. Studies have also shown that exercise can help along with pre-diabetes, even if nothing else changes in your lifestyle, try to get about 30 minutes worth of walking, biking or swimming 4-5 times each week.

Smoking is a cause of serious diseases like heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and stroke. Also raises the risk of pre-diabetes. Quit smoking, you will do wonders for your health. There are many things available today to help you on your way.

Limit your consumption of alcohol. A moderate amount of alcohol has proven to help your health, but excessive drinking can increase the pre-diabetes to full blown type 2 diabetes. A drink a day can reduce the risk for diabetes but simply that.
The last thing is really common sense, eating more fruits and vegetables. You must obtain five or more servings per day of fruits and vegetables per day. This can reduce the risk of not only diabetes but some cardiovascular disease and stroke. This can also help with weight loss, which is also a precursor to diabetes.

Research has shown that a number of drugs have been used effectively to treat pre-diabetes, but none are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Metformin is the most promising, but must be used only for very high-risk people who have pre-diabetes and are severely overweight and between 35 and 60.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


A proper nut is something very important in controlling the symptoms of diabetes. Taking into consideration the fact that eating disorders are some of the causes of diabetes, everyone should know that a healthy diet is required if there is a chance of prevention or cure or keep the disease under control.

In the case of diabetes patients is very important to have a balanced diet and lifestyle in order to maintain glucose levels in the body to a normal and safe. This helps a lot even with the prevention of cardiovascular disease, witch sometimes led to very bad consequences as blinding and even severely affected limb amputation. Doctors and dietitians can help the patient to put together a balanced diet that is also very easy to follow and still has all the nutrients that a person will need to survive.

The American Diabetes Association is able to provide a lot of useful aid for those hit by the illness. They can do so either people putting in contact with specialist doctors to dietitians and general information on diets.

In order to further increase the chances of keeping the disease under control many studies were done and they took a lot of useful solutions. Small meals more frequently are encouraged to eat once or twice a large amount of food during the day and thus upset the delicate glucose level. Doctors should always supervise patient and their diet. Coming to the desired weight must be done on time with short passes and constant.

Because of the disease they are suffering from patients with diabetes are more likely to develop vascular and heart problems. To combat this situation, patients should reduce fats and cholesterol. For this meat, milk and dairy products should be eaten as infrequently as possible and in very small quantities. In order to reduce the level of cholesterol intake should be formed mainly vegetarian diet.

Foods that are high in fiber are the best to be eaten because they can help lower the level of glucose in the body.

When going to a diabetic diet, the patient should keep in mind the objectives they want to achieve those goals to be: get an ideal weight and maintain weight, maintaining a normal level of blood glucose and of course limit as much as possible the use of foods that contribute to heart disease.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
A phobia is an irrational fear of uncontrollable and an object or situation, such as fear of flying, heights and insects, a social phobia (fear of meeting people, going to school), claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces) or Agoraphobia (fear of going outside, being away from home security, or of being alone).

Most people have some phobia (it is estimated that about 10 percent of the population suffers from one or more phobias) but manage to keep it controlled avoiding the urge or suppressing their fears. Phobias are serious only when fear becomes disabling and begins to influence the lifestyle as it needs to be altered or normal situations avoided.

The causes of a phobia can be unknown or the result of an experience that has left a lasting impression. It may, however, be copied or used by parents, teachers or assistants or very occasionally be the result of an organic disorder, such as epilepsy or brain injury. Panic and anxiety are also the result of low blood sugar and may be more common in people with borderline diabetes or a sensitivity to sugar. Phobias can also be the result of prolonged stress (which in itself can cause blood sugar levels to drop), anxiety or panic. Anxious, nervous or stressed easily people are more vulnerable than others of phobias.

Symptoms of a phobia include blatant fear and feeling overwhelmed when confronted with the goal that fear. Physical symptoms include dyspnea, palpitations, sweating, nausea, dizziness and trembling. A sufferer may go to extreme lengths to avoid a confrontation with the goal of their fear.

Learn to cope

There is some evidence that can help sufferers themselves, usually through exposure. In the case of a severe phobia, people fail to think about it. The first step is able to do so, and then taking a step further by drawing pictures of a phobia, looking at pictures in a magazine, maybe watching them on television and so on.

In the case of a phobia of situation, such as flying, can be suggested to go to the airport and Watch the planes take off and land. Then, the next visit, you could go far as the departure lounge (many airlines offer sessions for the phobic and don't consider this unusual). The third visit might sit on a plane, or try a simulated flight electronically. We learn gradually to check your phobia.

Take a step at a time. Draw the lists, keeping diaries that provide a record of your progress. Even when you find that are progressing at a very slow pace-some patients complain of taking two steps back for every step forward there are changes in your situation and acceptance of it, and a diary makes them noticeable. The key to overcome a phobia is taking advantage of the panic, and with practice you can do it. Panic can be overwhelming and can appear uncontrollable, but over time you can learn how to distance yourself from feelings and learn how to turn them off. Many shows of panic may be needed to do it, but it eventually becomes clear that panic attacks end and go away and that you can master feelings on a subject or a phobic situation.


Psychotherapy treatment can lead to desensitization and relaxation techniques.

Homeopathy treatment would be constitutional but specific remedies include: borax and sulfur for fear of heights; Lycopodium, Gelsemium and Anarcardium for stagefright and fear of performing in public.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
While the number of cases of diabetes is rising in the United States, most people do not understand what are the different forms of diabetes. Although we heard the term diabetes, few really understand what diabetes is and, above all, the symptoms to look out for. Over 25 million people suffer from diabetes, and 6 million more and don't even know. Diabetes has become a very serious health problem. At this time there is no cure for type 2 diabetes.

How do you get diabetes?

Every time we eat our food, the body goes to work taking food and change it into energy. It does so by turning it into sugar or glucose, while digesting it. This is what gives us energy. During this process, the pancreas releases insulin, which controls the amount of sugar in our blood. That's what keeps us healthy. Without insulin, the remains of sugar in our blood, creating various health related problems. Among them there are chances of blindness, kidney failure, nerve damage and other problems of organ function. If diabetes is left untreated, it will cause death. Tha why is it so important to be tested on a regular basis and know what your blood sugar levels.

What are the different types of diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes-you may have heard of this form of diabetes Diabetes "juvenile" as is usually found in children. Type 1 diabetes is in only 5-10% of all cases of diabetes. Is diagnosed when the pancreas is unable to produce any insulin at all, or too little of a sum to do the body good.

With type 1 diabetes, patients must have a daily injection of insulin. Without these daily injections will not survive.

Diabetes type 2-this form of diabetes is the most common, with 90-95% of all forms of type 2 diabetes.

With type 2 diabetes, the pancreas does not continue to produce enough insulin or the cells not responding to insulin any Solitaire. In many cases, type 2 diabetes can be controlled through diet and exercise. If this fails to produce the necessary results, may be prescribed oral medications.

Gestational diabetes-this form of diabetes is only found in pregnant women. Similar to type 2, usually hits the 2-7% of all pregnancies. Is caused by the pancreas fail to keep pace in delivering insulin to control glucose levels. This form of diabetes increasingly go away after pregnancy, but there is an increased risk of mother and child to become diabetic later in life.

Doctors generally test for gestational diabetes around the 26 weeks of pregnancy, when insulin resistance usually starts.

Pre-diabetes-also known as borderline diabetes is diagnosed when patients show signs of increased levels of blood sugar and begin to find it difficult to keep them. Pre-diabetes affects over 40 million people, which is amazing when you stop to think about it. If left untreated, pre-diabetes, will turn into diabetes type 2 in most cases. Those with pre-diabetes are urged to modify their diet and begin to get on an exercise routine of some kind. In addition, they should have your blood sugar tested at least every 3 months.

As mentioned earlier, there is no known cure for type 2 diabetes. The only cure for patients with diabetes type 1 is to receive a pancreas transplant. Of course, this can lead to other problems like rejection the body and the effects of the surgery itself. Science is continuing to work on other ways of treating diabetes, including transplantation of insulin producing cells inside the pancreas and also make an artificial pancreas.

Other medical programs underway include producing an inhalation device that will leave your insulin. This should take the place of daily injections of insulin. These and many more improvements are on the horizon for those who suffer from this terrible disease.

For everyone reading this I would like to strongly encourage to have your blood sugar tested annually. Don't wait until it's too late. A one-minute test may keep healthy for years to come.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Pre diabetes or borderline diabetes strikes whose age 20 and over are more than 55 million Americans. Typically, a person would just know which has the status of once he has undergone tests such as plasma glucose test (FPG) and fasting glucose tolerance test (OGTT) oral. Diabetes symptoms include frequent urination, excessive thirst, fatigue and tiredness, increased appetite, blurred vision and in some cases, especially for women, yeast infections and irritation to genitalia. It is important to monitor the manifestations of these symptoms, it may prevent the onset of serious diseases. But exactly how significant?

Be aware of pre diabetes symptoms does notice that once you have noticed that there are some of the symptoms, you can immediately consult a physician. You can set appointments for the tests shall be carried out to determine if the symptoms are linked to diabetes pre or for any other medical condition. Know the symptoms makes you aware of your blood sugar that would undergo regular tests to ensure that your blood glucose within the normal range. And if it is found that you are diabetic, you may make lifestyle adjustments. What are these lifestyle changes?

On knowing that you are diabetic, changes to your eating habits should be done immediately. Follow a diet that consists mainly of low-fat protein, vegetables and whole grains. Break down your meal in several small meals is encouraged. Refraining from eating foods that are low in carbohydrates is also recommended. Less carbohydrates consumed, less product being converted to sugar. Also, should be deprived of desserts such as chocolates and cakes like sodas and sugary drinks. Add only an accumulation of blood sugar. Sufficient amount of fiber rich foods is also a good idea. In addition to changes in eating habits, there is something else that can be done to prevent diabetes symptoms manifest?

Of course, the answer is Yes. Start by reducing the extra pounds off your weight. Obesity is a key factor in diabetes. Trim curb weight down to full blown diabetes occur. In some cases, weight loss you should reverse the pre diabetes. Striving to achieve the normal weight range, have stymied the diabetes symptoms such as excessive eating and excessive thirst. You need an active lifestyle. Daily exercise should be practiced. Just A few minutes walk helps greatly. Other forms of exercise such as swimming and cycling are also ideal weight loss exercises and can give a benefit or two. What are these benefits?

Aside from the great possibility of reversing diabetes healthy eating habits, pre, to undertake regular exercises and weight loss can even prevent the onset of full-blown diabetes. These lifestyle changes may also reduce the risk of other diseases and medical conditions that occur. People with diabetes have up to pre 50% more chances of contracting heart disease and stroke than those who are not. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of pre diabetes symptoms because they serve as your reminder to engage in a healthier lifestyle.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you've been diagnosed with prediabetes, then this is the stage to get into action! There is no way that you could get in on the action without awareness of the problem.

The first step begins with awareness.

What is Borderline diabetes?

Borderline diabetes or prediabetes is when blood sugars are out of normal range, but not in the range for the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.

The clinical name for this is called fasting glucose.

Borderline diabetes or prediabetes is important because it serves as a warning sign. This is the time to make major changes in lifestyle. Or increases the risk of becoming a type 2 diabetic.

How is prediabetes diagnosed?

The quickest way to diagnose prediabetes is a fasting blood sugar. I usually recommend an overnight fast for at least 8 hours and if possible up to 12 hours.

Blood glucose levels normal for diabetes are among 70-99 mg/dL. Substantially less than 100 mg/dL.

When your blood glucose is between 100-125 mg/dL, this indicates prediabetes or borderline diabetes.

If the level is above 126 mg/dl that indicates diabetes type 2.

Another test that can be used to diagnose prediabetes is called the glucose tolerance test (OGTT) oral.

This is a more detailed tests. Firstly, a fasting blood glucose level. Once a fast 8-12 hours is required.

Then you are given a very sweet liquid to drink. This is equivalent to 75 G glucose or the amount of sugar in a can of Coca Cola for example.

Two hours after taking this, I did another blood test. If this is between 140 and 199 mg/dL.

When your blood sugar is over 200 mg/dL, then this indicates type 2 diabetes.

Borderline diabetes have symptoms?

There are symptoms associated with borderline diabetes. So don't expect to have the common signs of diabetes.

What are the risks associated with prediabetes?

The main risk is the development of type 2 diabetes. However people with prediabetes are at increased risk for heart disease, stroke and hypertension.

Get more information on how diabetes and hypertension are linked.

Remember that the same risks that put you at risk for type 2 diabetes also can put you at risk of prediabetes.

What can you do to prevent prediabetes from becoming diabetes type 2?

As noted earlier in this article, diagnosed with prediabetes should serve as a warning sign to make changes in your lifestyle.

In other words does not mean that inevitably will become a type 2 diabetic.

Patients diagnosed with prediabetes should be closely monitored. This is one of the times that, with a commitment to a healthy life, progression to diabetes can be reversed.

The hallmark of success reversing prediabetes is diet and exercise. If you are overweight or obese, commit to losing weight.

Just losing 10% of your current body weight could reverse these effects.

It is important to work with your doctor during this critical phase. By monitoring your blood tests, you and your doctor are better aware of the corrective action to be taken.

Sometimes the doctor may choose to put on a drug called metformin. When this happens, many times patients may get confused because they don't understand enough because I'm on a medication for diabetes even if you don't have diabetes. But research shows that the metformin helps reduce the chances of developing full-blown diabetes.

So next time you hear someone say that they have been diagnosed with borderline diabetes or prediabetes, do a favor to them and educate them about it.

Let them know that this is the time to begin to make changes in their lifestyle.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Most children around the world today are having diabetes type I. However, several young adults and children being affected by diabetes type II are now starting to rise especially in America. It is greatly considered that occurrence of diabetes is the outcome of hereditary characteristics activated by environmental features like exercises and diets. Inactive lifestyle and very bad diet are the usual causes of diabetes type II among young adults and children.

The following signs can be seen in children as warnings that there is development of diabetes: thirst, loss of weight, tiredness and frequent urination. Among children, particular signs may include headaches, stomach aches and problems in behavior. Recurring pain in the stomach and history of illness that is unexplainable must be cured immediately because they are indications of diabetes.

Most children having diabetes are being referred to regional specialist on diabetes. The patients are very well taken cared of in the hospital. The only particular means of diabetes treatment in kids is through insulin. Normally a care team of diabetes will make a plan regarding insulin regimen suitable to individual behavior and necessities of a child.

Rapid-acting insulin must be administered usually at day time and slow-acting dose of insulin must be given at night. The most common treatment among children is through insulin pumps. Occasionally, in the early period after diagnosis, little kids need an extremely small dosage of insulin; however, the doses will change as children grow larger and older. Excellent control on glucose is important in managing all conditions in diabetes.

Treatment of diabetes type II in kids depends wholly on the extent of the development of the condition. It can be probably treated with a sudden change in lifestyle incorporated with exercise and healthier diets.

Parents Responsibility

Dealing with diabetic child is as difficult for the parents as just it was for the child with diabetes. There will be a lot of things that are to be considered and it includes on how the parents will take care of their child, the possible social or psychological problems which the child can experience resulting from diabetes and the cost of care for the child. Observing the blood sugar levels of the child, keeping away from low blood sugar and high blood sugars can be the biggest part of a parent who has a child with diabetes.

Parents should have awareness that their child with diabetes has certain diet restrictions; their levels of activity must be monitored and observed closely. From the start and all the way through the duration of diabetes, this disease can be a severe tension. Initially, the process of managing and treating a child with diabetes is very complicated. Parents should understand on how diabetes has affected their child so that parents can be adoptable and be patient with the process. That is very important for managing the diabetes successfully.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


You're wondering if you may have diabetes.

That can be pretty scary.

Diabetes is on the rise in the US and elsewhere. Some statistics say that 50% of people over 45 may have to deal with diabetes. And it remains the leading cause of kidney failure and loss of sight in America.

The good news I can share is that there are very effective treatments to help you prevent or even turn around diabetes.

But first you have to know if you have diabetes.

Here's the quick run down of symptoms.

You'll start to notice the symptoms when your insulin isn't effective enough at helping your glucose (blood sugar) get into your cells, and it's left floating around in your blood stream.

Once the concentration gets above 180 mg/dl, the sugar will spill into your urine and here's what starts to happen:

1. You'll feel thirsty all the time and you'll need to urinate often. That's because there's so much glucose in your blood that you kidney can't handle it. The glucose spills into your urine  and draws water out of your blood. More urine in your bladder makes you pee. Less water in your water in your blood makes you thirsty.

2. Your vision will start to blur. The lens of your eye is swelling because it's taking in more water so your eye can't quite focus correctly.

3. You're really hungry. Your cells aren't taking in the glucose efficiently. So your cells can't get enough energy and you feel starved all the time, even if you're eating a lot.

4. You're over tired. Again, your cells aren't getting glucose (energy) so you're tired.

5. You may be losing weight. Your body lacks insulin or it's response to insulin. Your body is breaking down your muscle and fat trying to get more glucose. And as you know, you're just peeing the glucose away.

6. You may be getting vaginal infections (only in women). Bugs that cause vaginal infections love sugar. When your blood sugar rises, so do they.

Warning: You may have diabetes and not be showing it. That's right. The worse part is that all this could be going on in your body and you don't know it.

In a 2007 study in Diabetes Care, 6600 subjects (out of a total of 15,000) had diabetes but didn't show a symptom.
Posted by Admin On 4:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes as we all know is one of the world's number one leading cause of mortality. From time to time, many have been diagnosed with this type of disorder and it is sad to know that some are diagnosed only when it is already too late. It does not necessarily mean that when we feel we are healthy, we will no longer visit the hospital for check up. Exercising and living a healthy lifestyle is true but it is not enough. We should include in our priorities visiting the hospital and have ourselves checked up that way we will know if everything in our body is perfectly normal or is functioning well.

The problem with some people is that they are too lazy and stubborn to have themselves checked by the doctor. Sometimes, fear is what keeps them away from visiting the hospitals. Fear of hearing the diagnosis, fear of seeing needles and hospital stuff, and fear of seeing blood is the top most feared by many. How are we ever going to find out if we have a disease like diabetes if we constantly wrap ourselves in fear? As much as possible, we should take away that fear and become very alert when it comes to proper care of our bodies.

Talking back about diabetes, this disease will give us more fear if it is left untreated. Which is more fearful, suffering the different symptoms of diabetes or visiting the nearest hospital? We need to have a brief background on the different types of diabetes and its symptoms that way we will be able to evaluate ourselves if we have experienced such symptoms.

Firstly, this disease has different types. There is Type I, Type II, and Gestational diabetes. When we talk about Type I, it is an autoimmune disease. Researchers still do not understand why the body's own immune system attacks other cells in the body. This type may be acquired due to different environmental factors and viruses. If one has type I, the he needs to take insulin medications daily. Symptoms of this type usually occur over a short period of time. Symptoms include increased thirst, frequent visit to the comfort room, hunger, weight loss, blurring of vision and easy fatigability. If left untreated, it may lead to diabetic coma.

Type 2 is the most common diagnosis in any part of the world. This form is common among those who are obese, individuals at old age, history of gestational diabetes, and a family history of the disease. Symptoms include nausea, frequent urination, thirst, infections, and poor wound healing. It can be treated by having a strict diet, exercise. Insulin may be required when the disease has already progresses.

And the last which is Gestational diabetes is the one which occurs during pregnancy. This is diagnosed through undergoing oral glucose tolerance test. The obese, and those who are pregnant at an old age are at risk for developing the disease. Treatment includes dietary changes, daily exercise and self care.

If you do wish to live long, it is best that you become a health advocate and think of ways in order to keep yourself away from illnesses. Early detection will save you and give you a longer life.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
You may feel afraid and puzzled when the doctor diagnoses you with diabetes. Nevertheless, as soon as you know what it is and how to deal with it, you will feel better. Notwithstanding, even if you feel fine, it is important that you take your condition seriously and immediately start your diabetes treatment.


If you are diabetic, your body is unable to use insulin properly, or even incapable of making enough insulin. Insulin helps you move glucose (sugar) from your bloodstream into the cells of your body, to produce energy for its functioning. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, without which sugar can not enter the cells and thus builds up in the bloodstream.



There is a condition named "pre-diabetes". People with pre-diabetes have higher than normal levels of blood sugar, though not quite as high as those with diabetes. This is a warning sign to urge one to make a lifestyle change to prevent type 2 diabetes. In the United States alone more than 50 million people have pre-diabetes, studies reveal.


Then there is type 1 diabetes, which is an autoimmune disease. The immune system attacks the beta cells in your own pancreas, the cells that produce the insulin, and this causes the pancreas to make too little insulin or stop making it at all. This type of diabetes is more common among whites than it is among people of other races.


Type 2 diabetes is the most common type. According to the CDC, in the United States alone more than 20 million people are affected by this condition. Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body cannot properly use the insulin that it produces itself. This condition is called insulin resistance. This usually happens when you are overweight, and body fat makes it harder to use the insulin your body produces. There may be other risk factors, including aging, physical inactivity, race, family history of type 2 diabetes, etc.


Another type of diabetes occurs when blood sugar levels during pregnancy are higher than pre-pregnancy levels. This is called "gestational diabetes", and its causes are not well known at the present. Some experts' opinion is that the hormones produced by the placenta interfere with the mother's capacity to use her own insulin. If this type of diabetes is not carefully controlled, the baby may be affected. Fortunately, gestational diabetes is usually caught in an early stage and the baby does not suffer any complications.


To determine what type of diabetes a person has, there are two different tests to be used. The FPG test (fasting plasma glucose), in the first place, measures the glycemia level after fasting for an eight hour period. The other one, the OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test), measures the glycemia level after drinking a standardized drink, rich in glucose. Glycemia levels are then tested several times over a period of four hours.

Just a few years ago type 2 diabetes was referred to as "adult onset diabetes". However, an increasing number of teenagers and even children are diagnosed with this type of diabetes, as juvenile obesity increases. Type 1 diabetes used to be known as "juvenile diabetes", but every day more adults are being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is no longer called "sugar diabetes". So you see that many old terms for diabetes are not relevant anymore.


Although being a frightening situation, receiving a diagnosis of diabetes can be, on the other hand, an excellent opportunity to adopt healthier habits and the decision to take control of your own overall well-being and choose, as soon as possible, the right diabetes treatment you need. If you are a type 1 diabetic, you will need insulin each and every day. If you have type 2 diabetes, or gestational or pre-diabetes, you probably will not need insulin.

Anyway, no matter what the type of diabetes you have, you don't need to live a miserable life, full of restrictions and sufferings. You might be able to improve your condition with the appropriate lifestyle modifications including diet, weight control, exercise and nutritional supplements.

Keeping glycemia level under control is key. Maintaining it in the correct range is the first mandatory step. Scientific studies have consistently shown that attaining this goal helps minimize the risk of complications. Strict blood sugar control drastically reduces the chances of suffering most of the diabetes-related complications: kidney, eye and nerve diseases.

A crucial issue here is the way you deal with food. Healthy eating habits can help diabetics control their weight and thus control their diabetes more easily. Among the diets for diabetics, I would recommend the low glycemic index diets (low GI diets), which help maintain body weight and blood sugar in the right levels. It is important for the diabetic to follow a heart-healthy diet, with high complex carbs content, high fiber and low fat content, to prevent hypertension and high cholesterol.


People can control their type 1 diabetes with a combination of a healthy diet, frequent exercise, the appropriate nutritional supplements, and of course insulin.

People with anyone of the other types of diabetes may be able to keep their glycemia under control, and even reverse their diabetes with just diet, exercise and supplements, the three fundamental pillars of any diabetes treatment.
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
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