
The Renal Diabetes Diet Menu is a meal plan for diabetic people who also have kidney problems. It helps you meet your nutritional needs while at the same time avoiding foods that strain your kidneys.

Potassium is essential in keeping the muscles and nerves working properly. Its presence in the bloodstream is being regulated by the kidney so absorbing too much potassium is bad for the kidneys. Avoid too much potassium-rich foods in your Diabetes Diet Menu.

Protein helps repair and keep body tissues healthy as well as facilitate the generation of new tissues. It also boosts the body's resistance to infections. Protein breakdown results to the production of urea which is being regulated by the kidneys. Too much urea buildup is very harmful to the kidneys. One with kidney problems should try to urinate after consuming protein-rich foods.

The kidneys regulate the excretion of liquid waste through urination. Many foods turn into liquid waste and leave the body as urine. Keep track of your intake of this kind of foods and make sure you don't consume too much fluid in your Diabetes Diet menu.

Sodium is important to the body because it facilitates the contraction of the muscles as well as it helps maintain proper blood pressure and fluid balance in the bloodstream. Excess sodium can lead to swelling in the eyes and extremities. The kidneys prevent such situation from happening by getting rid of excess sodium through urination. Avoid stressing the kidneys by taking just the right amounts of sodium.

Phosphorus together with calcium is essential in keeping bones healthy. The kidneys help maintain the right balance between phosphorus and calcium by getting rid of the excess phosphorus through urination. With failing kidneys, excess phosphorus cannot be excreted and the body will result to getting calcium from the bones to maintain the balance between phosphorus and calcium in the blood. Such occurrence will make bones lack calcium and become weak and brittle. Do not eat too much phosphorus-rich foods.

The body gets rid of excess glucose in the blood stream through urination. This help the body avoid unnecessary fat buildup and too much blood sugar. Both fat build up and high blood sugar levels are very dangerous to diabetics, and become even more perilous with failing kidneys. This is the reason why maintenance of stable glucose levels is always the core of any Diabetic Diet Menu.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
You can lower your blood sugar when you eat the right diet and this will help to keep your diabetes in control. One of the things you have to be careful about when you have diabetes controlling your blood sugar levels because it can get too high or too low. First you need to use a diet plan that will lower the amount of foods that turn to sugar as you can. Carbohydrates are one of those foods that you should limit because in most cases it will not keep you levels regulated. You should also eat a lot of green vegetable and lean meats and this will help you to maintain a good healthy weight.

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes you need to understand that you have the power to control it and live a long healthy life. Many people go on and eat the same way as they did before and this is when they have trouble with there blood sugar levels. You have to make some changes in your eating habits so that you can stop the disease from doing damage to your body. There is a reason that you have diabetes and even though it can be passed on in a jean it has a lot to do with the eating lifestyle that a person has.

Remember that controlling your diabetes is not hard to do when you find a diet plan that is low in carbs and high in green vegetables and lean meats. Lowering your sugar level naturally is the best way to have the disease under control and this will increase your longevity.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
A diabetic diet can help you manage diabetes, should it be type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes. You'll find many healthy recipes around that can help you along if somebody in your family members, or you, yourself, have diabetes. Anyone can pull together sugar free recipes, a main course or side dish, a diabetes diet program for your self, cookies, a drink, or perhaps a nice social gathering or two.

Online along with in books you'll find a great range of low carbohydrate and other diabetic menus. You will find there's simply no lack of variety for any diabetic diet plan, without doubt. Why not consider a pleasant salad, or some soup or sauce pertaining to a popular recipe? Even for a potluck meal there is no lack of a huge selection of excellent recipes for anything.

Type 2 Diabetes

This is labelled as adult-onset diabetes. It is actually much more common than type 1. Much more younger people are now being clinically determined to have it, instead of it being exclusive to the older generation. In this form, the pancreas simply cannot preserve glucose levels due to the fact it can't produce enough insulin. It truly is serious but many people who have it have no idea of they already have it!

We've got a handful of tips and hints to help:

*Choose wholesome foods. Make a few diet and lifestyle changes that you could live with. You can eat healthy food and still experience most of what you love. Healthy and balanced servings and in adequate serving sizes is extremely important to eating in order to moderate your blood glucose levels.

*Eat smart foods. Several food items have lasted a while and are actually validated to be smart when an important part of a diabetic diet.

*Fruits and vegetables are great. Try eating a rainbow of colors to remain well balanced. Less starchy food items happen to be far better, for example spinach, carrots, green beans, and broccoli.

*Use whole grain products whenever you can. Brown rice and whole-wheat noodles the latter unless you have to be gluten-free and your most loved pasta sauce or perhaps stir fry, are great, and they taste amazing as well!

*Consume pinto or kidney beans dried out and then soaked and cooked and lentils.

*Prepare fish two to three times weekly.

*Lean meats such as beef loin or pork tenderloin are fantastic. Take the skin off of poultry prior to cooking.

*Consume nonfat dairy products just like yogurt, cheese along with skim milk.

*Sip water and no-calorie diet beverages, yet not fruit punch, regular soda, or another sugar sweetened refreshment.

*Utilize olive or light vegetable oil for cooking. Any kind of fat has elevated levels of calories.

*Watch portion size regarding any food items and reduce your consumption of deserts and chips.

*You'll put on pounds in the event you consume too much of lower calorie foodstuff.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The insulin in a diabetic's body produces at a slower rate than normal, or not at all, and this is why their doctor will prescribe insulin shots that will need to be taken on a daily basis, about twice a day. This is only needed with Type 1 diabetes, however. With Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, it is important, that you have a good diabetic diet and stick to that eating plan. You will have to control what you eat at all times, and that is why it is important to note all of the ingredients in all of the food you eat from the moment you are diagnosed.

A good diabetic diet is not the only thing a diabetic needs to stay healthy - a regular exercise routine is highly important too. If you have been active and eating to a schedule controlling diabetes will be easy for you, but if all of this is a bit new to you, you will want to start with the basics. Plan to eat a meal at least every three hours, make the meals about the size of a small side plate, and control the food group portions in all of the meals you eat.

A good diabetic diet means that you should also stick to carbs with a low glycemic index (GI) and foods that are low in saturated fat. Taking up exercise is also important, and you should aim to make exercise a part of your daily routine. You do not need to over exert yourself - a 20 minute cardio workout a day is all you need.

Taking up exercise is also important, and you should aim to make exercise a part of your daily routine. You do not need to over exert yourself - a 20 minute cardio workout a day is all you need.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is extremely common, in fact there are around 2 million people with this disease in the uk alone.

It is caused by your body either not producing enough insulin or not using the body's own insulin as well as it should. This causes the sugar levels in your blood to rise. Some of the symptoms for diabetes include:- - excessive thirst - excessive amounts of urine - weight loss - fatigue - irritated skin (itching) - dry mouth

Management of diabetes can not be achieved unless you follow diabetic diets, if you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes then you should receive advice from a dietitian regarding which diabetic diets are best for you to follow.

When you visit your dietitian they will provide you with knowledge of how to eat healthily and will most likely suggest lifestyle changes in order to reduce the risk of obesity and to ensure you stay at weight that suits your frame and height.

Diabetic diets do not just eliminate your sugar intake they are designed to help you reduce and monitor your fat intake providing you with a healthy diet that will control your cholesterol level, blood pressure and blood glucose which will lower the risk of other health problems.

If you need to loose weight and have diabetes ask your dietitian for diabetic diets that not only control your sugar intake but will also help you achieve your optimum weight. You will need to loose the weight slowly and follow a strict diet rather than just cutting out meals as this can cause your levels of sugar within your body to fall extremely quickly.

Introducing a fitness plan will help loose and maintain your weight as well as help control your blood sugar. Muscle movement burns calories and sugar reducing the sugar levels within your body.

Before you begin your exercise programme it is important to remember you may need to take some precautions. If you take insulin or any form of oral diabetes medication you will need to check your blood sugar levels before you begin. If they are less than 100 mg/dl you may need to take a carbohydrate snake before you begin and it is wise to check your levels at regular intervals during your exercise. If you are planning to exercise for a long duration of time make sure you plan carbohydrate snacks at regular intervals depending on your blood sugar levels.

Diabetes diets and exercise really is not that different to that of a healthy person as it follows the same nutrition principles, however if you have been diagnosed with diabetes then it is extremely important to stick to the diet. Always seek medical advice before starting any diet to ensure you understand the best and safest ways to stay fit and healthy and achieve your goals.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
It is very important for people with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes who are on insulin or oral medication to maintain a normal blood glucose levels and to establish treatment goals:

-to control their blood pressure

-to obtain the ideal body weight

-to prevent diabetes complications (heart, kidney disorders)

Those are general dietary goals, but the US Dietary Guidelines for healthy eating for all Americans, includes the following: to use in alimentation monounsaturated fats(virgin olive oil, canola oil) and polyunsaturated oils (sunflower, rapeseed) and to avoid the use of saturated fats(animal products)and avoid cholesterol consume. To eat plenty of fiber-rich foods (whole grains, fresh foods, vegetables), nuts, seeds or legumes. Pay attention to the sugar in foods.(especially in fruits).

Protein intake should be reduced: fish and soy-protein are recommended.

Salt intake should also be limited. American Diabetes and Dietetic Association recommend a balanced meal plan: More calories should be taken from carbohydrates, second comes fat and third protein.

As a general line everyone should serve: two portions of fatty fish., five of fruits and vegetables and six of whole grains. Diet plans are planned with dietitians in order to meet the needs of every person with diabetes type I and type II.

For example during a study the scientists have come to the conclusion that if people stay focused on it any healthy diet (a high-carbohydrate/high-fiber diet, a low-fat diet, and a weight management diet)is good for those with diabetes type II, after one year and a half the results were for the people in the study improved glycolated hemoglobin and cholesterol levels. Other effective methods are on diabetes exchange list: counting carbohydrate grams, using the glycemic index.

Monitoring blood glucose carefully is suggested by doctors, to prevent hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Glycemia should have the following values: 80-140mg/dL pre-meal, 100-160 bedtime levels determined four or more times a day. Of course for very young, very old individuals, pregnant women and those with a precare health condition there are different values.

A very easy to use at home test is: glycosylated hemoglobin test which evaluates the severity of the diabetes, normal values are below 7%, high levels are a marker for kidney complications and poor control of carbohydrates. Hypoglycemia occurs when blood sugar is very low and is very dangerous for drivers when it occurs suddenly, it may also occur at night.

Patients with diabetes should always carry sweets or glucose substitutes specially for diabetic individuals to prevent collapse in case of hypoglycemia.

Other recommended tests are: for high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels, urine tests which are significant when traces of albumin are found that indicate severe kidney disease.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetic people tend to gain weight, and coping with the disease is difficult. If not treated effectively, diabetes can be life threatening. When diabetes is complicated by obesity, the medical complications can be daunting. This is why many diabetic people tend to be extremely cautious about what they eat. Many turn to local clinics or the Internet to gather free information regarding diabetic diets.

Free diabetic diets are mostly services freely available on the Internet, at bookstores and local clinics. A patient may utilize any of these resources and find many very effective free diabetic diets. These diets are low in simple sugar and starches and concentrate on simple, wholesome foods. It is possible to receive free diet updates by enlisting with any free online service provider or signing up for mailing lists.

Low carbohydrates, sugar free and no trans-fats foods form the crux of free diabetic diets. Since these diets are considered healthy, clientele extend beyond diabetics. Health conscious people and fitness enthusiasts commonly use them as well. The diabetic diet is aimed at balancing food intake and eliminating the use of products made from white flour.

Free diabetic diets are designed to improve the eating habits of all diabetics or people predisposed to the condition. This information helps people understand the truth and importance of a diabetic diet. Free diabetic diets may even mention guidelines for eating out.

Noted dieticians and health consultants plan these diets that are easy to follow, and a number of patients and other food lovers often contribute recipes and tips. Recipes include many specialty items like cheesecakes, peanut butter cookies, and a variety of similar desserts. You?ll also find delicious entrees; sandwiches and meals prepared using whole wheat. Free diabetic diets are recommended by physicians and are used by many people with and without diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
When it comes to treating diabetes, your diet can have as much influence over controlling the disease as your medication. That's why having a good diabetes diet plan is as important as the drugs or medication you take. In fact, it's possible to control normal diabetes levels without medication by using a combination of the right foods and a consistent workout routine.

Many diabetics are not sure what they should eat to ensure that they have a balanced diet. If this describes you, here are some simple to follow tips to help you find the right balance in your diet to control your diabetes.

1. Eat sweets in moderate doses at different intervals. Don't binge on whatever satisfies your sweet tooth. And when you do eat sweets, be sure you reduce the amounts of cereal, fruit, juice, corn, or potatoes you have.

2. The best thing to do when it comes to eating sweets is to simply eat fruits and vegetables instead. Fruits and vegetables are a great substitute for snacks like candy, soda, and other foods that have empty carbs.

3. Other foods that should be included in your diabetic diet include high-fiber items such as nuts, beans, whole grains, and vegetables. These foods do a good job of helping to control your blood sugar.

4. It goes without saying that your diet should included plenty of water and soup that doesn't contain too much sugar or salt.

In order to be sure your diet includes the right types of foods, you should also be aware of some of the more popular diabetic diet myths. One of the major fallacies of a diabetes diet is that you must avoid eating sugar. In truth, eating sweets can be part of your diet as long as they are accompanied by a daily workout routine.

Another misconception about diabetes diets is that eating a lot of protein is good and you should avoid eating carbohydrates. Eating a high amount protein can result in insulin resistance and not eating enough carbs can have an adverse affect on your health. The best solution is a balance diet that includes both carbohydrates, protein, and fruits and vegetables.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
The blood glucose level should be in between 70 to 130 - before meals and after a meal the blood sugar level should not be more than 180. Keeping a check on these levels helps one to find out which food products are best suitable and which ones should be avoided. Patients suffering from diabetes try to maintain this blood sugar level and therefore, food of a diabetic patient is considered to be boring and dull.

Earlier it was considered that a diabetic patient should not take sugar but some new theories approve sugar intake and a balanced diet is approved to prevent excesses. One can take a variety of different things in food to enjoy it. The patients mostly take the medicines just before a meal but in the initial stage one should try to avoid getting dependent on medicines by making wise food choices and by being physically active.

People who are suffering from diabetes can reduce many complications of everyday life by keeping a check on the diet. Most of the physicians suggest diabetic patients to follow specific diet plan to keep a check on blood sugar levels. The chart includes timings for each meal and snacks, and the number of calories allowed in each meal.

Tips To Make A Diabetic Diet Plan

To make a diet plan it is advised to take more starch and vegetables as compared to milk, fats and sweets. Starch is considered good for everybody and one can take starchy vegetables, grains, cereals, corns and potatoes to stay energetic. These products also fulfill the requirements for vitamins, fibers, minerals and carbohydrates.

Diabetic patients require diet based on weight, height, physical activities, job, sex and age. The dietician should consider the complications which are associated to the diabetic patients such as high blood pressure and cholesterol.

First the total number of allowed calories should be defined and then the various food products should be included depending on the total number of calorie count. The diet chart includes the food products, calorie counts and timings of meals.

Some of the necessities of a diabetic diet chart are given below.

1. It should include a good amount of fiber.

2. About a third of nutrition should come from cereals, potatoes and one-third of calories should come from dairy products, fish and meat. Food containing fats should be lowest in quantity.

3. The number of meals can be more than three but heavy meals at one time should be avoided. Generally five to six short meals in a day is suggested.

4. Bakery products should be replaced by whole grain cooked food and carbohydrates should not be taken just before going to bed. In the diet plan the amount of carbohydrates and the glucose amount are defined as it is needed for controlling the blood sugar.

5. A good amount of vegetables and fresh fruits should be taken along with the meals. One third of the total nutrition should come from fruits and vegetables. Fruits also help in digestion.

6. One should keep check on weight to prevent the risks of heart disease and high blood pressure.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes is essentially a genetic disease; however its expression depends on environment. Simply put, you cannot prevent the onset of diabetes if you have its genes in you, but you can manage it very well if you follow a proper life style and observe certain dietary rules.

As a matter of fact these dietary rules are nothing more than general guidelines for a balanced nutritious diet. However, most people today have so unhealthy dietary habits that they need to be instructed and supervised in it, until it becomes part of their lifestyle

The Bare Basics

If you are a diabetic, the first rule you must observe is to have regular meals and eat in small portions, a strategy known as portion control. Apart from that you only need to observe general nutrition guidelines, particularly regarding carbohydrate intake.


You can take starchy foods in small portions provided the overall daily intake is not too large. Such foods are bread, cereals and some vegetables, particularly potato.

Fruits and Vegetables

Eat as much fruits and vegetables as you can. In the least, you should eat five servings of fruits and vegetables everyday. You can easily do it by taking a few pieces of your favorite fruits for at snacks times, or by having vegetables in dinner. Soups, stir fries and chili help in consumption of more vegetables, so include these in lunch/or dinner.


Surprising though it may seem, you can have sugars and sweets in type II diabetes, but strictly in moderation, that is no more than once, or at the most twice a week. A smart way to eat less sweet while satisfying your craving for sweets at the same time, is to reduce your desert to half.

Soluble and Insoluble Fibers

Soluble fibers are especially beneficial in diabetes as they slow down and reduce the absorption of glucose from the intestines. So, eat soluble fiber rich food as much as you can. Soluble fibers are present in a variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, seeds and legumes, particularly kidney beans. Insoluble fibers are also an important constituent of a balanced diet. They scrub out and clean the lower intestinal tract. Insoluble fibers are found in bran, whole grains and nuts.

All said, it would still be the best to take the services of a dietician to formulate a diet plan keeping in view your lifestyle, weight, ongoing medication and other medical and health issues, together with your favorite foods to ensure that you remain healthy even while satisfying your cravings for particular tastes.

Weight and Lifestyle Issues

In type II diabetes, extra body fat makes it even more difficult for your body to produce and use insulin. So, it is very important to maintain a healthy weight. Shedding as little as 10 or 20 pounds can improve your blood sugar level significantly.

Fats and Carbohydrates

To maintain a healthy weight you will have to reduce your intake of fats and carbohydrates. One way to do it is carbohydrate counting. In it, you determine how many grams of carbohydrate you need in your particular meals and snacks depending on your physical activity level and medication. Carbohydrate counting books are available to help you for the purpose.

Diabetics are at a higher risk as regards heart problems. So they are advised to keep their consumption of fat below 30% of their total calorie intake. Therefore if you are a diabetic, you should consume less fat and particularly stay away from saturated fats. We would also advise you to eat less amount of meat, and stick to lean meats like poultry and fish.

Smoking and Drinking

Smoking can worsen the severity of diabetes and make it more difficult to cope with it. Diabetes often causes problems in blood circulation in the legs and feet, and smoking decreases blood flow even more. Further it raises the level of LDL cholesterol and increases the risk of heart attack Therefore, if you do smoke, we would strongly advise you to quit smoking immediately.

You can take alcohol in moderate amounts if the blood sugar level is under control. But don't drink on an empty stomach, it can result in low blood sugar level. Take the advice of your doctor as to how much alcohol you can safely take.

If you have been following an unhealthy lifestyle and diet, it will be a little difficult to adjust to the new regime. However, not much time will pass before you get adjusted to it and begin to enjoy a healthy life in spite of your diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is actually a form of accelerated aging. Don't believe it? Well, the life expectancy for a diabetic is, on average, 4 to 8 years less than a non-diabetic.

Why is this... and is there anything someone with diabetes can do to slow down the aging process? The reason why diabetics age at a faster rate than non-diabetics is due to "glycation". Glycation happens as we get older but it also happens to diabetics. Glycation is a biological process that, without getting technical, damages the body.

That is why you will see a lot of ailments associated with diabetes... such as cardiovascular problems, vision problems, hearing loss, memory or cognitive problems, impotence and skin conditions. They typically develop these problems due to "glycation".

It is the same thing that happens to us when we age. Toxic substances form in the body due to glycation and cause stress and damage to our cells, organs and tissues. These toxic substances increase as we get older and the levels we accumulate in our bodies are fueled by the foods we eat. Glycation has been related to not only diabetes but also diseases such as cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, Alzheimers and certain kinds of neuropathy.

What is more of a challenge for those with diabetes is that when we cook our foods with high heat (anything above 250 degrees such as broiling, baking, frying and barbecuing), glycotoxins are formed. And glycotoxin levels increase dramatically in diabetics because these toxins thrive in a high glucose environments.

If you have diabetes, be careful when you go out to eat as well. Restaurants often use certain heating processes to enhance the flavor of foods, to improve safety and to extend the shelf life. Glycotoxins are often a result of these processes.

This all seems like bad news, but there is some changes in the diet diabetics can make in order to help themselves. When following a diabetes diet, try as much as you can to cook meat or chicken at a temperature lower than 250 degrees. Instead of broiling or baking foods, try poaching, steaming, stewing or slow cooking the foods. Most people have a crock pot so that would be one of the easiest ways to help.

If you are not sure how to poach foods, you can wee how at this link... http://dairyfreecooking.about.com/od/dairyfreeglossary/g/poaching.htm
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Poor eating habits can and do contribute to the cause of diabetes in humans and this is also the case with dogs and cats that are fed high carbohydrate dry or canned food diets.

Imagine the wolf, lurking in the shadows, ravenous and salivating, surveying the flock of plump, wooly sheep, as they munch contentedly at the grain trough. The wolf draws closer, the sheep, sensing danger, bolt away, and instead of giving chase, the wolf saunters over to the feed trough and greedily scarfs down the contents!

Ridiculous? Of course it is! Why, then, do we insist on feeding grains to dogs?

The pet food companies that have set themselves up as nutritional experts have done a great disservice to our canine friends by including copious quantities of grains to dry and canned products which they so adamantly claim is 'dog food'.

Dog diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, is a disease of nutrient excess. It usually appears as a result of well-intentioned caregivers feeding inappropriate 'foods' to the point of obesity. It is the most common hormonal disorder found in dogs and, historically, it's appearance is directly related to the appearance of commercial pet foods.

The symptoms of diabetes in dogs are weight loss, drinking more water, urinating more often, and the results can be poor skin and hair coat, liver disease, vomiting, weakness in the rear legs, kidney disease, and blindness. Diabetes in dogs is a very serious illness, and should be treated as such, as the prognosis, if left untreated is not good.

Diabetes develops because the animal's body is unable to break down and use glucose properly. Sugar appears in the urine, which causes the animal to urinate more, causing him to drink more fluids. The pancreas is called upon to make the hormone known as insulin, and when a dog is fed a diet that is high in carbohydrates, the pancreas can't keep up. Carbohydrates turn to sugar in the digestive tract, and our canine friends do not have the capacity to deal with this amount of sugar.

The wolf, with its wild prey diet, does not suffer the consequences of the grain-based diet. As long as prey animals are abundant, the wolf will maintain a healthy weight, and will not develop the symptoms, so prevalent in our pet population.

The best preventative measure is a meat-based diet that does not contain grains, fillers or preservatives.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


In the past, it was thought that diet with excess carbohydrates would immediately cause the level of blood sugar to rise. Thus, the low-carb food. Interestingly, the new diabetic diet approach is one that concentrates on the right calories intake. It raises the question - which approach should a diabetic take?

In the past, it was thought that any excess carbohydrates, especially sugars, would immediately cause the level of blood sugar to rise, causing high blood sugar problems for diabetics. Consequently for years, the dietary advice for all diabetics was to restrict the intake of carbohydrates - both starchy foods and refined sugar. While so much attention was paid to the amount of carbohydrate in the diabetic diet, there was little or no concern about the proportion of fat or protein eaten and the dietary fibre content was never even taken into consideration. The total energy content of the diet - expressed in calories - was only thought important for diabetics who were overweight and needed to control food intake to achieve weight loss.

However, all this is changing, and diabetics must switch from the traditional approach to the new diabetic diet. Study has shown that the right approach is to take sufficient calories every day to suit a person's needs. Fibre-rich foods, providing nutritious, filling meals, are a preferred carbohydrate source and not refined starches and sugar. Fat content is best below 30% while protein intake must not be excessive. The amount of protein will depend on the current nutritional status of the individual but usually no more than 12% to 15% of total calories.

While, the new approach where diabetics are told to eat more carbohydrates, up to 55-60% of total calories, it is starches and not sugars that should be increased. One reason diabetics are recommended to eat more complex carbohydrates is that the long chains of glucose molecules, especially those encased in fibre, are more difficult to break up (digest) and therefore slower than simple sugars in releasing the glucose into the bloodstream. This is especially important for diabetics as blood glucose levels after a meal must not rise too high. Rice, noodles, potatoes, and bread are examples of complex carbohydrates.

Let us all equip ourselves with more and the right knowledge about diabetes, thus more effective in taking care of the health of our loved ones.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
American Diabetes Association Diet plan is for the good health of members who are suffering diabetes, but everyone who has access to the association's website can learn a lot about what foods to eat to control diabetes or to not get diabetes. But since everyone will not go to the site, this article will suffice for people who find it.

It is extremely important for a diabetic to live by proper nutrition and healthy eating routine . Every member of the American Diabetes Association is encouraged to eat the ADA diet. The ADA diet plan is a guideline for members to eat healthy foods that contain just enough amounts of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrate and fat to help sustain them as diabetic patients. A diabetic patient should not over indulge in food or anything for that matter.

The ADA Diabetic diet guideline focuses on 4 major food groups.

1. Dairy products like low fat milk, skim milk, cottage cheese and yogurt are recommended for their calcium content, minerals and protein, too.
2. Foods such as poultry, meats, eggs, fish, nuts and dried beans.
3. Vegetables and fruits for vitamins and minerals necessary for repairs, and for carbohydrate foods
4. Whole grains, green breads and cereals are recommended.

If you follow the American Diabetes Association Diet plan your body will not lack the necessary nutrients for functioning normally, because your diet contains adequate vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats for a healthy life in spite of diabetes. In fact, this diet helps a great deal to control the disease.

If you are diabetic it means that your system is no more very capable of processing Carbohydrates to provide energy for the body. The complication that comes with this is that sugar starts to collect in your blood over the normal standard. This is when it is mandatory that you switch to eating good carbohydrates such as beans, lentils, whole grains, and cereals. Avoid heavy carbohydrates such as white bread, potatoes, rice, manioc etc.

When someone is diagnosed with diabetes the medics usually advise that you eat more Proteins than carbohydrate, because proteins are also sources of energy for your body. They are very fundamental to growth. If you eat more proteins they will help to minimize you blood glucose level.

Foods that are high in fiber are very healthy for you, and they are included in the American Diabetic Association Diet Plan. Beans, whole grains, peas and veritable contain good amounts of fiber. What fiber does is mop up excess blood glucose and cholesterol. As a diabetic you should not go without some fat in your diet, but you must follow the American diabetic association diet to ensure that you only eat the right amount.

Foods that are rich in fat are not good for you. Eat lean meat, they have low fat content. For cooking oil what is recommended is olive oil or flax seed oil, because they contain less fat and cholesterol. Chicken skin is fatty, do not eat it. It is the Skim or low-fat milk that is recommended for diabetics by the American diabetics association.

Reduce your Salt intake. You must not eat foods that are high in salt. It is wise to always read canned or packed foods labels so that you do not consume what you should not consume. The American diabetes association forbids members to take sugar, it is not just about sugar in your tea or coffee, sugar coated pastries, syrups and canned soda are out for you.

Alcohol mimics sugar in the blood stream so do not take it, the American diabetes association outlaws alcohol for members. If you do as you are advised you will live a normal life with diabetes, and if you do not have it yet, you will be able to keep the disease at bay with the American Diabetes Association Diet plan.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
With pre diabetes you basically have a high blood glucose level but not necessarily high enough to diagnosis diabetes; however, if you don't watch your diet and your exercise program the onset on diabetes on down the road is likely. You can see how important a proper diet is for those who have been diagnosed as being a pre diabetic.

Usually with pre diabetes, you will only have to make minor changes in your diet and normal daily routine to accommodate the diagnosis and the condition. It could be as simple as losing some weight, watching what you eat and developing an exercise routine that you will be able to follow on a weekly basis.

The pre diabetes diet will usually consist of watching your caloric intake as well as other factors such as fiber, carbohydrates and sugar. You will want to maintain a healthy diet to ensure and guarantee that you will deter the onset on diabetes in the future.

The Pre Diabetes Diet - Controlling your calorie intake is extremely important. This will help to ensure that you do not overeat, causing you to become overweight, which is one of the risk factors for Type 2 diabetes. Consult your physician to learn what a healthy daily calorie intake should be for you and follow it. This can be your way out of developing diabetes and it should be taken seriously.

Control your fat intake. Learn how much fat you can consume that can still be considered a "healthy" level. Control your sugar intake. You don't have to cut sugar out of your diet completely, but by eliminating unnecessary sugar intake, can help to control your weight and overall give you better eating habits.

One way to do all of this is to watch your carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates, when broken down by the body, turns into forms of sugar, which is then stored in the body for later energy consumption. By following a low carbohydrate diet, you can help to eliminate unnecessary sugar, which in turn will help your overall diet.

Not only should you watch your diet, you should also develop an exercise routine. It could be as simple as taking a short walk every night after supper. Exercise will help you to lose weight, which can help prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes later in life.

One Thing Affects Another - You can see how one aspect of your diet can affect another or how your diet and exercise routine can affect your health. By learning how one is related to another and how one affects the other, you can help to deter your chances of developing not only diabetes but also things such as high cholesterol and possibly even heart problems.

Your eating habits and your exercise routine can help or hurt you in many ways; therefore, these aspects of your life should be taken seriously and you should do your best to maintain a healthy diet, whether it is a pre diabetes diet or not. Being diagnosed with pre diabetes is nearly as serious as being diagnosed with diabetes. In other words, if you don't change your habits, a diagnosis of diabetes is inevitable.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetics generally have an innate feeling that there are too many restrictions on their diet and food items. Some diabetics even think there is nothing delicious left in their eating plan once they are diagnosed with diabetes.

Do you have the same feeling? If yes then you'll be surprised to read the following passages as there are many healthier fruits and vegetables for the diabetics.


Many fruits like grapefruit, peaches, apples and lime are healthier for diabetics. It is recommended that diabetics should divide their fruit and vegetables in five portions and take them evenly distributed throughout the day. This even distribution of food portions helps the diabetics to avoid sudden rise and fall in the blood sugar levels

High fiber diet

High fibrous diet includes fruits, cereals, nuts seeds, pulses and vegetables. Fiber rich diet not only helps the diabetics to control the level of blood glucose but at the same time lower down the level of cholesterol. It gives the diabetics a fuller feeling and keep them away from binge eating.

Whole grain foods

It is better to give preference to whole grain food items over the processed foods. The examples of whole grain foods are whole wheat bread, whole gain spaghetti etc. the examples of processed foods are white bread and white rice. No matter these processed food groups taste good but it is better to avoid them specifically if you are a diabetic.


Prefer the leanest part of the meat. You may take meat of beef and lamb once or twice a week. Occasionally diabetics may eat organ meat to fulfill the vitamin deficiency of their bodies.


Best meat choices are fish, poultry and duck.


Seafood of all types is excellent for diabetics. However it is strongly recommended to boil, bake or steam it.

Non Fat Dairy Products

Prefer non fat dairy products over full cream food groups. Low fat cheeses, skimmed milk and low fat yogurt are good for diabetics.

Egg White

Egg is allowed to the diabetics, however white part is better than yellow. The egg yolk may increase the cholesterol level of diabetics.


All kinds of cheeses are good except for the cottage cheese.


All types of vegetables are good. Still the preferred choices for diabetics are onion, garlic and sweet potato.

Diabetics must avoid eating sugar, honey, sweets, cakes, rye, rice, bread, pasta, pastry. Potatoes, carrots, mangoes, sugarcane, fast food and saturated fats.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Being diagnosed with any type of Diabetes can be devastating. The lifestyle and behavior changes that are necessary to safely manage this disease can be extremely difficult for many new diabetics to cope with. Often, newly diagnosed diabetics will frantically search out cures, treatments, or ways to reverse their condition. This article will explore some of the most commonly found "cures" and attempt to shed some light on these medically controversial claims.


Diet changes are often the first thing you'll find when searching for a Diabetes cures. There are diets marketed specifically for Diabetics that promise to reverse the damage and cure the disease simply by changing ones eating habits. While it may be true that dietary adjustments during the pre-Diabetic phase can have miraculous effects on symptom reduction and possibly even prevention of Diabetes-onset, once one has developed a diagnosable form of Diabetes simple diet changes will not reverse the disease. Diet is one of the primary means by which diabetics can control their blood sugar and reduce the medication required to maintain their health but it has not been medically proven to cure Diabetes. There is a huge difference between symptom disappearance and curing the actual ailment causing the disease and so far there hasn't been a diet proven to be a real cure for Diabetes.


Another common claim is that by staying hydrated you can nudge your body into a natural state of healing through cell replacement. Staying hydrated is recommended to anyone, not just diabetics. By staying hydrated, you will feel more alert, less nauseous, you will sleep better, your bathroom breaks will be more regular, and your body will simply feel better. These are often mistaken for Diabetes symptom reduction when in fact they are simply a reduction of dehydration symptoms. The simple truth is that levels of hydration will only effect cell replacement in the body at the extreme end of dehydration. So whether you're fully hydrated, slightly dehydrated, or somewhere in between, your body will be replacing cells at the same rate. Staying hydrated is always good medical advice, but it will not provide a Diabetes reversal as many websites claim.

Weight Loss

Losing weight through diet and exercise is actually one method that has been shown to reverse Diabetes at least somewhat. The main causes of Diabetes are poor diets and sedentary lifestyles so it does make good medical sense that reversing these causes may also reverse the disease. Bringing your body back into proper shape will raise the efficiency of all systems and allow your body to process sugar and other nutrients in a more natural way. The combination of losing weight and improved diet have been shown to provide diabetics with an ability to manage their blood sugar more naturally through decreased insulin sensitivity. This eliminates the need for regular usage of medications to manage the disease.

Herbal Remedies

There are many websites claiming to have herbal remedies for almost every disease known to humans, including Diabetes. While there are some herbs that have been shown to lessen symptoms and assist in blood-sugar control, there still isn't a "magic bullet" herb that will cure the disease and heal the damage to a diabetic's body. Professional medical advice should be sought before taking any medicine, especially herbal medicines. If you are already taking medicines or insulin to manage Diabetes, the addition of an herbal medicine could have unforseen side effects which can be potentially very serious. Herbal remedies should be thoroughly researched and scrutinized before one believes the label or the marketing slogan that is attempting to sell them.


The natural reaction to a Diabetes diagnosis is - "What can I do to fix it?". The answer is - begin by managing the disease and lessening the symptoms through improved diet and daily exercise. These are the only proven methods for reducing symptoms and maintenance requirements of Diabetes. Fad diets can help to reduce symptoms but an actual cure for Diabetes goes beyond the food you eat. Hydration will help with symptom reduction but will not result in reversing Diabetes. Herbal remedies can have positive effects on symptoms but there is still no herbal cure discovered that will totally cure Diabetes. True reversal of Diabetes is not possible in the short term however there are controversial studies showing a glimmer of hope for a long term cure or reversal.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is a medical condition where your body is unable to transfer sugar to the sugar storage sites such as liver and muscles. Sugar in the food we eat gradually passes from the stomach to the intestines. They are then broken into very minute form of sugar called glucose.

There are two types of diabetes namely Type 1 and Type 2. The main cause for the onset of diabetes is an inappropriate lifestyle, gestational diabetes and disorders. The symptoms exhibited by diabetics include weakness, weight loss and excessive urination. Diabetes on the long run may affect an individual's heart and eye. Research shows that diabetes and diet are directly linked and the diabetic level can be maintained with the help of a healthy diet.

Those suffering from diabetes should be educated about the direct relationship between diabetes and diet. A diabetic patient should always have a control on glucose levels. It is very essential finding a diet pattern that is good for your health and at the same time keeps the diabetes under control. The diet intake for diabetics must help in burning fat and not insulin. The best defense against diabetic complications is to lead a healthy lifestyle and match it with a good diet. Diet has direct control on diabetes. An appropriate diet is sure to promote good blood glucose control.

Starchy Foods: It is very important to remember that diabetics must eat the same amount of food at the same time every day. This is to keep the blood sugar level stable. Diabetes and diet definitely have a direct link. It is highly recommended for diabetics to eat more amount of starchy food. Starchy foods such as cereal, bread and starchy vegetables and fruits must form an important portion of the diet. You can have a minimum of six small servings per day. Corn and cooked blacked beans contain a lot of starch and therefore can be added to the salad.

Fruits and vegetables: People suffering from diabetes should have at least five types of fruits and vegetables everyday. Fresh fruits and vegetables supply the necessary energy to the body and at the same time also maintain the blood sugar level. A small bowl of fruit salad is recommended for breakfast or for snack time. Having vegetable salad for lunch or dinner is ideal for diabetic patients. Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber help in maintaining low glucose levels. As there is a direct link between diabetes and diet, it is essential eating fruits and vegetables that have less sugar content. For instance, it is recommended avoiding green banana, sweet potato, mangoes, beetroot and carrot.

Fatty food: Diabetic patients should avoid dairy products, as it is a major source of saturated fat. Patients can eat healthy mono saturated fat. You must avoid eating egg yolks and organ meat, as they are rich in cholesterol. Vegetable oil can be added in your daily diet as it contains unsaturated fats.

Since diabetes and diet go hand in hand, it is recommended to avoid certain unsuitable food items in your diet for effective maintenance of low blood sugar levels.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


For those that suffer with diabetes there are 3 very important goals in any diabetic health plan. When you are diagnosed with diabetes your doctor will most likely put you on medication and discuss exercise and diet for diabetic patients. Diet is perhaps one of the most important changes you will need to make in your lifestyle, and it is important that you take the time to learn more about why diet is so important.

Diet for diabetic patients can mean the difference between getting your diabetes under control and not being able to control it properly. It is important to determine the number of calories you should have in a day, which should be based on what your ideal body weight is. In addition to that it is important to watch your carbohydrate intake since it has been found that the lower your carbohydrate intake is, the lower your blood sugar will remain.

In addition to watching your carbohydrates you will also want to avoid foods with excess amounts of saturated fat such as those that are in many meat and dairy products, snack foods and processed foods. The ideal diet for Diabetic patients will balance the proper amount of calories, carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats to keep the blood sugar under control and aid the patient in losing weight.

The amount of food that you eat as well as what type of food you eat will have a definite impact on your blood sugar levels. Look for foods that are nutrient rich complex carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables. These foods, while they are carbohydrates, when balanced properly are healthy carbohydrates that will help keep your blood sugar lower. Avoid refined foods such as white flour and white sugar as these are what are commonly referred to as simple carbohydrates that break down quickly and will spike your blood sugar rapidly.

When planning a diet for diabetic patients choose complex carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, add some lean protein, and healthy fats, and you will have a diet that will help the diabetic patient lose weight, and keep their blood sugar under control.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
What exactly is a diabetic diet? I am not diabetic, but I know people who are. They often talk about their dietary restrictions, but I have honestly never stopped to ask what exactly they are trying to accomplish with a diabetic diet. I looked into it and found that there are a number of goals for and benefits to a diabetic diet.

First of all, one of the main goals for a diabetic diet is to lower your weight and maintain it. In addition, the diet is designed to help maintain regular glucose levels in your body. Diabetes prevents your body from processing glucose the way it should, so a diabetic diet has to, to some degree, perform that maintenance. In addition, the hope is that a diabetic diet will also help you to maintain healthy lipid levels and keep your blood pressure under control.

Second, a diabetic diet will vary some from person to person. The benefits and assistance to your body from the diabetic diet will depend on what type of diabetes you are trying to treat. Each type has its own challenges and level of restriction on the diet. The important thing to remember, though, is that studies show the effectiveness of a diabetic diet is dependent, not so much on the diet itself, but on how well the patient follows the diet. Given that information, there are still some specifics to keep in mind.

If, for example, you have type 2 diabetes, your dietary restrictions may not be quite as high. For many of those with type 2, their diabetic diet is really just a simple heart healthy diet. You will likely be advised to avoid excessive fat and to maintain a high fiber diet among other things, but it will be a fairly easy diet to stay with.

If you have type 1 diabetes, though, you will likely have more restrictions. For those with type 1, it will likely be a more individualized diabetic diet. Type 1 is individualized and so after tests are done and medications are prescribed, your diabetic diet will likely be custom designed by your physician or a nutritionist.

A diabetic diet, it turns out, is not just one thing. There area number of dietary methods available to doctors and nutritionists that can help control blood sugar levels for those with diabetes. If one works for you, then there is no reason for you to switch unless something changes. Regulating diabetes is individual, so if you find you are diabetic it is important to talk to your physician about your individual diabetic diet and stick with it.

So what is a diabetic diet? Well, it turns out that there is not one answer. Instead, a diabetic diet is whatever works to regular the blood sugar of the specific patient. Each one is different, but the most important thing to know about a diabetic diet [http://www.dixiejournal.com/category/health-reviews] is that it only works if you stick with it and stay focused on your health.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
As we have mentioned on numerous occasions, knowing how your body reacts to various food ingredients is vital in the fight against diabetes. You need to know the diabetes foods to avoid and give yourself the best chance of leading a normal life as bad food for diabetics can have a detrimental impact on your quality of life.

Why do certain foods react differently?

For whatever reason, whether type I diabetes or type II diabetes, in a diabetic the level of sugar in the blood will either be too high or too low thereby placing the person at risk of medical complications. As a consequence, it is vital to know which foods to eat and which foods not to eat although that is not to say that any one food should be out of bounds for diabetics, but you may need to eat some foods in moderation.

Diabetic diets

Many years ago there was a move towards low fat diets for diabetics although recently we have seen the emergence of low carbohydrate diets which many believe offer a better standard of life for diabetics.

Low-fat diets

While low-fat diets do have an impact upon weight gain and obesity, there was a feeling that's if the amount of fat in a diabetic diet with stripped down to the bare minimum then the body would eventually look to burn existing fat cells for energy. This is why many medical experts now look towards a more balanced diet with a lower content of carbohydrates.

Low carbohydrate diets

Carbohydrates come in all shapes and forms and are basically sugar which will filter straight into the blood system when ingested. For a diabetic, whether they are insulin resistant or the body is not able to produce enough insulin, this can lead to very high blood sugar levels which can result in serious medical complications.

Diabetic diets

There are a number of foods which should be avoided in large quantities which include sugar, fried foods, rich sauces, salad dressing, cheese and dairy products, refined flour, some natural fruit, high starch content vegetables and high cholesterol foods to name but a few. Again, many people believe there is no need to put these foods out of a diabetic diet completely while maybe consuming them in very light amounts.

Diabetic food

As the arguments over diabetic diets continue with different parties offering very different opinions we have seen the creation of a massive diabetic food industry. Quite literally any food which is available in "normal shops" is likely to be available for a diabetic although you will see sugar replaced by an alternative and other potentially harmful ingredients omitted.


There is no doubt that diabetic diets have come on in leaps and bounds over the last few years as information becomes available about the illness and potential side effects. However, in order for any diabetic diet to be wholly successful there needs to be a focus and determination on the side of the patient. There are many bad foods for diabetics and there are many diabetes foods to avoid, at least in moderation.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Gestational Diabetes is when the glucose level in blood gets high while one is pregnant. Gestational diabetes usually goes away after the baby is born. But a pregnant woman who had gestational diabetes is at the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in her life. This does not cause harm a lot to the baby.

Gestational diabetes if left untreated can cause the baby to produce more insulin thus gaining a lot of weight. This can sometimes result in a premature delivery.This leaves a pregnant woman to a greater dilemma what to eat and what not to eat. What is good for the baby might be bad for her glucose values and vice versa. 

Following are some of the guidelines for the gestational diabetic diet.

--Do not skip meals. Rather take 5 meals at regular intervals.

--Eat the minimum amount of carbohydrates in the breakfast, as at this time insulin resistance is greatest in the body.

--Keep the amount of carbohydrates consistent in each meal.

--If suffering from morning sickness take 2 servings of crackers as the first thing in the morning before even getting down from the bed.

--Take frequently small meals the whole day and try to avoid foods rich in fats.

--Select foods that are high in their fiber content like pasta, rice, whole-grain bread, fruits and vegetables.

--Take foods that are low in sugar.

--Drink a minimum of 6 glasses of water.

--Take at least 4 servings of the dairy milk products.

--Take at least three servings of food rich in iron.

--Take at least one serving of food that contains vitamin C.

--Daily take at least one source of folic acid.

--Take at least one source of vitamin A every alternate day.

--Avoid alcohol, quit smoking during pregnancy.

--Limit caffeine intake..

--Do not try to loose weight during pregnancy.

 By following the above mentioned guidelines pregnant women  can very easily control not only their gestational diabetes but also morning sickness, fatigue and headaches.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes or insulin resistance is a common screened metabolic disease found in millions of people from all over the globe. Diabetes causes troublesome in processing sugar content in human body and induces a rise in blood sugar level. As per the research conducted by International Diabetes Federation, the number of diabetic patients in the world is getting increased by six million in each year. India holds the number one position among the countries with greatest number of diabetic patients. Diabetes, mainly caused due to the lack of insulin can be detected by doing blood glucose test. There are two types of tests available for testing blood glucose level. One is done in empty stomach where as the other is done two hours after food. Liver malfunctioning, pancreas damage, excessive sugar consumption and low physical activity are some of the causes of diabetes.

A person is supposed to have diabetes, if he has a sugar level greater than 126 mg before food and above 200 mg after food. Diabetes can be divided into type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Out of them, type 1 diabetes is mainly caused due to the lack of insulin and is mostly seen in youth. But type 2 diabetes occurs due to uncontrolled lifestyle and is dangerous when comparing type 1 diabetes. If the parents are diabetic, then the chance of occurrence of diabetes is more in the case of type 2. Lowering cholesterol level, blood pressure and reducing overweight are some of the ways for controlling type 2 diabetes. Persistent hunger is the main symptom of diabetes.

Patient will be asking for more and more food. This is mainly due to the presence of unburnt sugar in patient's body. Walking at least half an hour per day reduces the body weight there by reducing cholesterol level and blood pressure level. Walking is considered as a good exercise for promoting insulin sensitivity. By walking or doing regular exercises, extra calories in the body will get burnt there by reducing body weight.

A diabetic patient should try to attain the lowest body weight as possible. Reducing carbohydrate consumption is one major technique for reducing body weight. A balanced diet with low carbohydrate concentration is preferred for diabetic patients. Avoid the over intake of sugar, oil, dry fruits, egg, beef and goat meat in food. Diabetic patients should always take great control over the food items.

Taking small amount of food in many trips is preferred over taking large quantity of food. Some of the favorable food items for a diabetic patient are green vegetables, oats, soybeans, legumes, yogurt, fish and eggs. Patients should try to include fiber rich content as much as possible in their diet. These food items help in burning fat and lowering cholesterol level in the body. Dietitians suggest protein rich diet for the patient because protein lowers the body blood sugar level. Check ups for the blood sugar level should be done regularly. Healthier lifestyle with proper medication prevents diabetes and enhances insulin management.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
A cookbook typically provides people with a large number of recipes to make tasty and nutritious dishes. A diabetic diet cookbook is written keeping in mind the specific nutritional needs of a diabetic patient. A diabetic should abstain from eating food that have high cholesterol or sugar content. Therefore, the recipes in a diabetic cookbook are low in sugar and cholesterol content but high in proteins.

Diabetic diet cookbooks are a useful source of information about food composition, cooking tips, favorite recipe modifications, portions and menus. Most diabetic diet cookbooks contain information on the amount of calories, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, proteins and vitamins that each serving of a certain dish contains. These cookbooks offer alternate ways of cooking certain recipes that should not otherwise be eaten by diabetes patients.

The recipes in a diabetic cookbook usually contain natural, whole foods like fish, herbal sweeteners and legumes (beans, peas and lentils). These types of food help stabilize blood sugar. The recipes are designed to provide a balanced nutritional content of 50% carbohydrate, 25% protein and 25% fat.

While the recipes in a diabetic diet cookbook are designed for diabetics, a non- diabetic can also follow these diets and remain healthy. In fact, readership surveys in the US indicate that 33 % of the people who bought diabetic books in 2004 were non -diabetics.

It is estimated that 18.2 million Americans suffer from diabetes. This is viewed as a sizeable opportunity by many chefs and culinary authors to continue compiling and publishing these impressive and needed cookbooks. Non-diabetics who read these books are an added bonus for authors and publishers as well. You will find diabetic diet cookbooks in most bookstores, and they can be ordered over the Internet.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


What exactly is diabetes and can you control diabetes by diet?  Diabetes isn't really a disease about not having enough insulin; in actual fact diabetes isn't a "disease" at all.  It is a symptom of having a pancreas that is too damaged to produce the insulin needed by your body to regulate the levels of sugar in your blood.  With traditional medicine, diabetes can never be cured.  The drugs prescribed by doctors only control the symptoms of the disease, they never deal with the cause of the problem.

There is new research out for people with Diabetes and this natural discovery is helping people cure their Diabetes completely without the use of medicine.  It has been discovered that it is our modern lifestyle that is causing not just increased risk of heart disease but also increases in Diabetes.

The human body was designed to run on a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds, vegetables and plenty of water.  What the modern diet consists of now is sugar, fats and oils, cigarettes, alcohol, chemicals and  pesticides.  We just keep filling our bodies "fuel" that it is not designed to deal with and your pancreas has to absorb and process this.  What scientists have now discovered is that the root cause of diabetes is when your pancreas becomes diseased by the acids, sugars, fats and carbohydrates that are so common in our modern diet.  If you don't stop the attacks on your pancreas you develop type 2 and eventually type 1 diabetes.

Once you "cleanse" the pancreas from the overflow of acids, it starts to rebuild itself.   It starts to recover and gradually starts to rebuild the pancreas and so produce more insulin naturally. The simple truth about diabetes, and many other modern diseases in fact, is that it is much more important to pay attention to what you put inside your body than to try and deal with the symptoms with drugs!

It would seem that the best way to control diabetes is to change your lifestyle.  Cut out all the processed foods with refined carbohydrates, additives and way too much fat and sugar and revert back to a more natural diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, unrefined carbohydrates and reduced alcohol consumption, a "control diabetes diet".

Click on the links below to get more information.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The early symptoms of diabetes are often taken for granted as the norm. Diabetes (type 2 specifically) is at an all time high in the United States door to a number of various factors such as environment, work habits and poor diet. It is said that todays nine-to-five lifestyle of the average American is the breeding ground for this disease. So how does one stay safe from this disease when it is so common among todays adults? The key is in early detection of the symptoms of diabetes and taking action in order to make a healthy change.

So what are the common diabetes symptoms?

The common diabeties symptoms include the following: excessive thirst, frequent urination, extreme weightloss or gain, highly increased fatigue, irritability, increased hunger, blurry vision, confusion, upon many other symptoms of diabeties. One extremely important thing to consider is that these symptoms do not mean you have diabetes, they are simply warning signs and should be used as "red flags" in order to get checked out by a medical professional. In other words, it is common for everyone to experience one or more of theses symptoms every now and then, but should not be ignored either. If these symptoms persist or come back repeatedly or if you experience more than one of these diabetes symptoms at a time, it may be time to visit the doctor to get tested.

Only a medical professional can diagnose whether or not you have diabetes through simple blood tests. The key to treatment is early detection. In addition, preventative maintenance is key to not falling victim to this disease. In addition, diabetes can be inherited through other family members. If you have a history of diabetes within your family, you may be at greater risk for this disease.

What is a proper diabetes diet?

There is a vast amount of information available on the topic of diabetes diets. As a rule of thumb, you should eat the way most medical professionals would want you to eat normally. The diabetes diet is considered quite possibly, the healthiest way to eat. Diabetics should eat small portions throughout the day, a healthy breakfast and a diet of regulated carbs as a routine. Many diabetics take cinnamon supplements as cinnomon can help regulate blood/sugar levels in the body. It is highly suggested that if you currently have diabetes, that you get involved in your own study of the disease and take part in programs that can help you cope and treat your disease.

If you don't have diabetes, but you may be at risk, there is no other time like the present to take action to ensure that you do not become afflicted with diabetes. This is your best chance at avoiding the risks associated with this disease. If you think you may be at risk, there is no time like the present to start making changes in your diet and lifestyle to avoid further declination in your health.

Studies have also shown that not getting enough sleep also contributes to your chances of getting diabetes, and those who have diabetes, it is more important than ever to get enough restful sleep every night. Sleep is highly under-rated in today's society but lack of sleep can easily cause a multitude of long-term health problems and should be taken seriously. Like sleep, exercise, even a short walk every day, can greatly increase your health and put you further away from the risks associated with diabetes.

Is there a diabetes cure?

This is a highly argued topic as the diabetes symptoms can be suppressed so much that they are almost, if not completely, undetectable. There are many programs online that use a variety of methods that can do such things. The generals are completely important; sleep, diet and exercise are key! Like mentioned before, it is highly recommended in getting in to a diabetes treatment program as to progressively attack this disease head-on.

The best thing you can do whether you have diabetes, know someone that has diabetes, or are at-risk for diabetes, is get informed, get educated and take action towards better health.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Eating healthy, exercising and having a balanced diet are the best way to keep diabetes at bay. Once you get your diabetic plan from your doctor you have to follow it, I know it's difficult but it is important. So if you're are diabetic you have to accept this as a part of your life.

5 Tips on Preparing a Diabetic Diet and Meal Plan

1.Being diabetic you will have to watch what you eat, you can simply start by preparing a meal plan for yourself. This will act as a perfect guide to what kind of food you can eat at meals, and what you can snack on.

2.Any dietary plan requires discipline, and you have to make you diabetic dietary plan taking your daily schedule in mind, you would not want you work schedule to conflict and ruin your diet plan

3. When you prepare a Meal plan you will also consider foods that will help you improve your blood pressure and cholesterol and also help you keep your weight in check.

4.Remember you cholesterol blood pressure and weight have a direct affect to your diabetes and worsen it, so if you control these 3 you will have your diabetes in check.

5.When preparing your diet plan you would have taken your work schedule into consideration, don't forget to also see that your plan includes you diabetic medication that your doctor gives you, i know the whole thing sound like a lot of work but once you follow this routine for a couple of weeks, it will become a part of your day to day life.

Try to keep in mind your end-goal of a diabetic diet plan. To keep your blood glucose in levels that are easy enough to maintain.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Are you exhibiting symptoms of Diabetes Type 2? Is your blood sugar elevated above 100? Have you visited your physician and he is telling you that you might have Diabetes? Has the physician told you that you BMI is elevated and you are obese? If so, now is the time to take action. There are three steps that you can take that are effective in controlling these symptoms - diet, exercise and medications.

Obesity is now a recognized disease, which is preventable with life style changes such as diet. Obesity has been known to induce Diabetes Mellitus (type 2). A risk factor for diabetes is a BMI greater than or equal to 27. Diabetes is an imbalance in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and protein.

Early treatment for diabetes normalizes the blood glucose level and will slow down the complications.
Diabetics will need a diet that is planned to meet their nutritional requirement, keep the blood glucose within the normal range and maintain or obtain the appropriate body weight.

There are low calorie diets such as the 1200 or 1500 calorie diabetic diet which would limit your calories, but still give you enough food so you would not be hungry. Once you have your diabetic meal plan, it is very important to follow it every meal. These diets are planned to give you the proper balance of nutrition so you can lose weight and normalize your blood glucose levels.

Nearly all weight loss diets are derived from diabetic meal plans originally. If you are suffering from the symptoms of diabetes you must make sure you are eating the right foods and are watching your food intake.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Individuals who are known to be at a high risk for diabetes should undergo frequent testing for signs of diabetes. These individuals need to understand the risk factors associated with a diabetic condition. These factors include, among other things, the body's inability to regulate acidity in the blood sugar levels and regulate insulin and glucose hormones. A diet high in fats that raise bad levels of cholesterol coupled with little to no exercise also puts these individuals at a high risk for diabetes.

Diabetes has been considered a high risk factor for conditions such as heart disease, which is a coronary disease that causes the narrowing of the blood vessels carrying oxygen and blood to the heart. Heart disease has been labeled as the number one cause of death in the U.S. Individuals with heart disease become more and more limited and their risks for heart attacks increase drastically. Strokes are also common with individuals who have heart disease. Heart disease can also be a genetic disease. Diabetes is linked to heart disease, and heart disease is linked to other health problems, such as high cholesterol and hypertension.

Diabetes can become a vessel for these different conditions. There are good cholesterol levels (HDL) and bad cholesterol levels (LDL) in the body. High levels of bad cholesterol result in the cholesterol in the blood building up and sticking to the sides of the arteries. This plaque is a fat-like substance that mimics heart disease in that it narrows the vessels and can even block them. High cholesterol levels put an individual at high risk for hypertension. Diabetes is linked to those high risk factors for hypertension.

Linked to diabetes and high cholesterol levels, hypertension is known as the silent killer. Directly linked to the blood pressure flowing through the arteries, hypertension complications are increased when the walls of the arteries have been blocked or narrowed by high cholesterol levels. Essentially, this increases the blood pressure, and an individual is then said to have high blood pressure. High blood pressure is another symptom of heart disease and can also lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Not only does diabetes predispose individuals to high risks diseases, but environmental risk factors are directly tied in with diabetic conditions. According to as Stanford study, environmental factors, like chemicals in the soil and water around an individual, will increase the risk of developing diabetes. Three environmental elements were identified as being directly correlated with the increased risk of diabetes type II. Two elements identified were pesticides that contain heptachlor epoxide and PCBS. Surprisingly, the third element is a certain form of vitamin E, which is thought to have antioxidant factor for helping diabetic conditions. The clue may be in the potential toxicity of the build up of this vitamin, which is naturally found in large quantities in the tissues and blood of the body.

Environmental risk factors are more predisposed in type II diabetes than in type I diabetes. Sedentary lifestyles, high caloric intakes, very little exercise and a family history of diabetes, coupled with exposures to certain environmental factors, are deemed high risk factors for individuals to develop diabetic conditions.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST

Is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia (high levels of circulating glucose) due to deranged actions and / or production of the glucose level regulating hormone, insulin. Most of the clinical features and sequelae of diabetes are due to this persistently elevated level of glucose.

A strong relationship between modern life style and diabetes is cited by most scientific studies.


The association of type II diabetes and physical inactivity was first noted in populations who migrated from rural areas to cities and were suddenly exposed a more modern life style. A case in study is that of the Japanese living in Hawaii who have an increased risk than those living in Hiroshima. Thus, lifestyle seems to contribute more than genetics.

A study from the University of Pennsylvania concluded that there is a 6% lower risk of diabetes if the weekly ingestion of calories is reduced by 500 Kcal. Another study suggests that there is a direct dose-response relationship between physical activity and reduction of risk for diabetes.

Types of Diabetes

Type I Diabetes Mellitus

This is characterized by absolute inability of the body to produce insulin. Pancreatic Beta cell destruction due to an autoimmune mechanism is universally accepted cause of type I diabetes mellitus.

Type II Diabetes Mellitus

This is characterized by relative deficiency of insulin and/ or resistance to the actions of insulin. This is the more common type and affects individuals in the middle age and is dependent to a large extent on factors like race, diet and obesity.

Diagnosis of Diabetes

Fasting glucose levels of > or = 126 mg/dL (7. 0 mmol/L)

OGTT: 2 hour plasma glucose > or = 200 mg/dL (11. 1 mmol/L)

Clinical Features

1. Polyuria

2. Polydipsia

3. Polyphagia

4. Unexplained loss of weight

5. Hypertension, coronary heart disease and stroke occur more commonly in diabetics than normal population

6. Diabetic nephropathy: changes in the kidneys affecting renal function; causing end stage renal disease

7. Diabetic retinopathy: changes in the retinal arteries causing blindness

8. Diabetic neuropathy: causing damage to the peripheral motor sensory nerves and autonomic nerves; is the major cause of non-traumatic, lower limb amputations.

Management of type II diabetes

Is 3 fold:

1. Daily exercise

Exercise should form the basis of prevention as well as treatment of borderline cased of type II diabetes. Resistance training by increasing the muscle mass has a lot of positive effects in diabetes effects. Increased muscle blood flow, quality of muscle as well as mass leads to better extraction of glucose from blood without too much dependency on insulin. Furthermore, decreased abdominal fat leads to better control of insulin secretion. Exercise also causes increased insulin sensitivity in the liver and thereby reduces production of new glucose.

2. Diet

Diet containing complex carbohydrates and protein in combination with daily exercise will effectively control blood glucose levels within normal and also prevents the more serious sequelae. Also, ingestion of small meals through the day and low glycemic index foods are also good strategies.

3. Drugs

Oral hypoglycemic drugs are prescribed to keep the blood sugar levels within normal limits; classified into three categories:

1. Insulin Secretogogues: cause secretion of insulin from the pancreas

2. Insulin Sensitizers: increase the sensitivity of tissue to insulin

3. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors: delay the rate of carbohydrate absorption and digestion and thus effectively control insulin levels and thereby glucose levels.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The "diabetic diet" doesn't exist. There is too much controversy -- but there shouldn't be. It is becoming more and more evident that a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet is the way to go for controlling diabetes, while the high-carb, low-fat diet recommended by the American Diabetes Association simply does not work.

The ADA has "breads, grains, and other starches" at the base or foundation of its food pyramid. Then come fruits and vegetables on the next level. It isn't until the third and fourth levels of their pyramid that we find dairy products, meat, fish, and so on. This makes carbohydrates the foundation of their nutrition plan.

Since diabetes is a disease of carbohydrate intolerance, this seems a bit strange, to say the least. Carbohydrates in the amounts the ADA suggests serve only to raise blood glucose levels and raise the necessity for more insulin to control those glucose levels. The ADA pyramid contributes to complications from diabetes, it doesn't minimize or lessen them.

If, however, the ADA pyramid were turned on its head, it would be a pretty good diabetes diet plan. Make proteins the foundation: meat, fish, eggs and dairy. Add some vegetables at the next level, such as salad greens, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, gourds and squash. On the third level place slowly-digested starches such as kidney beans and lentils, and at the top of the pyramid leave room for a serving of alcohol or nuts.

Even the ADA has come around to admitting that the low-carb diet helps control diabetes, but can't bring itself to actually recommend such a diet. They seem to think it is too difficult to maintain it for the "long term".

Nevertheless there is a growing population of diabetics who are thriving on the low-carb, high protein diet. They have maintained it for years. It is not difficult, because cravings for carbohydrates decreases after the first few weeks. A high-carbohydrate diet on the other hand perpetuates itself by creating cravings for more carbs. But the cravings pass when hunger is satisfied with protein.

The upside-down ADA diet also lends itself to easier weight control. It isn't always true that you are what you eat. Fat doesn't make you fat as much as carbohydrates make you fat. A low-fat, high carbohydrate diet will make you fatter than a low-carbohydrate, high-protein (with its fats) diet.

If there were any commercial diet plan out there that we would recommend as the "diabetic diet", it would be a low-carbohydrate, high protein diet. Lose weight, lose the carb cravings, and most important, control the carbohydrate-induced blood-sugar levels.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
A Healthy Diabetic Diet Meal Plan is critical for the treatment of diabetes. In fact, it is as important as the treatment options. A sizable number of diabetics are either overweight, which is mostly the case or obese as well. If truth be told, you are more vulnerable to the disease if you are overweight.

So, the ideal way of preventing diabetes is to maintain a healthy body weight, and this implies to everyone. Having a healthy diabetic meal plan can actually help in reducing the possibility of the disease while improving the symptoms of the same, that is, if you are already suffering from the condition.

Diabetes, often known as "the silent killer" can be life-threatening as well. While it is possible to control the symptoms of this condition, but you'll have to make some compromises with your lifestyle and dietary habits. I am sure you understand the criticality of having a healthy diet, which means eating good food that can contribute to your health.

But for diabetics, the emphasis on healthy eating is more significant than for a normal person, who is not diabetic. Eating healthy isn't just what a diabetic should aim at; rather they must have a healthy diabetes diet to ensure good health.

For diabetics, a Diabetic Diet Meal Plan should include all the essential food items that can reduce the risks associated with the condition, such as stroke, heart diseases, kidney problems and vision problems.

A diabetes meal plan must include varied foods encompassing all the essentials like whole grains, vegetables, beans, non-fat dairy products, poultry, lean meat and fish.

There are certain things to be followed while preparing a healthy diabetes meal for you or for the family. Firstly, you must carefully prepare a diabetes diet plan; this should be the first step. This would be your guide to the meal portions, ingredients and the time when you eat. Also, it must include your snacks and brunch as well.

Your regular food guide should be something like this:
* 50% carbohydrates including fruits, whole grains, cereals, vegetables and high-fiber foods.
* 30% proteins including milk products, red meat, eggs soy, chicken and foods that is low in saturated fats. White meat, like chicken contains lots of iron, which is an essential supplement for diabetics.
* 20% fats. But avoid saturated fats. Rather choose polyunsaturated fats (sunflower oil or flaxseed oil) or mono unsaturated fats (canola oil or olive oil). Next, your diabetic meal plan should fit in your work schedule. By making such a plan, you would actually be avoiding any conflicts between your meal and your schedule, both of which are equally important.

Diabetes diet plans are usually myopic, but you must not overlook your cholesterol and blood pressure levels, these are equally important.

Body weight, cholesterol levels and blood pressure are all contributing factors; these can aggravate your health condition. Your diabetic meal plan should aim at controlling these conditions through foods, which is the most important factor.

It is important that you remember to take your medication regularly. Creating a balance between the foods and the drugs is important. You can seek your doctor's help in this respect.

Also, a healthy Diabetic Diet Meal Plan must incorporate food and exercise to help you in being healthy and maintaining your fitness. While medications are always provided, however making certain changes in these aspects is important for treating diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diet alone is designed to provide the diabetic patient with calorie, support normal growth in young people with diabetes and bring the weight of the obese diabetic patient down to the correct level. A balanced diabetes diet with high fiber content and the food being digested and absorbed slowly is necessary for people with diabetes.

Highlighting diabetes diet further, foods that are being consumed by man contain one or more of the six classes of food which are; carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water. Each of these food classes has vital role to play in the normal functioning of the body system. After thorough study of diabetes diet, some classes of food were found to be helpful while others can worsen a diabetic state.

Two vital symptoms implicated in diabetes are overweight and excess sugar. Based on this, it became apparent that for good diabetic diet, avoidance of certain food becomes necessary. It could also be the only requirement for prevention or control of diabetes. Any food that can make one become fat or one with high energy content should be excluded from diabetes diet.

A word of caution to everyone is this: In managing diabetes diet, bear in mind that high sugar foods are more concentrated in carbohydrates. High sugar foods are always tempting to eat, so it is recommended that you go for low sugar foods. That is diabetes diet for you.

Please don't deceive yourself by feeling free to consume so much food just because there is no taste of sugar. Your diabetes diet meal plan is designed in a way that the carbohydrate contents of your food remain as consistent as possible. Strict adherence to your diabetes diet aids in controlling diabetes.

Oral hypoglycemic Agents: They work by making the pancreases of a diabetic patient secrete more insulin thereby lowering the blood sugar level in the blood. Thus there should be residual pancreatic activity. Pancreatic activities include reduced hepatic release of glucose and increased sensitivity to insulin.
Side effects include fever, jaundice, photosensitivity, headaches.

Insulin: Insulin is a polypeptide hormone which is usually extracted from beef or pork pancreas and purified by crystallization. It can also be made biosynthetically by recombinant DNA technology. It is easily digested by the GIT enzyme hence its parenteral use. It may be given in the abdomen, arm and thigh with their absorption in that order. It could come as rapid onset short acting, intermediate acting or delayed onset long acting insulin. Patients requiring very large doses of insulin should receive two or more injections of soluble insulin daily.

Complications of insulin include unusually low level of blood sugar in the blood, a localized shrinkage and loss of fat under the skin, presence of microorganisms in tissue etc. Complications of diabetes requiring expert management include diabetic retinopathy (a disease of the retina), nephropathy (a disease or medical disorder of the kidney), diabetic foot etc.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


On average, you will probably be eating between 40 to 55 percent of your total daily calories in the form of carbohydrates. A 1200-calorie diabetic diet plan gets 50% of its calories from carbohydrates, 30% from fat and 20% from protein; so it would contain 600 calories from carbohydrates. That translates to 150 grams of carbohydrates, where 1 gram equals 4 calories, or just about 10 carbohydrate exchanges or choices for the day.

Keep in mind that this is an average. Some people with diabetes may find that a lower percentage of carbohydrates offers them better control.

With regards to the 1200-calorie diabetic diet plan, many people find this program constructive and effective. However, it is still recommended that you talk to your registered dietitian first before you start on any type of diet plan. A registered dietitian will work with you and help you understand the meaning and concept behind carbohydrate counting or carb counting and the diabetic exchange system. These two methods are commonly used to obtain the 1200-calorie objective.

Carb Counting

Even if you follow your meal plan to the letter, you are still going to find that certain foods will give you a bigger spike in glucose levels than expected. You may also find that other foods you expected to pump up your readings barely bump the meter. That is the individual nature of diabetes.

For this reason, carb counting is an invaluable tool in figuring out the amount of carbohydrates given in every meal and eventually helps you understand the possible effects of such amount in your blood glucose levels.

Carb counting involves calculating the grams of carbohydrate eaten in a given meal. In theory, regulating carb intake means controlling your blood glucose levels.

Match Your Diet To Your Needs How many carbohydrates you eat in a given day depends on your unique caloric, medical, and lifestyle needs. An active teenager will have a greater carbohydrate requirement than an inactive adult.

So for instance, if you want to use 1200-calorie diabetic diet plan, be sure that you fit into one of the following categories: (a) your body build is medium and you do not exercise much, (b) you are a small or medium person who wants to lose weight, or (c) you are a small person who exercises a lot.

Again, the first step in establishing a carb-counting plan to achieve your 1200-calorie diabetic diet plan is sitting down with a registered dietitian who will discuss your medical history, eating habits, lifestyle, and medication routines, and come up with a plan for how much carbohydrates you should be eating and when they should be consumed.

Choices versus Grams

There are a couple of different variations on the carb-counting theme to achieve 1200-calorie diabetic diet plan. Basic carb gram counting is simply calculating the actual grams of carbohydrates consumed and ensuring they do not exceed a pre-established limit. Another popular method is carb choice.

Since a dietary exchange of starch or fruit carbohydrates is equivalent to 15 grams of carbohydrates, many dietitians use the "15 grams per serving" value as a "rule of thumb" in teaching carb counting, especially to those patients who are already familiar with exchange lists. Each 15-gram serving is called a "carb choice," and instead of establishing a total number of carbohydrate grams for the day, you will work with your dietitian to determine a total number of carb choices.

This method works well with 1200-calorie diabetic diet plan. For example, for those who want to achieve 1200-calorie diet, it is recommended that you take 10 servings of carbohydrates in a day. These servings will be subdivided into different meals of the day.

For example, you may take 2 servings of carbohydrates at breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner provided that you do not take any carbohydrates for the evening snack. When applying carb counting, keep in mind that 1 carb choice or 1 serving is equivalent to approximately 15 grams of carbohydrates.

The choice method may not be as exact as calculating carbs strictly by the label, since it involves a certain degree of estimation, but it is close enough for most people. Talk to your dietitian about the method that works best for you.

Dietary Exchanges

Dietary exchange system has three food group types represented in the exchange lists: the carbohydrate group, the meat and meat substitutes group, and the fat group. Each list within each group contains food with a similar carbohydrate, protein, fat, and calorie content.

When you sit down with your dietitian, she will work with you to specify a certain number of each type of exchanges for your meals based on your 1200-calorie goal. Hence, you can think of dietary exchanges like trading cards. Any food on a particular list can be swapped with another on the same list.

Indeed, this 1200-calorie diabetic diet plan has soared in popularity thanks to medical media icons who have painstakingly demonstrated and explained the good effects of such diet programs. However, the jury is still out on their long-term safety. If you would want to try this type of diabetic diet plan, talk with your registered dietitian and your doctor about a safe approach that is right for you.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
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