
The symptoms of the flu or influenza typically include fever, chills, body aches, muscle pain, headache and fatigue. Other flu symptoms that may not be noticed initially are dry cough, runny nose, and sore throat. The fever is usually the first of the flu symptoms that a person notices and it may be very high, up to 106 degrees.

The symptoms of the flu are similar to other conditions such as the common cold, but bacterial infections and mononucleosis also have similar symptoms. Bacterial infections respond well to antibiotics, but antibiotics will not relieve flu symptoms or the symptoms of mononucleosis, which are caused by viruses. Some people still call their doctors asking for antibiotics when they have the symptoms of the flu, but doctors will usually deny this request, because it is believed that bacterial infections have become and are becoming more resistant to antibiotics, because they were over-prescribed and overused during the last several decades.

Recommendations for treating flu symptoms include extra rest, extra fluids and an over the counter fever and pain reducer. Over the counter products may be used to relieve nasal congestion, but antihistamines should be avoided as they are not intended to treat the symptoms of the flu and they may make nasal fluids thicker. In addition, teenagers and children should not be give aspirin or aspirin containing over the counter products to treat flu symptoms, because of the risk of developing Reye's syndrome, a serious illness.

Although the symptoms of the flu usually go away on their own in 7 to 10 days, in certain cases a doctor should be called immediately. A temperature of 100.4 or higher in a child three months or younger requires a doctor's attention. A rectal temperature of 105 or higher in a child younger than four years requires immediate medical attention. An oral temperature of 104 or higher in anyone four years and older should be reported to a doctor. If breathing difficulties accompany flu symptoms then a doctor should be consulted. If stiff neck, confusion or difficulty wakening accompany symptoms of the flu, then a doctor should be consulted.

Flu symptoms in those who are at high risk for developing complications, such as persons over the age of 65 who have other health problems or persons of any age of have asthma or other long-term respiratory illness, should be reported to a health care professional. Doctors sometimes prescribe anti-viral medications as soon as the symptoms of the flu appear in these high-risk patients. The antiviral medications can reduce the severity of flu symptoms, shorten the length of the illness and reduce complications.

For more information about the flu, the common cold an for information about ways to help prevent these seasonal maladies, visit www.immune-system-booster-guide.com.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Increased thirst - dehydration caused by your kidneys not being able to filter the amounts of sugar from you blood properly causes you to feel extremely thirsty.

Unexplained weight loss - if your body is not absorbing and using the sugars that you consume and the sugars are leaving your body through more frequent urination, your body is being denied calories that help you to maintain a healthy weight.

Hunger - losing calories through urination when your body does not absorb the sugars that you consume can cause you to constantly feel hungry.

Fatigue - if your body is not using the sugars that you consume properly, your body is not creating the energy that you need. This can lead to a feeling of extreme tiredness and other symptoms that are often associated with flu - sluggishness, overall feeling of weakness, etc.

Blurred vision - high levels of sugar content in your body that is not being turned into energy causes your body to take the necessary fluids from your tissue. Your body will sometimes take fluids from the lenses of your eyes - causing you to be unable to focus clearly and your vision to become blurred.

Tender gums - your body's ability to fight germs is decreased when you have diabetes. This increases the risks of infections in your mouth (one of the main entrances of germs) and can cause your gums to become red, swollen, and tender. The bones in your mouth that hold your teeth are also at a higher risk of infections causing your teeth to become loose. People with diabetes may also experience sores and pus pockets in the gums.

Slow to heal - high levels of sugar in the blood slow your body's natural healing process and you may have sores that take much longer to heal than is normal.

Infections - the decrease in your body's ability to fight germs can cause you to be more prone to infections. Bladder and vaginal infections are a huge concern in women.

Tingling extremities - nerve damage can be caused by the excess of sugar in the blood, resulting in tingling sensations in the hands and feet, loss of sensation in the hands and feet, and sometimes a burning pain in the legs, feet, hands, and arms.

When to Seek Help?

One of the greatest things about your body is the ability to give signals when things are not quite right. Most illnesses are diagnosed using certain medical tests along with comparing the symptoms that you are experiencing. Before treating yourself for any illness or disease, it is important to consult your physician for a proper diagnosis. Treating an illness that you do not have can lead to other, sometimes worse, conditions.

If you are experiencing one or more of the symptoms above, you should visit your physician so that the two of you can determine if you have diabetes. Diabetes is a manageable disease - and you and your physician can devise a course of action so that you can continue to live a normal lifestyle.

As with many diseases, the earlier you begin treatment the higher the chance that the disease can be managed. Even before you begin showing signs of diabetes, you can develop a plan of care for your body's overall health that includes a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is a serious medical condition that directly affects the metabolism of the body. This is the method in which the body takes digested food and then converts it into energy so we can grow and develop properly. When an individual experiences complications associated with the glucose, or "sugar" in their blood, the end result is usually diabetes. That's why it's important to understand what diabetic symptoms are, so you can catch the disease in its earliest stages.

Many times, if someone suffers from a glucose condition, they will discover that they are frequently very thirsty. This is because the body is not "balanced". In other words, they'll feel thirsty or hungry, when in actuality they're not. While experiencing these symptoms, a diabetic may also experience complications like extreme nausea and vomiting. The imbalance of glucose within the blood can lead to a number of uncomfortable and troublesome symptoms.

Many people also experience problems with their eyes and their vision. When you have high glucose levels on a consistent basis, it puts an unhealthy amount of strain and pressure on the nerves. This can lead to neuropathy. Neuropathy simply means the nerves are damaged. Individuals who experience eye problems will often find after an examination that the retina of the eye has been damaged.

Also, the organs can be affected by neuropathy, resulting in complications in the digestive system such as gas, diarrhea, constipation, and more. Many individuals experience issues with their bladder as well. When this happens urination becomes more frequent and some people even experience accidents.

The next symptom that is almost always present in someone with diabetes is the inability of the body to heal naturally and quickly. The healing process in the body is often hindered to the point when a sufferer of this condition may not only experience issues with healing, but the injury may gradually progress and become worse. This can result in the skin becoming itching, wounds becoming irritated and deep, and infected.

Here's the problem with this list of symptoms. If you look at them one by one you'll notice that they can almost all be attributed to something very common and not as serious. Nausea, vomiting, gas and diarrhea are flu like symptoms, eye problems can be the result of many things, frequent urination can be attributed to a basic bladder infection and so on. If you have any of these things the first thing you think of is not usually diabetes. As a result, many people are diabetic and don't even know it.

If you have any of the symptoms listed here, it is important that you make an appointment with a medical professional right away. If he feels it is necessary, you doctor will schedule a glucose test for you to determine if there are, in fact, complications associated with diabetes. Be sure to inform your doctor of any and all diabetic symptoms that you are experiencing. If you are diagnosed while your condition is still mild, it is much easier to keep the disease under control.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Pre-diabetes is a name given to a condition where the glucose tolerance by the body is destroyed resulting in high blood sugar levels as compared to normal healthy person Although the glucose levels are not that high as in a diabetic person. In the US, this condition has become a major health concern in many individuals. Studies show that in the US at least 54 million people are affected with pre diabetic condition. There is a great possibility that these people are most likely to get full blown diabetes in the next ten years.

The reasons for getting pre-diabetes are resistance to insulin and obesity. Due to resistance to insulin even a slightest amount of intake of glucose starts depositing in the blood stream giving rise hyperglycemia. There are few pre-diabetes symptoms which should be observed carefully. Once these symptoms are confirmed one must get their blood sugar level tested. The diagnoses of pre-diabetes include two simple blood investigations. The first one is the fasting plasma glucose and the next is the oral glucose tolerance test. People who are aged, obese and lead a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to getting pre diabetic conditions.

The most common symptoms of pre diabetic conditions are feeling hungry and thirsty, unusual weight gain or loss, frequent urination required to remove the excess glucose, symptoms similar to flu like weakness and fatigue, prone to many infectious diseases because the body's immune system declines, blurred vision, healing system impairment causes any cut or an injury to heal several months.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is something that many people fear but don't know what to look for as early warning signs. This disease is best treated early and the effects of the disease can be limited and sometimes cured with a change of lifestyle. It is generally best if you notice anything that is not usual, or concerning to you, that you get a check up. There is much that doctors can do nowadays that can bring relief to sufferers. Diabetes is not the "bad news" it used to be in days gone by.

Common Symptoms Of Diabetes

Extreme thirst is one of the unusual symptoms of diabetes. It may be that you are noticing an unexplained thirst that you have noticed has been happening. This sort of thirst will be unusual, not explained by a heat wave or the taking up of a sport or the lack of drinking done in a day. The average person needs about eight large glasses of water a day. If you are in any doubt, then it may be a good idea to check it out with a doctor.

Another common symptom is dry, itchy skin. This symptom is not often associated with diabetes, but if it is unusual or has started to develop then again it is worth checking.

Treatment for Diabetes

There is much that can be done to treat this disease, both through medication and also through lifestyle changes. If your doctor confirms diabetes it is important to know that it is not the doom and gloom it used to be.

Firstly your doctor will want to check your weight, and discuss your diet and general lifestyle. The answers to these initial questions, will help to determine the treatment that he will advise.

If you are overweight then part of the treatment will focus on reducing your excess weight, Similarly if you do not exercise he will probably advise taking up a sport or active pastime, or even simply increasing your walking.

Another area he will look at is your diet. He may well arrange for you to see a specialist dietician as a well balanced diet will help to keep your glucose levels at a more constant level and avoid the highs and lows that you may have been experiencing. If you need medication, then the diet will be planned with that fact in mind as well as the move to increase your exercise levels.

Diabetes is a difficult condition to deal with but it is not impossible. Working with your doctor and his medical staff can help you to deal with this condition. Many people with Type II diabetes even find they can reduce their medication and if caught early enough, some even find the change of lifestyle such that their diabetes virtually goes away and they are no longer in the medical zone of diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is a very common type of disease. It is also very common among the children. It has the ability to do a great harm to the young children, but with the help of advance medical treatment childhood diabetes can be reduced in a sustainable position. It can be easily detected at the earlier stage by observing some symptoms at the starting time.

The most common initial symptom of diabetes is the rate of urination will increase in a high volume. If you need to urinate more frequently than regular, you must take care of it. It happens when the blood contain more sugar. Thirst is another common symptom of childhood diabetes. Besides these, rapidly loss weight and tiredness is another symptom of childhood diabetes. Pain in the abdominal part or tummy pain is another symptom of childhood diabetes. Your child will feel excessive headaches and some major changes in regular behavior will take place.

Your child will feel more hungry than regular. It happens because glucose in blood does not properly transformed into energy. So the whole body system faces some lack of energy and nutrition. It makes the child to become hungry excessively. You should take care of this disease as soon as you dictate any of the above symptoms in your child. If you start the treatment earlier, you will find better results. Do not ignore these symptoms as regular illness. It can easily do a huge harm to your child.

When babies develop juvenile diabetes, they can soak their diapers and bed clothes in less than half an hour, lose weight, develop flu-like symptoms, have yeast infections, and the odd smell to their breath that develops in later stages of untreated high blood sugar, but may still not be checked for diabetes with a simple blood or urine test.

You will receive better result if you start the treatment at the early stage. Knowing the symptoms of diabetes and being aware of the symptoms of unexpected low or high blood sugar in children who have diabetes can save the life of that child. So do it, if your child got one or more of the above symptoms. This is a kind of killer disease. It can kill you if you do not follow some strict rules. It is better to defend it as early as possible. So you should always be serious about the most common symptoms of childhood diabetes if you want their smooth life.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Swine flu signs and symptoms are similar to the pains with the standard flu virus. H1n1 virus (Swine Flu) is transmittable and is also considered to be spread from one person to another in the same manner as seasonal influenza along with other common respiratory infections spread. The viruses aren't spread by food. With regards to close contact ( inside a metre) with the infected person while they are talking, coughing or sneezing puts you susceptible to becoming infected.


Swine flu can be highly contagious, relatively far more infectious than seasonal influenza. H1n1 virus is shown to be fatal, having caused over 200 deaths thus far. The H1n1 virus pandemic, has been within the focus given it began in Mexico at the beginning of '09. H1n1 virus has now been confirmed in all of the Australian states and territories. Regular swine flu is often a contagious respiratory disease, the result of a type A influenza virus that is affecting pigs. Like seasonal flu, h1n1 virus in humans will vary in severity from moderate to severe. Throughout the world, nearly 22,000 cases of h1n1 virus ended up being validated by 5 June 2009. Another theory regarding the source of H1n1 virus could be factory farming.

How Is Swine Flu Transmitted?

In the same way swine flu seems to be easily transmitted, previous influenza pandemics happen to be a lot more transmittable than seasonal influenza. Early studies shows that swine Influenza is transmitted largely by droplet spread (when an infected person coughs). Other swine influenza viruses have occasionally been transmitted from pigs to humans, but one person to another spread hasn't occurred.

Who is At Risk And Symptoms

There exists a ongoing focus on people from high-risk groupings that have flu like symptoms, expecting mothers, individuals with respiratory condition (for example asthma), cardiovascular disease, having diabetes, renal illness, weight problems and immunosuppression. Individuals with current health issues might be vulnerable to these conditions getting worse should they acquire swine influenza. Some people categorized themselves at high-risk of flu and for that reason presumed it was vitally important to become vaccinated, whereas others expressed a duty to get vaccinated owing to work commitments.
What Treatments Are Available

Presently five days of antiviral treatment with Tamiflu (oseltamivir) and Relenzaฎ (zanamivir) has been advised for confirmed, probable or assumed instances of Swine flu. We invest billions of dollars internationally for the monitoring, control, treatment and protection against influenza Presently most people suffering from flu signs and symptoms are making a complete recovery without having treatment. The moment Homeland Security announced a health crisis, 25% about twelve million amounts of Tamiflu and Relenza treatment courses were released from the nation's stockpile If your son or daughter is ill with flu virus or swine flu, they should remain in your home and have absolutely nominal contact with others inside your home. For h1n1 virus, the time of isolation necessary for employees and clients who may have the condition or where it can be assumed that they might have the disease, is 7 days.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Most People Exhibit few or no noticeable symptoms of diabetes, and tend to be shocked when high sugar is detected in routine blood or urine tests.

In most people who develop diabetes two typical symptoms are present-frequent need to urinate and increased thirst.

Frequent Urination

A patient of diabetes passes large quantities of urine several times a day. There is a frequent urge at night to empty the bladder. When glucose cannot enter the body cells, it accumulates in the blood and starts appearing in the urine. Diabetics are prone to excessive urination because the glucose in the urine draws water with in than is normal.

Increased Thirst

The loss of water from excessive urination generates excessive thirst. A patient of diabetes frequently fells thirsty and drinks larges quantities of water at short intervals.

Extreme Hunger

Diabetics tend to feel hungry most of the time and eat large meals. They eat and too much, but despite this, they continue to experience hunger pangs.

Loss of Weight

Continual loss of weight despite the intake of frequent and large meals is another symptom of the disease. The body is starved of energy, as glucose cannot enter the cells. In a desperate effort to get energy, the starved cells use up fat and protein. This causes loss of weight.

Weakness and Fatigue

Diabetics fatigue quickly even after little exertion. They also feel out of breath easily. The sugar in the blood does not get into the cells where it is converted into energy. This lowers the stamina and resistance levels.


Inertia and lethargy are also seen in people suffering from diabetes. They avoid doing work and are often feel rundown. Not only there body bit also their moods show a state of depression.

For complete information on diabetes information, diabetes supply, diabetes treatment, diabetes mellitus visit www.diabetesmellitus-information.com
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Many of the symptoms of diabetes can be so subtle that often times the signs of diabetes can go undetected by those that are diagnosed with the disease. Chronic fatigue is one of those symptoms.

Unfortunately most times it can be quite easy to overlook many of the symptoms of diabetes, for example, frequent feelings of thirst, more than the usual sweet cravings as well as slight feelings of depression are symptoms that are associated with many different conditions and diseases. Diabetics can often go without any knowledge that they are indeed suffering from such a devastating disease, and then all suddenly they're hit with a heart attack or stroke, which reveals the devastating news that not only did they just suffer a heart attack or stroke but that he or she is also suffering from diabetes.

Situations like the one previously stated are becoming more and more frequent as millions of Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. Because the symptoms of diabetes can masquerade as so many other less threatening problems, often times many people never think a condition that they may be facing at the moment could actually be a pre diabetes symptom.

For example feelings of exhaustion can be one of the telltale symptoms of diabetes. But how many times have any one of us you have ever gone to bed feeling exhausted only to arise with the same feelings of exhaustion? This could be attributed to a host of things. Believe it or not often times an overall feeling of being tired all of the time can be one of the signs of diabetes.

It is important to pay attention to one's own body. If you are going to bed at a reasonable hour that is sufficient enough that it should provide an adequate amount of sleep, and you are still feeling tired upon arising in the mornings, it may be time to discuss this with your health care provider. He or she can prescribe tests that can evaluate your blood sugar level that will determine if in fact you are experiencing any symptoms of diabetes. If you are at risk for diabetes more tests will likely be prescribed.

If high blood sugar levels happen to be what is causing your fatigue then you can take steps that will help to combat these symptoms of diabetes. Unfortunately many people are unaware of the fact that they are walking around with the onset of diabetes. By the time they discover that their symptoms where in fact diabetes, much more damage has began the damage to their bodies. This unfortunately can play havoc in so many people's lives

For example, often time feeling tired is not only one of the symptoms of diabetes but it is also often acquainted with the flu or even the common cold. Extreme feelings of fatigue can be a sign that something is wrong with our health.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes and hepatitis B are linked in my mind because of my father. He had type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and he had spent time in the hospital after a heart attack. But none of that killed him.

He contracted hepatitis B, and he never got over it. He was 55 when he died. So when I hear about a study that concludes type 2 diabetics are twice as likely to get hepatitis B it gets my attention.

The CDC Says Diabetics Need Vaccination for Hepatitis B

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control have come out with a new recommendation. They are asking doctors to get their type 2 diabetic patients under the age of 60 vaccinated against the hepatitis B virus (HBV). And they think glucose monitors may be the culprit in the passing of HBV.

Since hepatitis B is passed on in blood and fluids, there has to be some kind of contact with infected blood. If a blood glucose monitor or lancet device was shared among several diabetics, the virus would be carried from one person to another.

The amount of blood can be microscopic, and the virus stays alive up to seven days on surfaces. That's why sharing toothbrushes and having unprotected sex are two of the big no-nos among people at risk for hepatitis B.

High risk lifestyles like having multiple sexual partners and sharing drug needles are well known to cause the transfer of the virus, and people who travel to countries where they might come in contact with hepatitis often get the vaccinations before they leave.

But now type 2 diabetes and hepatitis B are linked because of the constant need to check blood sugars and get blood testing done. So who among us is most at risk?

What Hepatitis B Is All About

Understanding diabetes and hepatitis B is the first step. Because HBV is a virus, antibiotics will not do anything to help. There are many kinds of hepatitis, but hepatitis B is a concern because, unlike hepatitis A, it has both acute and chronic types. And it is the chronic type that causes liver damage.

Hepatitis, put simply, is inflammation of the liver caused by a virus. In acute hepatitis B you may have nausea, vomiting, fever and aches. It looks and acts like the flu. The problem is that you may have no symptoms at all.

During this acute stage all you can do is treat the symptoms if you have any. Many people simply get over it with no damage done. Their bodies fight it off like any other viral illness.

But if after six months the virus remains, you now have the chronic form. Some of the warning signs are easy bruising, dark-colored urine, and clay-colored stool. And you may develop jaundice. Your skin and the whites of your eyes will become tinged with yellow.

These are signs that bilirubin is building up in your body. The reason? Your liver is a blood filter, among its other jobs of fighting infection and helping with digestion and blood sugar control.

One of the waste products of the breakdown of red blood cells is bilirubin, and your liver is supposed to filter it out into your urine, giving it that yellow color. But if hepatitis B inflammation is present, bilirubin is not getting filtered out very well, and your body tries to get rid of it through your eyes and skin.

If chronic hepatitis B continues unstopped the virus will damage your liver. Cirrhosis, cancer and liver failure are possible outcomes, and some people have had to get a liver transplant because of it.

Diabetes and Hepatitis B Diagnosis and Treatment

Your doctor can use simple blood tests to screen you for hepatitis and find out which kind you have. He can also use ultrasound and x-rays to check your liver health. If HBV has become chronic he will send you to a gastroenterologist or other liver specialist.

That doctor will monitor you closely and if the need is great, he will do a liver biopsy to see what stage of liver disease you have. He has antiviral medications to offer. You will probably have to be on them for a year before the virus is cleared, and since the medications have serious side effects you will visit him often.

The longer you had HBV without getting diagnosed the more difficult it will be for you. So if you've been exposed or even suspect that you have, get tested. If the virus is caught early there's an immune globulin shot your doctor can give you along with your first HBV vaccine shot, and that may keep the virus from settling in to stay. There is a series of three shots you must get for the vaccination to be complete.

The earlier your doctor can catch hepatitis B the less liver damage it will do. And many health professionals would prefer to vaccinate those at high risk of getting it. So should you be vaccinated?

The people most at risk of having type 2 diabetes and hepatitis B are those who get assistance from someone else to do their blood sugar testing. That's because they are more likely to come in contact with another person's blood from a shared glucose monitor.

If you do your own blood testing and never share your meter or lancet device, you are not going to catch hepatitis B from your glucose monitor. But if you are in a high risk occupation, such as nursing, or you visit people in the hospital where the virus is more likely to hang around, you need to think about getting the vaccine.

Diabetes and Hepatitis Are Incurable But It's Not the End of the World

Because both diabetes and hepatitis B can be quiet in the beginning, regular testing for them is a great idea. Be assured that you won't get this virus just by being around other people. Shaking hands, hugging, sitting next to sick people does not transfer hepatitis B.

Drinking after someone else, sharing a toothbrush, any transfer of fluids or drops of blood, those are the things that put you at risk. It is why your nurse always wears gloves even if she is just pricking your finger to get a fingerstick blood test.

I have noticed that my nurse opens a packet with a single lancet and does not use a lancet device. After she uses a test strip she leaves the room with it, and I never even see a glucose monitor. I wondered why until I learned about hepatitis B. Now I'm grateful she is so careful.

If you have type 2 diabetes and hepatitis B worries you, you will be able to get vaccinated now that it is a recognized problem with official recommendations. Remember, you'll have to get all three shots to complete the course or the vaccination will not take.

And practice good hygiene with your glucose monitor, lancets and needles. Washing your hands and keeping your testing area clean is basic, but it's easy to forget that when you have to do it every day, and several times a day for many of us.

I do hope diabetes and hepatitis B are never a problem for you, but if that should happen, and this information helps you, then I've done what I set out to do. Take care.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
What Are Some Child Diabetes Symptoms?

Are you worried that you child might have childhood diabetes? If so you should know that there are many different child diabetes symptoms that you might want to look for. They can often be the same symptoms as many other disorders, so if diabetes is suspected, take the child to the doctor right away.

There are many different symptoms of childhood diabetes. Some of the signs that you might want to look for are fatigue, crankiness, and a lack of interest in activities that your child once enjoyed.

You may also want to look for symptoms like unexplained thirst and a decrease in urination. Your child might also have an upset stomach or maybe even flu like symptoms. It has been said that some parents have noticed a smell of acetoneon on their child's breath.

If you are noticing any of these symptoms you should definitely talk to your child's doctor to check for childhood diabetes. Your child could also experience symptoms of being pale and losing weight. They can often indicate other medical problems as well, so check with the child's doctor if any of the above become evident.

Your child if diagnosed with diabetes might have to check their blood regularly and also might need to be on some form of insulin. If they are old enough, you will find that you probably need to be a constant form of support in their lives as being diagnosed with childhood diabetes can have a major effect on an adult much less a child who has come to have such a major change in their life.

You may also find that letting your child find support from other children who are going through the same changes can help them.It must be remembered this whole situation can be quite confusing and emotionally difficult for them. You will want to make sure that the school and anyone else that cares for your child is aware of the fact that they have diabetes that way should something go wrong they will be better aware of what they may need to do to help your child.

Now let's have a look at some Important Juvenile Diabetes Symptoms

There is Type 1 juvenile diabetes and type 2 juvenile diabetes. Although the symptoms are similar, they are caused by two different body malfunctions. Juvenile diabetes has no cure, but it is treatable. It is an autoimmune disease. If your child has any of these symptoms, check with your doctor right away.

Increased Urination

In juvenile diabetes the body continues to make glucose, however, the insulin no longer transports the glucose to the cells, so it builds up in the body. The kidneys try to solve the problem by getting rid of the extra glucose. This causes the patient to sense the need to urinate frequently.

Increased Thirst

Most parents think the reason their child is urinating so frequently is because he is constantly drinking water. The opposite is true. The reason they can't get enough water to drink is because they are constantly getting rid of the liquids in their body by urinating so much.

Constant Hunger

Children that have juvenile diabetes can be continuously hungry regardless of the amount they eat. The reason they feel that way is because they don't have the necessary insulin to carry the glucose, their body's fuel, so they never feel properly fed.

Weight Loss or Gain

Juveniles with type 2 diabetes are prone to being overweight, so for them, diabetes is associated with weight gain. On the other hand, type 1 diabetes is just the opposite. Since the body isn't receiving the fuel it needs, it can't create fat. So despite the fact that the juvenile is constantly eating they lose weight.

Miscellaneous Symptoms

These symptoms may or may not be present in a person that has juvenile diabetes. They may include dizziness, nausea, confusion, absence of menstruation in young girls, headache, vomiting, a fruity type of breath odor and bed wetting. If children don't normally wet the bed, and all of a sudden they start doing it regularly, have them checked for juvenile diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Hyperglycemia is the medical term for high blood sugar. In most cases, hyperglycemia goes hand in hand with diabetes. However, there are other causes that can be found for the condition. The definition of what is considered a high amount of sugar often varies by the medical establishment.

In most cases, it is considered any level that is over 180 on a blood glucose test. This level would be high if you have been fasting for at least four hours, as levels this high can be common after a meal. There are specific causes and treatments for non-diabetic hyperglycemia.

Many eating disorders, such as bulimia, can lead to hyperglycemia. In this case, the high amount of sugar found in the blood would be most commonly found during the binging phase of the process. With this disease, most people will binge eat, which is the process of consuming large amounts of food in a short period.

In most cases, the foods chosen are high carbohydrate foods and simple sugars. These foods can quickly raise the blood glucose level as the body will not have enough time to produce a high enough insulin level. In this case, the best option for preventing hyperglycemia is to get a handle on the eating disorder and this is usually no small task.

However, the hyperglycemia is a direct result of the disorder. If you are facing this condition, you need to eat small meals through out the day to get your levels back under control. Contact your physician for help with management.

Hyperglycemia can often be found in people who have an infection or inflammation due to an illness. When a person is ill, the body will release endogenous catecholamines, as well as other hormones that can raise levels of sugar in their blood. For this reason, it is possible for normally healthy people to have high blood glucose level.

This is why no one should ever be diagnosed with diabetes based on one blood sugar level. It is possible for one high reading to be a product of illness and stress on the body. This condition is usually detected by your physician during blood tests.

In this case, it is often hard to determine whether the symptoms you experience are from the flu or from raised blood glucose levels. This is why you should seek medical treatment for help in determining what the issue is. If you doctor does discover that your illness has caused a rise in blood sugar levels, they might suggest insulin for a short period or you may need to adjust your diet while you are ill.

It is very possible for illness, stress, and certain habits, to have an impact on blood glucose levels. These levels do not always mean a person has diabetes or that they will develop it later on. Your doctor should determine if you are experiencing Hyperglycemia due to other factors or if this is an ongoing condition that deserves a diabetes diagnosis.

There are tests that can measure your blood sugar levels over several months to help determine if this is an isolated event or an ongoing condition. Only your doctor can help make this determination.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetics have to be especially vigilant in making sure that they get their seasonal flu shot and the H1N1 shot as well. These shots are a good idea for everyone, but for diabetics they are critical. The flu can cause changes in your blood sugar levels.

You have to get shots like these every year, unlike others shots like tetanus or measles. The flu mutates quickly so every year is a necessity - last year's vaccine likely won't work for this year's flu. Scientists start working on the next season's vaccine well before the season starts. Fortunately, the H1N1 virus has not yet mutated.

Flu is a miserable experience. It can include high fever, severe muscle aches and headache, cough, runny nose, and sore throat. When you have the flu, you also end up feeling very weak. These symptoms can last for weeks, prolonging the misery.

Diabetics often can't get effective symptom relief, either. The over-the-counter medicines that most people use to treat cold and flu are often inappropriate for diabetics. The liquid medicines are usually full of sugar to make them more palatable. You can't take them, because during flu your blood sugar may already be in flux. Adding a bunch of sugar to the mix is a really bad idea.

Cough drops are also a bad idea. Most have sugar in them. Even sugar-free cough drops may not be a good idea. Eucalyptus can also play havoc with blood sugar.

For diabetics with the flu, you need to be extra careful and test your sugar more frequently. It's very important because you may not know if your sugar is off since you feel so miserable anyhow.

It's a good idea to test every three to four hours, according to the ADA. They also recommend that you check ketones. If any of the results come back and indicate you are having trouble regulating these, you'll want to check with your doctor or go to the ER.

The flu virus can kill appetite too. You have to eat anyhow, in order to regulate your sugars. Don't skip eating - instead, eat small amounts of your regular foods.

You may not want a full meal. Instead, try to get fifteen grams of carbohydrates each hour. That's not too much food. It's about one slice of toast, one cup of soup, or พ cup of yogurt. Make sure you take in enough fluids, also. Be careful with fruit juices though, they can be very sugary.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Your body has ways of telling you when something is wrong. It is important that you know the symptoms of type 2 diabetes because, the sooner treatment starts, the less damage will be done to your body.

The symptoms for this disease are many and seemingly innocent so you must pay close attention. By themselves they may appear harmless-I guarantee they are not.

Here are the most common symptoms.

o Frequent urination (causing the kidneys to work harder) due to excessive urine

o Excessive thirst

o Tired and weak-flu like symptoms-causing maybe a slow down in activity levels

o Hunger and increased appetite-causing weight gain

o Weight loss in spite of eating more or weight gain fluctuations

Less common are:

o Tiredness-just a general lack of energy from the food not being metabolized

o Dry skin

o Dry mouth-causing thirst

o Head aches and pains

o Blurred vision

o Impotence

o Yeast infections

o Difficulty in healing sores frequent infections

o Nerve damage-numbness in extremities

There is absolutely no harm in erring on the side of caution for these symptoms. It is always best to check especially if you are in a high risk category or have some inherited high risk factors. IT IS MUCH BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY!

If you have high risk factors anyhow check it out with a simple blood test. It is better to control at the outset than develop complications from inaction. Listen to you're your body has to say. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, see your doctor.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Per la maggior parte delle persone i sintomi del diabete non sembrano molto gravi quando prima viverle. Infatti la grande maggioranza dei diabetici diagnosticate. C'è una stimata 17 milioni diabetici negli Stati Uniti da solo, e si stima che 5,9 milioni devono ancora essere diagnosticati con questa malattia in pericolo di vita.

Molte persone possono anche esprimere una sorta di incredulità quando essi sono diagnosticati con il diabete. I sintomi diabetici possono sembrare così minori che dicendo "Non mi sento diverso" o "Non sento malata" è una risposta piuttosto standard per molte persone di recente diagnosticata. Perché i sintomi possono sembrare piuttosto minori quando iniziano le prime possono essere attribuiti ad altre condizioni o problemi. Purtroppo il diabete è una malattia grave ed è la sesta causa di morte per malattia negli Stati Uniti oggi.

Secondo l'associazione americana del diabete i sintomi più comuni del diabete includono:

minzione frequente o - causata da glicemia alta che aumenta il flusso di sangue ai reni.

o sete eccessiva - risultati dalla disidratazione dall'aumentato output urinario.

fame estrema o - perché il glucosio è in grado di ottenere nelle cellule del corpo, dalla mancanza di insulina, il corpo soffre di un deficit energetico, causando fame.

o perdita di peso insolito - nonostante mangiare più il corpo in realtà perde peso come si scompone le proteine e grassi per compensare il deficit di energia percepita.

o maggiore fatica - causata dalla diminuzione dell'energia

o irritabilità

o visione sfocata - causato dal volume maggiore di sangue che provoca un gonfiore della lente dell'occhio.

È facile capire perché questi sintomi possono essere scambiati per qualcosa di diverso da diabete. Ci sono molte condizioni di giorno in giorno che potrebbero causare alcuni di questi sintomi. Per esempio lo stress della vita quotidiana può portare a stanchezza o irritabilità e come può la depressione che può anche causare la perdita di peso. Qualsiasi numero di malattie minori come il raffreddore o l'influenza può anche causare il diabete come sintomi.

Come il diabete ottiene progressivamente peggio quindi saranno questi sintomi. Un'altra cosa da tenere a mente è che a differenza di sintomi associati con una malattia o di altri problemi nella vita di che questi non andrà via. Se l'esperienza di uno qualsiasi di questi sintomi e non vanno via è importante pianificare un appuntamento medici e discutere i sintomi con un medico.

Viene diagnosticato il diabete prima può essere intrapreso il trattamento preventivo prima. Questo è importante perché più lungo che è lasciata non trattata più danni che può fare per il corpo e i suoi sistemi di organi. Mentre non vi è alcuna cura per il diabete che può essere gestito con successo con i cambiamenti di stile di vita positivo.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Millions of people suffer from diabetes, a group of diseases characterized by high blood sugar levels. These levels can arise from ineffective insulin production, insulin action is inadequate or a combination of both. Because many of the early symptoms of diabetes appear to be harmless, the condition can go undetected for a long time, meaning that many people don't get treatment until they're very sick. Early diagnosis is an important part of getting the right treatment and adjusting your lifestyle in order to take account of diabetes. Here are some symptoms that might indicate that you have diabetes type 2:

(1) frequent urination and excessive thirst-excess sugar causes the kidneys to work overtime. If they can't keep, sugar is excreted in the urine and take the fluid out of your tissues with it. This means you have to go to the bathroom frequently and often makes you want to liquids.

(2) unusual weight loss or gain for a short period of time-wasting sugar regularly can cause weight loss and calories. People with type 1 diabetes are particularly prone to this problem. You may also gain weight unexpectedly, which will make your fabric less sensitive to the action of insulin. That's why overweight people are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

(3) Frequent or extreme hunger-diabetes can keep sugar from food to reach the cells. This can lead to a constant feeling of hunger.

(4) applicant-Fatigue when sugar cannot be used properly to fuel your cells, you may feel tired, even if you have not exercised alone.

(5) Vision seems blurred-diabetes can cause liquids to be pulled out of the tissues in your eyes. This makes it more difficult to focus. If it goes untreated, can form new blood vessels in the retina and the old ones can be damaged. This causes lights to develop rings around them or appear in flash. People with this problem also may see dark spots. In severe cases, diabetes can cause blindness.

(6) numbness or tingling Sensations in the legs and feet-high sugar levels can cause nerve damage. This causes tingling and feeling of loss of limb and is often noticed first in the legs and feet.

(7) disease or flu-like symptoms – if fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite and other flu-like symptoms, you may actually be suffering from poorly controlled blood sugar. Diabetes can cause your body to be able to effectively use sugar for energy, leaving you feeling run down and sick.

(8) Consistent or recurrent infections-if you are developing a wound that is slow to heal or easily becomes infected, it may be because your blood sugar levels high compromising your ability to heal. Women can also have bladder or vaginal infections you develop diabetes.

Remember that it is essential to manage diabetes. If you suspect that you have this condition, talk with your doctor as you can. He or she can test to see if you have diabetes and can help manage the symptoms.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Diabetes is a disease caused by the body's inability to produce or use insulin, which can cause dangerous fluctuations in blood glucose levels, lead to organ damage, coma and even death. Diabetes symptoms are generally the result of these fluctuations in blood sugar. Mirrored symptoms diabetes type I and type II diabetes, with only a few exceptions.

Diabetes type I, or insulin-dependent diabetes, produces such symptoms as diabetic unusual thirst and increased urination, extreme hunger, unexplained weight loss, blurred vision and fatigue unrelieved. Type II diabetes, also known as insulin resistance, is characterized by symptoms like diabetic unusually long time healing, nerve damage, red and swollen gums, extreme fatigue and weakness (flu-like symptoms), as well as the symptoms of type I diabetes. Most people who suffer from diabetes, ninety to ninety-five percent have type II diabetes.

As already mentioned, diabetic symptoms are the result of the body's inability to produce or use insulin. Keeping abnormally high levels or abnormally low blood glucose can cause a range of symptoms ranging from simply unpleasant to life threatening. Because glucose is a major source of fuel for the body, the body's ability to process efficiently this fuel is very important. When the body fails to produce or produce glucose properly, organs and bodily systems (brain, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, muscles) that rely on glucose are adversely affected.

Diabetes symptoms may result from low blood sugar is too low or from low blood sugar is too high. Diabetic symptoms resulting from persistent hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) include increased thirst and urination and can lead to severe kidney problems, up to and including kidney failure. Too much blood sugar reduces the amount of water in the cells of the body and results in extreme thirst. Water consumed is then excreted through the kidneys with the excess blood sugar. The kidneys have to work extra hard. Blurred vision is the result of this imbalance in water. The eyes cannot focus properly because water is drawn from the cells. Because glucose is the body's fuel, without that fuel, because the body can't process glucose or the body is unable to maintain glucose levels, correct the muscles can become tired and weak for lack of fuel, causing the individual to feel fatigued. Because the muscles have no fuel, the individual may feel overly hungry (the body's signal that muscles need fuel), but can lose weight despite normal or above normal food consumption because glucose is excreted in the urine, rather than being used to power the muscles resulting in actual wasting of muscle and fat. The brain uses glucose to function. Blood sugar levels are abnormally high or abnormally low will affect the brain and processes of that rule. Diabetic symptoms are really a domino effect caused by extreme fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

All diabetic symptoms can be managed successfully by using a self-care plan strict diet, exercise and insulin. Careful monitoring of blood glucose levels helps prevent diabetes complications like blindness, kidney failure, nerve damage, cardiovascular disease, infections, convulsions, coma and even death. Diabetics should use all methods available to relieve diabetic symptoms or may progress rapidly to situations that can be disabling or life-threatening. The efficient management of diabetic symptoms requires constant vigilance and self-education to recognize when the symptoms might need more self-care and trip to the doctor or hospital is recommended. Individuals who are intent on managing their diabetes will find a wealth of information designed to ease the transition to a diabetic lifestyle.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Many people completely ignore the symptoms and signs of diabetes. This can be a deadly decision. It is estimated that approximately 27% of the population have this disease (diagnosis, undiagnosed or pre-diabetes). Ignoring the easy look up symptoms do not go away. In fact, it makes you more likely to lose their lives to it. And as you'll see at the end of this article, it can kill very quickly.

I myself have ignored all the classic signs and was within two weeks of dying when a chiropractor actually recognized as diabetes and sent me to a doctor immediately for treatment. So what are the signs of diabetes and symptoms that you may be looking for yourself or your child before you seek medical advice?

Thirst and frequent urination

Perhaps the easiest way to tell if you have diabetes out-of-control is to look for excessive thirst and frequent urination. Before I was diagnosed I thirst that even after drinking a gallon of water wouldn't go away. It would be followed by having to go to the bathroom 20 to 40 times a day. Talk about embarrassing.

Tired all the time

Another obvious symptom is constant tiredness or fatigue. People often mistake out-of-control diabetes with fibromyalgia, Mononucleosis, influenza and other diseases because of tiredness and weakness that creates. You may also feel nauseous as having the flu. A blood sugar high will make you feel bad in General (like when you said your parents, "I don't feel so well todayl").

Hungry all the time

The cells need constant energy in the form of glucose. The problem with sugar is that diabetes is not always in the cells and instead remains in the blood. Eventually the sugar is eliminated through urine-but not before taking a route very damaging.

Because your body is not getting the energy needs, tries to take more food to compensate. Is a destructive circle because the crystals of sugar in your blood are like razors just inside of the vessels. Destroy the eyes, kidneys, feet, nerves and almost everything else becomes their duty. And this is where they come from most long-term diabetic complications.

Rapid weight loss

Weight loss is the result of your body dumping most of glucose inside (all food is transformed into glucose in the body or have been deleted). I lost over 30 pounds in a few months despite hitting the Las Vegas buffet a little too often. Doesn't sound like a symptom so ill, but you are doing incredible damage to your body to lose this weight. If you're at this stage, are also probably in a condition called Ketoacidosis and weeks to die.


A headache may be a common symptom-but if it is mixed with some of the previous symptoms, to find immediate medical attention. Eventually he kills. What is happening is because the sugar is not always to the brain cells. Oxygen is also not getting to them and create swelling of the brain.

Hair loss

One of the unfortunate symptoms of diabetes is unexpected hair loss. Right before I was diagnosed, I was almost pulling tufts of hair. Soon arrested and reversed once I was started on insulin.


You should teach diabetes education for every child as needed for class when they begin to see the classic diabetes signs and symptoms in their bodies, they know to seek medical attention before it's too late.

My 16 year old nephew died from undiagnosed diabetes. He was the classic diabetes signs and symptoms. After being hospitalized one night who found she had a blood sugar (it's how blood sugar) 17 times the normal amount.

Death resulted from his rapidly swelling of the brain. His body could not really even after the medication. Don't let this happen to your children or yourself. Remember, died from complications of diabetes are constantly increasing as fast as the number of newly diagnosed cases. No matter your age, look at these classic diabetes signs and symptoms, seek medical advice immediately.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


We get colds and flus from time to time, but for diabetics colds and flus can be a little more serious. People with diabetes are more prone to infections, so it's important to make sure a cold and flu doesn't turn ugly. Here are some simple hints and tips that should help you should get a cold or flu.

1) drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration-if you don't eat properly and your dehydrated glucose levels of the blood may become too low. Dehydration can cause problems as well.

2) Rest-lots of rest will allow the body to repair and fight colds and the flu bug. Your body will be weaker when you have a cold or flu so help giving your body less to do and concentrate on the fight against the infection.

3) Keep a good supply of vitamin C and zinc-vitamin C is found in citrus fruits like oranges and fruit juices or you can take supplements. If you make use of supplements do not need high-strength varieties such as 1000mg just use standard strengths.

4 high temperature)-If you have high temperatures exceeding 38 degrees then let your doctor know. Acetaminophen is good to lower the temperature. If you are on medication make sure you check with your pharmacist which you can take acetaminophen with other drugs. (Almost all diabetic medications are compatible with acetaminophen, but it's still good to check). If you have a high temperature, this could be a sign of infection.

5) Avoid flu remedies with decongestants. Theoretically you could
make it harder to identify the signs of persistent high blood glucose and if you are on blood pressure lowering drugs raise blood pressure.

6) check glucose levels regularly. If the levels are notably target, then consult your doctor or if you're on insulin and may make changes to your insulin regimen, then you may need to adjust accordingly, but make sure you have your doctor's permission.

7) monitor your ketones – if the blood glucose levels become high the result may be the production of ketones, this can happen more often with type 1 diabetics. Check your urine ketones with a simple urine ketone strips such as ketostix and tell your doctor you have positive results.

8) Take the diabetes medication and/or insulin-if you can take medication that will help you recover faster by making sure that your body is working properly. In some cases the cold or flu might worsen if not take your diabetes medications or insulin.

9) prevention is better than cure-flu vaccine jab can prevent some types of flu. If you can get access to the flu jab would be worth it to prevent the flu. Ask your doctor if you can gain access to the flu jab.

10 sugar-free Medications) you can use lozenges for a sore throat and cough cough suppressants. Ask your pharmacist for the sugar free variety. If you have a chesty cough (cough with phlegm) and mucus is dark, this is a sign of infection and you should go see your doctor. Diabetics are more prone to infections.

We hope that you will be able to use these tips for preventing colds and influenza becoming severe and recover faster.

Now that you've read our article on diabetes and colds flu &, you may want to read our article on what is diabetes?. There is a lot of useful knowledge in the article.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
As type 2 diabetes, neuropathy or nerve diseases, may be unnoticed as the symptoms are gradual.

Generally occurs in diabetics over 40 years and who have the blood sugar control poor. It has been found to affect approximately 60% of all diabetic diagnosis and often cause infections and amputations of the foot.

Generally appears after 10 years or more of blood sugar levels high and occurs in both diabetics of type 1 and 2. Can be cured, however, simply of blood glucose control, making the contraction of the disease first totally avoidable.

Taller people are more susceptible to the disease as they have more nerve fibers and drink (alcohol) can make things worse.

There are a number of symptoms to be aware of. The most evident between the inability of any feeling in your feet.

In this case you need to use your eyes to check your feet, because once the sensation is lost, you can fit on a broken piece of glass, for example, and not feel any pain.

Actually the most common problem is foot ulcers. In non-diabetics, no pressure on the sole of the foot will show itself with pain. Diabetic neuropathy means that this pain is not felt by the patient, and after some time, the skin begins to harden in the area being pressurized. Over time this turns into a callus, which eventually forms an ulcer.

You can to go unnoticed, and the problem is that as the spread of canker, which for the moment is found; the only cure possible amputation.

The best way to avoid the disease neuropathic foot is to follow the usual procedures for diabetes:

-Keep blood glucose under control

-Seek treatment if you suffer from hypertension

-Exercise. Bad cholesterol clogs arteries and exercise helps stimulate the body to produce new blood vessels, in addition to reducing bad cholesterol.

-Smoking. Smoking is major cause of peripheral arterial disease, which affects the feet first. Consider giving it up.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
The flu is more dangerous for diabetics than for others. Why is it so? Any kind of disease raises blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. In fact, a disease can prevent a diabetic to eat properly, which further affects blood glucose levels. Diabetes affects the immune system by causing people to become more vulnerable to severe cases of flu (Centers for Disease Control (CDC).) Diabetics who contract the flu usually get very sick, very sick, compared to other people that swine flu. In many cases, diabetics with the flu will end up in hospital.

People with diabetes can help keep it safe from the flu by getting an annual flu shot, provided they are not allergic to it, as many people are. The influence is definitely not good for everyone. Many people complain of getting sick after taking the flu vaccine. However, for the most part, is very good in preventing the flu. It is recommended that everyone with diabetes, women who are pregnant should get an annual flu shot, and the best time to get one is in October or mid-November before the start of flu season (CDC).

According to the CDC, if one has diabetes, a flu shot can be the difference between life and death. In addition to flu vaccine, diabetics should get pneumococcal vaccine also with Toxoide vaccine of tetanus/diphtheria (Td). All measures should remain safe from infections.

There are some important steps you can take to avoid sick people. Regularly wash your hands is a very good practice to stop the spread of flu and other infections. You should avoid contact with sick people. The flu, for example, is thought to spread from person to person through coughing, sneezing or contact with infected people. If one feels under the weather, the CDC recommends that one should stay home from work or school to limit contact with others to keep them from getting sick too.

Regardless of the circumstances, diabetics should continue taking their medications (pills or insulin), although they may not eat while sick with the flu. Health care providers may sometimes advise patients to take more insulin during the illness, depending on the situation, (CDC).

Very strict supervision should be used by diabetics when you experience any form of disease. Here are some basic steps to follow in case of illness: check your blood glucose levels every hour-all results should be recorded and monitored; drink extra fluids (no calories) and try to eat normally; If you eat normally, it is not possible, eat soft food and liquids containing the same amount of carbohydrates you consume normally. weigh yourself every day-lose weight without effort could be a sign of high blood sugar; and check your body temperature every morning and every evening-onset of fever may be a sign of infection, (CDC).

One should call you or your health care provider or go to the emergency room if any of the following: feeling too ill to eat normally unable to keep down food for more than 6 hours; episodes of severe diarrhea; lose 5 kg or more; body temperature is over 101 degrees F; blood glucose is below 60 mg/dL or remains over 300 mg/dL; experience moderate or large amounts of ketones in the urine; feeling of drowsiness or unable to think clearly. and having trouble breathing, (CDC).

Diabetics need to be very careful when it comes to influenza, because diabetes affects the immune system of diabetics. Therefore, flu prevention is the best medicine. Although the flu vaccine does not agree with all, is still the most effective remedy against flu. Thus, all efforts should get a flu shot every year.

Please visit the CDC for more information about diabetes and the flu.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


It's that time of year where the cold and flu season really starts to get into full swing. For the past few months you've seen ads or were asked by the doctor to the flu vaccine in preparation for flu season. For patients with diabetes, influenza can be a devastating disease. For this reason, it is recommended that all patients are vaccinated against influenza in September, well before the flu season begins.

How to know if I have the flu?

Influenza is a virus that is characterized by a sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, muscle aches and cough. It is sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
What should I do if I have the flu?

Most patients will recover without complications, but patients with diabetes are at risk for dehydration, Hyperglycemia, pneumonia and hospitalization. For this reason, patients with diabetes are encouraged to call the doctor at the onset of flu symptoms. You will be able to speak with a nurse who can advise you whether your symptoms are consistent with the flu and what to do next.

You may need to consult your doctor to start medications to reduce the risk of complications from influenza. These medications are most effective when they are started within 72 hours after the onset of symptoms. That is why it is important for patients with diabetes to contact their doctor as soon as they suspect they have influenza.

If you have the flu and diabetes you should take the following measures to reduce the risk of complications of influenza:

1. Hydrate: Increase your fluid intake, taking small amounts of sugar free drinks to prevent dehydration. If you have vomiting or diarrhea, this becomes very important. Monitor for signs of dehydration such as dry mouth, increased thirst, increased heart rate and decreased urination.

2. Monitor: sugar hyperglycemia occurs more frequently in diabetic patients during times of stress and illness. It is recommended that all patients with diabetes check their blood sugars every 3-4 hours during the disease to monitor glucose levels extreme changes.

3. know the symptoms of complications: If shortness of breath, high fever, confusion, dehydration or Hyperglycemia contact your doctor to know if need be seen emergently.

Influenza is a serious disease and the best way to prevent its complications is through annual vaccination.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Before diving into different diabetes treatments for types 1 and 2 here is a brief introduction to diabetes. The hormone insulin helps the body utilize blood sugar, also known as glucose, and use this glucose for energy. The food that you eat is broken down by your body, all the fats, proteins and carbohydrates are broken down to use as energy. When the body is processing or digesting the food you have eaten, the carbohydrates which were consumed are broken down by the body into glucose. Once this glucose has been broken down, it will be absorbed directly into your bloodstream. It is at this point that the insulin in your body has the task of absorbing whatever glucose is resent in your blood, which will allow it to be utilized as an energy source.

When healthy, the pancreas will regularly release a supply of insulin directly into the bloodstream. Right after eating a meal, the glucose levels in your blood will rise which will cause your pancreas to respond to this rise in the glucose level by releasing additional insulin in order to move the glucose effectively into the cells of your body. Insulin will essentially unlock the cells in order for them to be able to accept the glucose in your bloodstream.

Type I Diabetes

Any person who has Type I diabetes will have a pancreas which is producing insufficient amounts of insulin, or no insulin at all. Without insulin, the levels of blood glucose will rise. This happens because without the insulin in the bloodstream, there is nothing to unlock the cells in your body, so they will have no way to accept the necessary glucose. This will result in the glucose staying in the bloodstream with nowhere to go which will cause the glucose levels to continue rising.

A person who has diabetes type 1 will need a diabetes treatment plan that requires maintaining healthy levels of glucose. This is necessary because when glucose levels get too high it will lead to many very severe health complications in time. On the opposite end of the scale is when glucose levels become too low, when this happens a person who has Type I diabetes begins to feel dizzy, or too hot or cold. If not corrected quickly, blood sugar levels can drop extremely low and the person who has Type I diabetes can lose consciousness.

To treat a person who has Type I diabetes effectively, their doctor will need to prescribe insulin with specific doses which will need to be taken regularly throughout the day. The person who has Type I diabetes will also need to change their diet. In fact, the ones who make drastic changes in their diets as well as incorporating regular exercise into their individual treatment plan will greatly reduce the required amount of insulin necessary for maintaining a healthy body and proper glucose levels.

Type II Diabetes

As with Type I diabetes, diabetes type 2 is the result of the inability of the body to produce sufficient insulin. However, the thing that sets type II diabetes apart from type I diabetes is the fact that the body has actually become resistant to any insulin which is being produced. The person who has type II diabetes will have insulin receptors which are less sensitive. There is insulin being produced by the pancreas, so there is insulin present inside the body of the person who has type II diabetes, however, the insulin which is being produced is considerably less than what is actually needed by the body.

Just as in type I diabetes, if the glucose can not enter the body's cells, blood sugar levels will continue to rise creating severe health problems. Not keeping proper glucose levels within the body maintained will eventually lead to complications such as heart attack, blindness, stroke, nerve damage, and kidney failure. The treatment plan for the type II diabetic will require taking a specific dosage of insulin which is prescribed by a doctor, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting plenty of regular physical activity.

Diabetes Treatment

As a way of combating the body's shortage of insulin for the type 1 or type 2 diabetic, necessary insulin will need to either be taken orally or injected, as prescribed by their doctor. It is absolutely essential that the insulin be administered using a manner that will mimic the natural secretion that the pancreas would produce. Since each person has a very different lifestyle and different lifestyle pattern, a doctor will prescribe the use of insulin according to each individual person.

Insulin is available in many different forms which can range from the long lasting to the brief, but intense. This is the reason your doctor may recommend a combination or mixture of insulin to be used. For example, the patient may use a dose of the intermediate acting insulin first thing in the morning and again in the evening, but may also need a type of insulin that is short acting, which can absorb more quickly, immediately before they consume a meal.

Whatever form, or forms of insulin that are used, the FDA has three methods approved for administration. Here are listed the three different approved methods for administering insulin:

An Insulin Pen that is Pre-Filled

This pre-filled pen comes with the insulin already loaded and is one of the most common methods for insulin delivery. This device is the size of a pen and holds the pre-filled insulin cartridge which will administer the insulin by injection. The needle penetrates right beneath the surface of the skin and releases the insulin directly into the body of the diabetic.

Insulin pens are either disposable or non-disposable. The non-disposable type of pen has both replacement cartridges and needles which can be ordered from a pharmacist. This pre-filled insulin pen can be a great way to administer insulin, however, many people just do not like the idea of taking an injection and so, prefer to use the insulin pump instead.

Insulin Pump

The insulin pump is another one of the FDA approved methods for administering insulin. This device is about the size of the typical small cell phone. The insulin pump was designed to be worn or carried on the outside of your body. It has a tube and this tube is inserted directly into the abdomen of the user. The insulin pump then dispenses insulin, in a pre-programmed amount, right into the body of the diabetic.

Inhaled Insulin

The inhaled insulin comprises the most recent form of administering insulin approved by the FDA. With this kind of pump, a person with either type I or II diabetes can simply inhale the insulin through a special device that looks similar to the inhaler used by someone with asthma.

Inhaled insulin is packaged in individual packs, and then the content of one of the packs is inserted into an inhaled insulin pump. This is a very fast acting method because the insulin can be immediately absorbed into the body of the diabetic. However, this method for administering insulin is considered very short acting. This method is generally used in conjunction with either one of the methods of administration mentioned previously.

The people who have the greatest success in both treating their particular diabetes, and in being able to drastically reduce their intake need for insulin, have usually adopted totally different lifestyles, as well as having completely eliminated certain foods which are not appropriate for their diets. This has been a major focus in their overall treatment plan for their diabetes, and they are taking it very seriously. Then there are those who are using insulin therapy, but are still suffering with complications, mainly because they have not taken the initiative to change their diet, and they have not incorporated regular exercise in their lifestyle.

Treating diabetes with insulin therapy is considered vital for survival for those who have this disease. The best way to manage diabetes is by incorporating a diet as well as lifestyle change, together with insulin therapy. This combination is the most effective diabetes treatment method and will yield the most promising results.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Although there are two different types of diabetes, Type 2 diabetes counts for an overwhelming majority of the cases: 90 to 95%. And recently, the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes has been on the rise around the world, and especially in the United States. In 1997 only 5 states had Type 2 rates of 6% or more. Just ten years later in 2007, the figures had risen: 47 states had a prevalence rate of 6% or more, and in 8 states over 10% of the population had been diagnosed with this disease. With the prevalence of diabetes rising so rapidly, you can see why it is important to get to the root of the problem, and learn what is causing it.

What Causes Diabetes And Who Can Get It?

The biggest problem with determining the exact cause of diabetes, is that anyone can get it. This make it difficult to lay the blame on a single cause. So instead, researchers focus on looking at the risk factors that make developing Type 2 much more likely. Part of the problem lies in genetics, based on ethnicity or family history.

Sadly, most of the risk factors are associated with the lifestyle choices that many people make. Poor lifestyle choices such as smoking, alcohol abuse, a lack of physical activity, poor food choices, and obesity all make the development of Type 2 much more likely. The tragic part of this diabetes epidemic is that most of these risk factors could be prevented by making smarter decisions about your lifestyle.

What Happens With Type 2 Diabetes?

This form of diabetes most commonly occurs in people who meet one or more of the risk factors. The unfortunate truth is that day in and day out they are making decisions that harm their body and will potentially lead to a number of problems. Diabetes is just one of many problems that can result from obesity, smoking or any of the other risk factors. When people make these poor choices they place a great deal of stress on the body, which makes it more difficult for the body to carry out its regular functions normally.

One of the functions that is negatively affected by these choices is the body's ability to maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Normally, the body is capable of keeping blood sugar levels regular on its own, but in a diabetic the body cannot lower the blood sugar without help. In Type 2, your body no longer responds properly to insulin, the hormone responsible for lowering blood sugar. Your body has to produce more and more insulin to lower the blood sugar level, but eventually it can't keep up. At this point, you may be diagnosed with prediabetes or even full-blown Type 2.

Prediabetes is defined as having a fasting blood sugar reading of 100 to 125mg/dL (5.6 to 6.9mmol/L). This is not quite high enough to give a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, but it mean you are on your way unless you intervene now.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Diabetes is a chronic disease in which there is an excess of glucose (sugar) in blood. In diabetes blood sugar levels go haywire. It is one of the leading major causes of blindness heart disease kidney failure amputations and digestive disorders. The major causes are heredity immune system dysfunction and viruses. Among the contributory causes are obesity lack of exercise and improper nutrition diet. You don't get the proper nutrients needed if you over consume processed chemically treated overcooked high fat high glycemic packaged and nutrient deficient food.

Normally sugar and starch in food are absorbed as glucose produced by liver into our blood. insulin the hormone produced by pancreas cleans up the glucose from blood by directing it into the cells. In diabetes the body doesn't make or properly use insulin. This causes the blood sugar levels to go high and glucose not able to enter the cells. In this condition the body cannot make the energy it needs from the food you eat. Eating food high in sugar ans starch complicates the condition.

Eating the right food in the right amount at the right time is important to maintain blood sugar levels throughout the day. This will help to feel better and be mentally sharp. You will have better moods less depression and less fatigue than those who don't. By being so it will reduce the risk of complications such as high blood pressure heart disease and cancer.

Body needs energy. Energy is produced from glucose which in turn is got from the food we eat.If we are not eating properly we can not produce efficient energy that body needs. Any time if one of our basic need is out of balance the body is under stress and cannot function properly.

Types of diabetes:

A: Type 1 diabetes mellitus: In this type of diabetes the pancreas produces little or no insulin. This type of diabetes generally develops at young age has symptoms and blood glucose is high. These patients need insulin treatment lifelong.

B: Type 2 diabetes mellitus: In this type of diabetes the pancreas produces less insulin than required to maintain normal blood glucose. It generally develops after 40-45 tears of age and progresses slowly. Several years may pass before the diagnosis is actually made. All patients need diet control tablets or insulin to keep their diabetes under control.

C: Secondary diabetes mellitus: This includes diabetes due to genetic defects in insulin secretion and action drugs (steroids contraceptive pills ACTH etc. )and diabetes in association with endocrine disorders. Most of them require insulin for diabetes control.

D: Gestational diabetes mellitus: This includes diagnosis of diabetes made for the first time during pregnancy.The diagnosis is done when fasting blood glucose is in excess of 95 mg/dl and if it is higher than 180 mg/dl at 1hr 155 mg/dl at 2hr or 140 mg/dl at 3hr after 100g oral glucose intake. These patients need very strict pregnancy control through diet modifications and insulin treatment to prevent pregnancy loss and high birth weight(more than 3.8kgs) of their babies. In most cases blood glucose becomes normal after delivery. A repeat blood glucose test after 6 weeks of delivery is necessary for assessing diabetes.

Reasons for developing diabetes:

Though it can not be answered easily the following causes might answer this.

1)Heredity is considered as an important cause. children of parents with no diabetes are less likely to develop diabetes than children of parents with diabetes.

2) Obesity and sedentary lifestyle are major contributing causes.

3) Alcoholic beverages when taken in excess damage the pancreas and cause diabetes.

4) Higher consumption of bitter tapioca maize sugar salt and low protein diet during childhood increases the risk.

5) Those with low(1.5kg and lower) high(3.8kg) birth weight stress high blood sugar diabetes during pregnancy are at high risk of developing diabetes.

6) Viral gastroenteritis mumps and chickenpox may precede development of type 1 diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
We are in the midst of an epidemic of diabetes. The prevalence of the disease has increased so quickly, It almost behaves as if it is an infection (it isn't). Overall, 8% of people in the United States have diabetes.

90-95% have Type 2 Diabetes.

African Americans and Hispanic Americans have a 12-13% prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes. Among United States residents 65 years or older, the prevalence jumps to 25%. The upsurge in Type 2 Diabetes is due to the increasing prevalence of obesity and inactivity. Obesity and inactivity alone however are not enough to cause Type 2 Diabetes.

You must have also inherited insulin resistance.

Type 2 Diabetes is an inherited disease.

If your identical twin has Type 2 Diabetes, you are almost 100% likely to develop the disease. If both your parents have Type 2 Diabetes, your chance of developing Type 2 is 25%. Insulin resistance means your insulin doesn't work the way it should. If you inherit insulin resistance, your body's insulin is unable to effectively move sugar from your blood stream to your muscles and liver.

Consequently, sugar levels in your blood rise.

Once your blood sugar is above 125 mg/dl fasting (no food for 8 hours) or 200 mg/dl at a random time, you have diabetes. Resistance to insulin may be present 15-20 years before diabetes is diagnosed. Your initial response to insulin resistance is to make more insulin. Unfortunately, your ability to increase insulin secretion declines with time.

This is due to the death of your beta cells (or islet cells). These are the cells that make insulin. They are located in the pancreas. The combination of insulin resistance and reduction of insulin secretion ultimately causes blood sugar levels to rise. By the time diabetes is diagnosed, at least 50% of your beta cells have died. The exact cause of beta cell death in Type 2 Diabetes is unknown. It is likely multifactorial with a prominent inherited component.

Once Type 2 Diabetes develops, treatment options include diet and exercise, oral medications, and injectable medications.

All therapeutic options have advantages and disadvantages (to be reviewed in future articles).

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that the overweight people with any of the following risk factors should be screened for diabetes, irregardless of symptoms: high risk ethnic groups (African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans), evidence of acanthosis nigricans (darkening of skin creases, most commonly seen in the neck or underarms), high blood pressure, history of heart disease, history of pregnancy associated diabetes, 1st degree family member with diabetes, HA1c 5.7% or higher, HDL-cholesterol 250 mg/dl.

If you develop Type 2 Diabetes, learn as much as you can about the disease. Be proactive as soon as you are diagnosed. Smart, early management of your diabetes will have long-lasting benefits. Make a difference in your life today.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Finding out the causes and symptoms of diabetes in dogs is a humane thing to do for those who really love their pets. For a dog to suffer with a disease such as diabetes can be just as dangerous as it is for a human.

Here in this informative article on the causes and symptoms of diabetes in dogs, we will take a look at the facts that will help you to learn what causes diabetes in dogs and how to recognize its symptoms. This can help you give your pet a longer, happier life.

The cause of diabetes in dogs is similar to the cause of diabetes in humans in that the pancreas, the organ that produces insulin for the body, becomes damaged. Insulin is small protein and a hormone used in the body of your dog to regulate metabolism. The cells in the pancreas of the dog are destroyed by a problem with the immune system and when that happens, the vital insulin production can be decreased or terminated altogether.

This means that the body of your dog can no longer use the food that it eats. When glucose can not be processed in the body, the energy from the food you give your pet is not used. Insulin is the ingredient that allows the body of your dog to use the glucose produced by the digestion of food. When insulin is not present, this more than likely will become a cause of diabetes in dogs. Problems with the pancreas are the main cause of diabetes in dogs and one to keep a watchful eye on.

Some lesser causes of diabetes in dogs are; a reaction to drugs, genetic problems, and Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). Dogs that are middle aged dogs are the likely target for diabetes. Middle aged is considered six to nine years. Younger dogs can also have problems with diabetes. Do not look at any certain age-limit as an automatic risk factor for when your dog may develop the symptoms of diabetes. Young or old, your dog has the possibility of developing diabetes.

The breeds that may be subject to diabetes at an earlier age are Golden Retrievers and Keeshonds. Other possible causes of diabetes in dogs are lethargic lifestyles and obesity.

Taking a look at the symptoms of diabetes in dogs, we find that the symptoms in dogs are similar to humans. Your dog can maintain a strong appetite and even overeat and still be a dog with diabetes. A list of the symptoms are: being overly thirsty, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss or weight gain, blurred vision, increased infections, sores that heal too slowly, and vomiting.

The more common and less noticeable symptoms of diabetes in dogs, such as being very thirsty and frequent urination can be overlooked easily. They are not a sure sign by themselves that your dog has diabetes, but it is wise to be vigilant as they can be the first sign of diabetes.

If the symptoms of diabetes in dogs are allowed to progress and grow, partial blindness or blindness can result. Cataracts can form in the eyes of your dog as diabetes works its silent way into the life of your pet. The cataracts form in the eyes as sugar in the bloodstream is collected there. These cataracts will not go away without special surgery even after your dog is diagnosed and then treated for diabetes. Some good news about diabetes-induced cataracts is that some of those cataracts will not grow or change. This can mean that if the symptoms of diabetes in your dog are caught early, the eyes can be spared more damage.

Now that you know the causes and symptoms of diabetes in dogs, taking an active interest in the health of your dog will allow your pet to live longer and have a more productive life without the effects of diabetes.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST


These days receiving general screening for diabetes is very important. Diabetes is a word you hear in the news and on the street with startling frequency but what exactly is everyone talking about? Diabetes comes up in serious discussion and also in jokes-but diabetes is nothing to laugh about.

We have a huge problem with diabetes in this country. In fact, it is estimated that almost ten percent of the population is has this potentially fatal disease. The total amount of individuals infected with diabetes is over twenty five million. That's a lot of junk food! Screening is thankfully easy and affordable and is available at a host of different clinics around our fair city.

What exactly is diabetes? Well, there are two different types of diabetes. Generally, diabetes is an autoimmune disease. In type 1 diabetes, the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the insulin producing cells of a person's pancreas. In type 2, the disease comes on later in life and is different than type 1 in that the cells of the body no longer react to insulin the way they should. Basically, there is an insulin resistance in the body. Type 1 diabetes affects only ten percent of the total amount of diabetes patients. Blood sugar screening is easily available for both types of the disease.

What exactly is insulin and why is it so important to the human body? Insulin is a hormone that regulates the glucose levels in the body. Glucose is basically sugar and is one of the top energy sources the body has. This is why regulating the levels of it is so important to retaining your good health.

When should screening be administered? As with tests for different illnesses, screening should be part of your general health regimen. If diabetes runs in the family, it makes sense to receive screening earlier than others would. Diabetes' main underlying causes are genetic in nature.

There are some symptoms everyone should be aware of that may be a tip-off that diabetes has reared its ugly head. The symptoms that should prompt immediate screening procedures are:

Extreme thirst
Frequent urination
Increased appetite
Sudden Weight loss
Sudden vision changes
Sweet odor on breath
Heavy breathing

If experiencing any of these symptoms, screening at walk in clinic is highly recommended. For those who have type 1 diabetes injections of insulin via a personal hypodermic needle or specialized "pen" is the main mode of treatment. It is through this introduction of glucose with a balancing of daily dietary intake that one can live a healthy life. Type 2 diabetes can be treated through a variety of different medications that balance insulin levels in the blood stream. Either way, screening first, medication next-and hopefully, a healthy life with minimal side effects from the medicine.

The fact is there is so much in our daily lives that we need to keep on top of in order to retain our health and live a long satisfying life. The obvious things like no smoking, minimal junk food, and exercise are up to you. Controlling a disease like diabetes is helped through your trusted doctor and the medicines he or she provides.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The ailment of Diabetes is not something to be taken lightly. Moreover, the number of diabetes and pre-diabetes inflicted people in the United States of America has grown alarmingly over the past few years. Believe it or not, the data provided by the American Diabetes Association tells us that over 23 million people suffer from this disease in the United States of America alone. Frighteningly, not taking enough measures initially might lead to severe complications later.

Can diabetes cause memory loss? Well, if you do not take precautions right away the disease might progress to hamper your power of remembering things as well as well as other problems related to cognition. However, these complications might only be the beginning.

Now that we have answered the question 'can diabetes cause memory loss?' we can't escape the fact that it is indeed a distressing situation for anyone to be facing. Occasional lapses in remembering names and faces are expected with advanced age, but if relative youngsters struggle to remember facts, then it is surely time for some very strong action.

Keep the following instructions in mind while you are fighting against this -

* Make sure you are eating a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy products, legumes and lean meat.
* Foodstuffs rich in magnesium, zinc, chromium etc should ideally form a large part of your diet.
* Exercise regularly.

All the above measures will ensure that your brain receives adequate blood flow and doesn't trip up often.

Diabetes not only causes memory loss but also raises the patient's blood pressure significantly. Increased pressure on the blood vessels might also, in severe conditions, lead to strokes. And strokes, in turn might lead to the strange lapses in memory.

In extreme cases, diabetes can lead to disorders of the peripheral nervous system as well as malfunctioning of the heart. Both these conditions affect the blood circulation. And naturally, with the blood supply to the brain getting hindered, memory loss follows.

The best way to control erratic levels of blood pressure is by maintaining a distinctly healthy lifestyle. If you are overweight, it is definitely time to lose those few extra kilos. And even if you are not, make it a habit to work out regularly. Avoid taking sodium as much as you can. And most importantly, please do not skip any medication that the doctor prescribes. Your regular and healthy lifestyle might prove to be an alternative to medicines one day.

Do keep an eye on your blood sugar levels. High levels of sugar in the blood leads to heart ailments. Which again lead to memory loss as we discussed earlier. Thus the question of 'can diabetes cause memory loss' is surely answered. Make up your mind and do not slip up on your prescribed diet. Remember, it is probably what is keeping you alive!

However, prevention is almost always better than cure. Therefore, always be on the lookout for symptoms. And make regular appointments with your doctor and ophthalmologist. Ask questions. Read up on the ailment. Remember, the earlier you catch it, the better your chances of being completely cured.
Posted by Admin On 9:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Causes of diabetes include excess consumption of sugar and high quantity of refined carbohydrates. Other causes of diabetes can be due to voracious eating, overweight and obesity. This ailment develops in all age categories but it is more frequent among older and middle aged people. As a result of people's eating habits nowadays, there are many cases of this deadly disease compared to what was obtainable some years back.

This ailment will occur in the body as soon as the glucose in the body rises above normal level. This is why it is necessary to eat healthy balanced diet. It is noteworthy that food intake is converted to fat or glucose in the body for availability of energy that allows for daily activities. The pancreas, an organ near the stomach functions for the emission of insulin (hormone that enables glucose to get stored in the body cells).

As soon as the pancreas is not able to function effectively in the production of the required insulin amounts or unable to utilize insulin properly, problem will occur for glucose to get stored in the cells of which the consequence is diabetes because the sugar now gets stored in the blood. Therefore, for this ailment not to occur in the body there must be sufficient insulin levels in the pancreas.

Low levels of insulin in the pancreas will decrease the body's ability to normalize the blood sugar acidity in glucose thereby giving room for diabetes in the body. Pancreatic acid is deposited in the duodenum and go out all the way through the duodenum channel. The work of the duodenum is to ensure that secretions and bile enters it from the liver. Other causes of this disease include; tuberculosis, grief, using a medicine for a long period, nutritional deficiencies, worry, anxiety, high intake of fats and proteins, cerebral disease, consumption of high quantity of refined carbohydrates as well as heredity.

There are many causes of diabetes that people are not even aware of which needs to be identified. This is because this disease is not friendly in any way as it causes more harm than good to its victims if not given early attention. Therefore, all and sundry must endeavor to avoid this deadly ailment as much as possible. The only way by which the disease can be avoided is to identify its causes and guide against those causes. Avoiding its causes will go a long way in controlling the disease.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments READ FULL POST
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