
The mutual relationship between diabetes and obesity is so great that the term "Diabesity" was coined to describe it. Diabetes especially Type-2 diabetes is mainly triggered by obesity.

Diabetes Mellitus is a disorder in which the patient has high blood sugar levels. This is because either the body is not able to produce sufficient insulin or because the Beta cells don't respond to the insulin and hence there is no feedback mechanism.

Patients diagnosed with diabetes are encouraged to have a special diabetes diet. This is required to keep the sugar levels in the blood low. Also loss of weight can help control Type- 2 Diabetes. The goal of a diabetes diet is usually spelled as ABC.

• A -The Hemoglobin A1c test which measures average blood sugar.
• B- The Blood pressure
• C- Cholesterol

The highly preferred diabetes diet is based on the glycemic index. The carbohydrate intake is recommended to be at 40-65%. Fiber should be given primary importance in the meals especially soluble fiber that is low in fat. High glycemic index foods like potato and rice are also recommended.

On the other hand in case of hypoglycemia, patients are advised to have a food or drinks that can raise blood glucose levels quickly.

Alcohol should be preferably avoided by patients with diabetes. Alcohol is broken down by the body in the same procedure as fats; hence you gain the same calories. In case your blood sugar is well under control and your physician gives you the green signal, you may consume alcohol limitedly. Vodka, whiskey and other cream topped drinks must be strictly avoided. However you may indulge in some beer or wine.

Some of the famous diabetes diets are,

• The G.I. Diet
In this diet potatoes, white bread and rice are replaced with legumes, multi grain bread and whole grains which are more slowly converted in the blood stream.

• The Low Carbohydrate Diet

In this diet all sources of carbohydrates are replaced by fats such as nuts, meats, fish, eggs, olives etc (exempting saturated fats).hence the complications of glucose in the blood will be reduced. This diet is highly controversial and is not recommended by physicians.

• The High Fiber Diet

This diet works better for diabetes patients than any other. This controls blood sugar levels almost with the same potency as a diabetes drug.

• The Paleolithic Diet

This diet prescribed by the American Diabetes Association has proved to improve glucose tolerance for patients suffering from Type-2 diabetes.

• The Vegan diet

Vegan diets are completely free from fat translated as cholesterol and they hence impart a great control on insulin levels.
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