
If you are diabetic, then just about every time you eat a meal, you are supplying a fresh dose of sugar to the body. Insulin regulates blood sugar levels. Since your body does not produce enough of the hormone called insulin, you need to depend on medication to keep your blood sugar levels under control. So every time you eat food, you have to be very careful on what you eat and how much. Careless eating can lead to uncontrolled sugar levels, which in turn can cause a host of health problems.

Since there is no permanent cure or for diabetes, the only alternative is effective blood sugar management. Fortunately, since diabetes is intrinsically linked with the kind of food you eat, sensible eating is all you require to ensure effective blood sugar management.

A diabetic patient has to keep strict control over their weight. Any increase in weight can lead to blood sugar levels shooting up. Conversely, losing weight can dramatically reduce the level of sugar in the blood.

Therefore it is important for a diabetic patient to take in a nutritious and balanced diet. That means, a diabetic diet must be rich in vegetables and certain kinds of fruits. Vegetables are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fiber helps regulate blood sugar levels because it facilitates the slow release of glucose into the bloodstream. A fiber-rich diet also keeps hunger under control. That is why doctors recommend the intake of fresh salads and fruits. However, certain fruits have very high levels of fructose or fruit glucose in them. This can easily lead to high blood sugar levels. Therefore, diabetic patients must take in fruits that are low in sugar content. Many fruits like bananas must be taken in when they are half ripe.

A diabetic patient must stay away from fast foods. Fast foods are rich in sugar. Even seemingly innocuous foods like soups and pasta have high concentrations of sugar in them. Therefore, it is best to stick with home made or organic food.

Portion control is another important facet of a diabetic diet. Diabetic patients must reduce the amount of carbohydrate the take in. Complex carbohydrates like wholegrain cereals are recommended.

A healthy diabetic diet helps patients manage blood sugar levels effectively. This is where plenty of fibers can help. However, since modern food patterns may not supply sufficient quantities of fiber, many people suffering from diabetes take in fiber supplements. If you choose to use a fiber supplement, make sure that you select a product that is 100% natural and free of artificial additives. Such a product will be free of any negative side effects.
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