
Diabetes can be due to very little insulin, opposition to insulin, or even both. Insulin is the hormone that is produced by the pancreas in controlling blood sugar. To understand the disease, it is very essential to comprehend the normal course of action wherein food is broken and utilized by the human body for power. Several things occur when food is assimilated; a blood sugar called glucose goes through the bloodstream. Glucose supplies the fuel in the body; the pancreas is the organ that makes insulin. The function of insulin is to carry the blood sugar from the blood into the muscles, liver and fat cells, wherein the sugar can be utilized as fuel for energy.

3 main types:

Diabetes Type 1 - is normally occurs in childhood. In this ailment, the body produces little insulin or none at all. Injection of insulin everyday is needed. The precise cause of the disease is not known. It has been considered that viruses, genetics, and autoimmune problems may cause the ailment.

Diabetes Type 2 - this type is more common compared to Type 1. Most cases of diabetes are classified Type 2 diabetes. It generally occurs during adulthood, however, young people or teenagers are gradually more being detected having the disease. The pancreas is not able to produce adequate insulin to maintain the blood sugar in normal levels frequently since the body is not able to respond well toward insulin. A lot of people suffering from Type 2 do not realize they have the disease, although the condition is a severe one. This type of ailment becomes more frequent due to the increase in the cases of obesity and failure of some people to exercise or do some physical activities.

Gestational diabetes - this type develops any moment during pregnancy in women who do not suffer from diabetes. They have elevated blood glucose during pregnancy. Women who develop the disease become susceptible to type 2 and a possibility to develop cardiovascular illnesses later on.

The following are some symptoms of high levels of blood glucose:

1) Blurry vision

2) Frequent urination

3) Excessive thirst

4) Weakness or fatigue

5) Hunger

6) Weight loss

On the other hand, since diabetes Type 2 develops gradually, several people with elevated blood sugar do not experience any symptoms.

Here are some signs of diabetes type 1:

1) Increased thirst

2) Fatigue

3) Nausea

4) Vomiting

5) Increased urination

6) Loss of weight even the person has increased appetite

Patients with diabetes type 1 generally develop signs over a little duration of time. Often times the condition is detected within urgent situation.

The following are some indications:

1) Blurred vision

2) Increased appetite

3) Frequent urination

4) Fatigue

5) Increased thirst

If you observe some of these symptoms mentioned, try to visit your doctor right away for consultation and appropriate treatment.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments


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