
Some of the risk associated with diabetes.When you are over weight the risk of getting diabetes are much higher.

Exercising will definitely reduce the risk of diabetes. Sedentary people are known to have higher risk of diabetes. The risk will also increase as you get older. Other common illness associated with diabetic people are hypertension and high cholesterol. If your family has a diabetes record then your chances of developing the disease are increased.

Most diabetes symptoms are pretty hard to recognize.

Excess urination are often associated with diabetes problems The cause of excess urination is high sugar content in the urine. It will make the person go to the bathroom often to urinate and often disrupts their sleeps. When you have this frequent urination problems, make sure you look for another sign of diabetes problems. The out come of polyuria is polydipsia; excess thirst. When this happens and you are feeling it all day long, please see your GP immediately.

The veins in your eye may also be damaged due to the diabetic problems that you have. The lens in your eye are damage due to swollen caused by high sugar content in your blood. In the worst case your vision will be loss and in a best case scenario, you'll only have slight blur in your vision. Almost one third of the persons diagnosed with diabetes suffers of retinopathy.

When you have numbness in your limbs, this may be a sign of diabetes. When you have the sensation of numbness in your limbs, then it might be caused by diabetic problems as it affect your nerves.

In the later stage of diabetes, wounds and ulcers will begin to make appearance on the feet and toes. This is almost without doubt a diabetic problems. Diabetic sufferer often have prolonged wounds and ulcers as the disease delays healing time.

The bad part is that most people do not recognize the symptoms just after diabetes steps in. If you have any of these symptoms, do see your GP immediately so that your doctor can run some test. A blood sugar check is all you need to do to confirm if you really have diabetes.
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