
Would you believe that many of the people who have Type 2 diabetes don't realize that they have it? This is a major concern, because diabetes can lead to so many other serious health issues. It is important to understand what the symptoms of diabetes are, and to pay attention to those symptoms when they appear.

There are two symptoms that are very hard to overlook. The first is excessive thirst. It will seem that no matter how much water you drink, it is never enough. You remain thirsty. The second symptom is thought to be connected with this excessive thirst, and it is frequent urination. The logical thought pattern is that you are drinking a great deal, because you are so thirsty, so obviously you need to urinate more often. The excessive thirst, however, is not the cause of the frequent urination -- and you would still need to urinate more frequently even if you didn't have the excessive thirst.

Along with not feeling like you are getting enough to drink, you may not feel like you are getting enough to eat. Excessive hunger is also a symptom, and you may eat an entire plate of food, but still not feel satisfied. While you are eating all of this additional food, you may even find that you are losing weight, which is unusual.

Fatigue is another common symptom of diabetes. It won't matter how much rest you are getting, you will still feel tired. You will also be irritable. You might associate the irritability with feeling tired, but that isn't what is causing it. Blurry vision is also a symptom of diabetes.

These symptoms are hard to overlook, but many people fail to associate them with diabetes, because they are so closely associated with each other, in the logical sense. They think that the excessive thirst is leading to the frequent urination. They think that the fatigue is associated with the irritability. However, if you pay close enough attention to your body, and you know the symptoms of diabetes, you will know that if you experience these symptoms, you need to visit your doctor for testing.
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