
Diabetes is a disorder occurring due to the fluctuating sugar level in the blood. In a layman's language it is an illness in which there is too much sugar in the person's blood. It could also be termed as a disease in which sugar and starch are not properly absorbed by the body.

Diabetics if left untreated could lead to severe complications. However, managing the conditions carefully will allow diabetic patients to lead a normal life.

Dry skin, exhaustion, recovering slowly from injuries, frequent urination, feeling hungry and thirsty at regular intervals and blurred vision are all symptoms of diabetes.

Dry skin, a symptom of diabetes is due to the loss of water which in turns causes dehydration.

When blood sugar is not being utilized for the growth and repair of cells and for producing energy it continues to remain in our blood and is flushed out in the urine through our kidney. Our body is thus deprived of the essential nutrients of sugar. Since a diabetic is unable to absorb the vital nutrients from the food, they feel tired and hungry and suffer from poor health.

Sugar level of a diabetic person is generally high leading to poor functioning of the white blood cells. High sugar level in the blood attracts bacteria leading to illness. The immunity level of such people is low. Since immunity level of a person plays a very important role in curing injury, a diabetic person takes long to recover.

When excess sugar from the blood is not utilized by the cells, it absorbed the urine and come out. Therefore diabetics frequently use the bathroom.

The loss of water due to frequent urination makes diabetes thirsty. The role of insulin is to absorb sugar. In its absence the cells are left to starve, in such conditions signals of hunger are send to the brain. So even though sugar is present in the blood, its inability to absorb it leads to sense of hunger.

The fluctuation on the level of glucose and water in the eye causes due to dehydration leads to blurred vision. These symptoms of diabetes are indications to get oneself thoroughly examined. Sensing the diabetes symptoms will help you to take the necessary medications immediately.

Diabetes is a hereditary disease. If diabetes runs in the family there is every possibility that it will get transferred to their off-springs as well. Person who is obese stands a higher chance of getting it. However stress, an accident which has destroyed insulin producing pancreases, age and pregnancy also could lead to diabetes.
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