
Diabetes Mellitus is very alarming. We know very well that the disease itself is not dreadful, but its complications. A person with diabetes is most likely to pass on the disease to his/her offspring. Common complications include high blood pressure or certain heart illnesses, liver problems, or other internal problems. How do we know if we are on the verge of acquiring Diabetes Mellitus? It is simple. We will know it based on the symptoms. The treatment therefore depends on the type of diabetes a person has.

We know very well that there are certain types of Diabetes. We have the type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Well, Gestational Diabetes is an exception to the rule since it is only limited to pregnant women. This article will be dealing more about the two types of diabetes and the treatment for each type.

Type 1 diabetes resulted from the lack of insulin in the bloodstream. This is because the body cannot produce insulin at all. Well, if this is the case, it implies high glucose content in the blood. To remedy this situation, we have to increase the insulin content of the body through the intake of insulin. It might be through oral or injection means. At the same time, if there is a need to subject a patient continuously to the insulin treatment, we do have the insulin pump therapy through which the body will be given ample amount of insulin therapy to help dissolve glucose.

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is characterized by the inability of the cells to respond to the insulin production of the body. The body can still produce insulin but the body cells refuse to react to it. There are a number of treatments apply for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. One treatment includes oral medication of insulin. There is also another treatment that involves the Type 2 medication reference. Another remarkable treatment of Type 2 diabetes is the use of Januvia, which is the term used for the newly discovered drug for diabetes. There is also what we call Byetta which is a new approach for the disease. This includes proper management standards for managing diabetes.

Aside from the regular medical approaches for the types of diabetes, the patient should also adjust his/her dietary approaches as well as manage his/her lifestyle. If a patient is subject to the medical practices in managing diabetes, they are require to make ample changes with the way they are managing their diet and the way they live their lives. The medical approaches and treatments are worthless if the person cannot manage and make changes with his/her way of living.

It is said that Diabetes Mellitus develops because of the way people are living their lives. Thus, it is also essential that managing the disease should start in adjusting the way we are living it. If we wanted to live longer, we have to make sure that we should not exceed the body's limitations. We should live within our limits, and not push ourselves too much.
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