
Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia symptoms have stress as one of the key factors. If you want to get these symptoms under control here are some tips to take on board.

Stress has been defined by experts to be the consequence of a failure of a person to respond appropriately to real or imagined emotional or physical threats. We encounter stress-inducing conditions every day both at home or in the workplace. While exposure to brief periods of stress is normal, when the period we are exposed to it is prolonged, stress may have adverse effects on our physical and mental health.

This is why it is important to manage stress. And while we may have little to no control when, where, and how conditions inducing stress will hit us, we have control over how we react to and cope with it. Here are some ways in which we can manage our stress.

1. Adequate rest and exercise

are not only great stress busters but also have the added bonus of making you healthier. Exercise gives you a healthy outlet to release all the pent-up emotions or tension brought about by stress while sufficient rest allows your mind and body to recover and recharge from its previous efforts. A tired mind is one, which cannot think properly. When you can't think properly, the decisions you make will probably be the wrong ones. Set aside time to relax and indulge in an activity you enjoy.

This will give your mind a respite from the other heavy concerns that may be occupying it. Moreover, doing something you truly enjoy doing does wonders to boost the morale. These times away from stressful environments or conditions will allow your body and spirit to gather strength enough in order to face adversity once more.

2. Nutritious Diet

Besides exercise and adequate rest, a healthy and nutritious diet will help your body fight off the adverse effects of stress. With a healthy diet and the right eating habits, your energy level will remain up for the rest of the day and will keep your mind alert. This also means keeping your body away from low blood sugar levels.

3. Stress Free Environment

Your surroundings also have an impact on stress. Try to make your environment as stress free as possible by eliminating mess and unnecessary clutter. A chaotic environment can add to the stress you are already experiencing from the deadlines for work. The people you associate with can also contribute to effective stress management. Thus, surround and befriend colleagues with a positive attitude and a sense of humour.

These are simple steps you can do right now to help you cope with stress. Follow these steps and you will be feeling a little more stress free in no time. But remember it all starts to go wrong when stress causes your blood sugar levels to collapse.
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