
Hypoglycemia is a condition known mainly to those who suffer with diabetes. But not only diabetics suffer from it. Believe or not, you could too and it's important to know what it is, what it feels like and what to do about it. Normally diabetics will have to deal with the fact that their bodies do not know how to produce enough insulin to deal with sugar within the body. You've probably seen some diabetics injecting themselves around meal times. These folks normally have bodies that do not create any insulin, so they must inject insulin as a substitute. Without it, they would not survive long.

But the effects of hypoglycemia can be quite dangerous as well. What is happening is that the body has too much insulin in its system and not enough sugars to balance it out. There are many reasons that this can happen, but needless to say, some may suffer from this and others will not. Diabetes is a disease that is quite prevalent in my family and it comes to no surprise to me that I have hypoglycemia problems and my son, who is only 16 has the same issues. Our bodies like to over produce insulin, beyond the current needs of our bodies. I have read articles that talk about the fact that persons who have to deal with hypoglycemia, will normally develop into diabetes if not taken care of properly.

First and foremost, the most effect treatment that I have for this condition is regular exercise. I find that when my body doesn't get a good walking session each day, within about a week or so, I'll start to find that I'll have insulin level problems. For some reason exercise really helps the body to stabilize the sugar/insulin levels. Next, watching one's weight is very important. If you become more than about 40 pounds overweight, you'll find that the symptoms of hypoglycemia to be more acute.

Next, not eating enough to supply your dietary needs can also cause this condition. My son, who is 16, will have hypoglycemia symptoms if he hasn't been eating enough. What are the symptoms to watch out for? Here is the short list of symptoms:

 ·         First off, you normally have felt hungry for a while.

·         Excessive sweating can be a prelude to the bigger symptoms. This sweat is unnatural and is normally a 'cold sweat'.

-         You can suffer from light headedness or dizziness.

·         More advanced symptoms can include your mind becoming anxious. You'll normally start to feel a strong fight or fleet feeling. You will be very irritable.

·         It is not unusual to have your heart starting to race in advanced symptoms.

·         You can pass out if you let it move beyond tolerable limits.

If you've not eaten for some time and you find yourself suffering from these symptoms on a regular basis before eating, consider a visit to your doctor. Avoid what you can avoid and please don't ignore these symptoms that your body is giving you that may be a more serious oncoming condition!
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments


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