
The first thing you are anxious to know is if you are actually occupied with diabetes or hypoglycemia. You can make sure by Glucose Tolerance Test or diagnosis from a specialist or self diagnosis by observation of associated symptoms. Diabetes is a condition in which too much sugar gets deposited in the blood making the blood sugar level high. But what happens when the sugar drops too low? It's that condition identified as hypoglycemia which is not a direct side effect of diabetes but an uncommon side effect of treatment of diabetes. People who suffer from 'glycemia' associated conditions are liable to be 'hyperglycemic' with high blood sugar symptoms or 'hypoglycemic' with low blood sugar symptoms.

Hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia:
Those who are hyperglycemic are susceptible to many side effects leading to functional failure of kidneys, sudden loss of total vision, cardiovascular blockage anywhere in the blood veins, degenerating in blood pumping system by heart, suffocation in breathing, back pain, bronchial pains, freezing of shoulder muscles and constant pricking and pinching at chest and hands. Above all, hyperglycemic condition is a risk factor as silent killer with anyone or two or none of these symptoms. Anyhow, diabetes and hypoglycemia with insulin resistance can be managed with synthetic medication or choosing natural remedies.

If you are reactive, you have to be well aware of your pathetic condition of diabetes low blood sugar. It is really pathetic because if undiagnosed and ignored, you will be totally collapsing in all as if your bodily system has acquired an irrecoverable setback. You will be certainly perplexed and filled with distress and anxiety. A hypoglycemic person should avoid sugary foods as hypoglycemia treatment and never miss a meal even if it is denied. If for some reason or other you happen to miss a scheduled meal, it will make your blood sugar level decrease and so symptoms will start. If the symptoms are ignored, your condition will deteriorate more and more consequently throwing you to bed ridden with coma, a serious condition which cannot be diagnosed with any hope to recover consciousness but even may end with the last breath in some cases.

I hope you identify diabetes and hypoglycemia and make sure to which category you belong. As a hypoglycemic, you need personalized diet plan. Following a right diet plan will keep your blood sugar level at control so that serious symptoms can be avoided.
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