
Hypoglycemia is a condition wherein there is insufficient glucose or sugar in the blood. There are several reasons why hypoglycemia occurs. The most common being as a side-effect of drugs used to treat diabetes, specifically those that lower blood sugar level, like insulin. There are several signs and symptoms to help you recognize hypoglycemia before it could get worse. These are the following:

1. Shakiness
2. Hunger
3. Paleness
4. Dizziness
5. Sudden mood changes
6. Sweating excessively
7. Shaking
8. Seizures
9. A tingling sensation in the mouth

If you have any of these signs and symptoms, have your blood glucose level tested regularly, especially if you believe that you might have done something to warrant its occurrence. Even if you don't have any reason to suspect hypoglycemia, have your glucose level checked if you are experiencing one or more of these signs and symptoms, just to be safe.

To raise your blood glucose level and pull out of hypoglycemia, you need to take in something sweet like several pieces of hard candy, fruit juice, or you can also take glucose tablets. Check your glucose level again after taking some of the treatments mentioned. If glucose level is still below normal, repeat the treatment until it normalizes. This is the reason why diabetics must always carry some sweet snack, more so for those with Type 2 diabetes. Sometimes, diabetics can pass out if hypoglycemia is not properly and timely treated. In case of a diabetic passing out, he should be rushed immediately to the hospital for emergency treatment. There, he will most likely be treated with something that can significantly raise the glucose level in the blood, like glucagon. It is also important to note that insulin should never, ever, be given to a diabetic who has passed out as this will further lower his blood sugar level.

There are some people who cannot feel that they have hypoglycemia. This condition is called hypoglycemia unawareness. Mostly, this occurs on people with chronic diabetes in addition to suffering from nerve damage, or neuropathy, as well. It can also occur on people whose glucose levels are being strictly monitored and controlled, and those diabetics taking heart medications. If you have hypoglycemia unawareness, it is important that hypoglycemia be explained to you so that you can understand the condition and be aware of the treatments and prevention techniques. This way, your diabetes can be managed properly and your blood glucose levels can be better monitored.
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