
Hypoglycemia is a medical issue that derives from the fact that your body uses glucose as fuel. When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into sugars, like glucose, which are then used to fuel the muscles and organs in your body, especially the brain. Hypoglycemia is a condition where your body secretes too much insulin and as a result sends your blood sugar too low for your body to perform normal functions. When this happens and your body becomes starved for energy, you will see the physical and mental side effects of hypoglycemia. This condition is very treatable and can even be treated naturally if you understand how it works.

When hypoglycemia is not treated properly there are many possible symptoms that you may see. A person with hypoglycemia may experience any of the following symptoms; fatigue, insomnia, nervousness, mental confusion, faintness, mood swings, depression, headaches, heart palpitations, cold hands and feet, forgetfulness, dizziness, blurred vision, along with a long list of other potential symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Many people who feel they have hypoglycemia don't know why they have it or who is likely to get it. Hypoglycemia is common in teens that are taking blood sugar lowering medicine for diabetes. It is also possible for overdoses of alcohol, insulin, or other diabetes drugs to cause hypoglycemia in people that are otherwise healthy.

Hypoglycemia is otherwise fairly rare in teens and adults and yet many people are under the mistaken impression that they may have hypoglycemia. Since hypoglycemia has so many different symptoms that overlap with so many other health issues it is very possible for someone to recognize symptoms they have and relate them to hypoglycemia, when in fact it may be something else. If you are worried that you might have hypoglycemia or something with the same symptoms, it is recommended that you go see a doctor to get a definitive opinion on what might be wrong.

If you do have hypoglycemia, don't panic. There are lots of manageable ways to treat it, including naturally via your diet. When trying to treat hypoglycemia naturally, you need to be careful not to introduce too much sugar into your system as this could send your blood sugar too high and cause another set of issues. If you feel you are suffering from hypoglycemia, the general treatment is to consume 15g of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are broken down into sugar that your body can then use for energy. There are glucose pills available that are 15 g of glucose, or you can try 15ml (3tsp) of sugar mixed into water, 175ml of juice or soft drink, or 15ml of honey. If your symptoms persist you should be sure to see your doctor as these methods of naturally treating hypoglycemia are not fool proof.

While being able to treat hypoglycemia naturally is nice, it is not to be taken lightly. Hypoglycemia is a serious condition and it is recommended that you talk to your doctor before going ahead with treating it yourself naturally. If you are interested in more detail regarding hypoglycemia and learning about blood glucose, check this out.
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