
Almost all fruits and vegetables are good when you are on a diabetic diet if consumed in appropriate amounts.

The benefits fresh fruit and raw vegetables have to offer a person with diabetes or other manifestation of blood sugar handling problems are many.

Consuming raw produce is important because canning, freezing, or cooking kills all of the beneficial enzymes and most of the essential nutrients these natural foods have to offer.

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is defined by high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood and the body's inability to either make or utilize insulin, which is the substance that takes sugar from the bloodstream and puts it into the body's cells.

When insulin is able to put blood sugar into the cells to be burned as energy it lowers the amount of sugar in the bloodstream. The functioning of insulin from the moment it is produced in the pancreas to its ability to transfer blood sugar into the cells will largely determine whether diabetes exists or not.

Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions and is a threat to health throughout the world.

It is a growing threat because of the changing diet of the worlds population. More cooked and processed foods are being consumed in greater quantities than they have been in the past.

More than 150 million people suffer from diabetes worldwide with great concentrations in the United States and Great Britain. The U.S. and U.K. account for the fastest growth rate of the incidence of diabetes in the world.

Diabetes is implicated in the rising incidence of heart disease, arterial disease, kidney failure, blindness, and neuropathy, a painful and debilitating condition caused by diabetes affecting the nerves leading to the extremities.

Vegetable List For Diabetics

A list of fruits and vegetables to eat when you are diabetic or attempting to avoid diabetes is extensive and includes many of the common vegetables you are familiar with.

It is always smart to contact your physician or take a class designed for diabetics so you know what size portion to eat of any food you will be consuming. Most hospitals can direct you to such a class.

The best fruits for diabetics include:

ท Unripe bananas
ท Sour cherries
ท Fresh coconut
ท Figs (either raw or dried)
ท Fresh lemon
ท Lime

Yes, there are many other fruits but these have an alkalizing affect of your body which may assist in a diabetic situation.

The best vegetables for diabetics also have an alkalizing effect and include:

ท Avocado
ท Tomato
ท Lima beans
ท Carrots
ท Raw red beets
ท Kohlrabi
ท Red and black radishes
ท Rutabaga
ท Turnips
ท Yams (not sweet potato...there is a difference between them!)
ท Artichoke
ท Asparagus
ท Egg Plant
ท Peppers of all types
ท Bok Choy
ท Brussels sprouts
ท Cabbage of all hues
ท Cauliflower
ท Celery
ท Cucumber
ท Endive
ท Lettuce
ท Mustard greens
ท Onions
ท Parsnips
ท Peas
ท Spinach
ท Squash
ท Zucchini

Good Healthful Foods

A well balanced diet is essential for a person suffering from diabetes. Take the time to learn how to eat correctly, adhere to the diet you must to keep this condition under control, and exercise regularly.

Learning what are the best fruits and vegetables to consume is only the beginning. All diabetic diets and a list of fruits and vegetables to eat are useless until you accept that you must follow the dietary mandates your body demands and deserves.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments


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