
Diabetes. The usual reaction I get when this word is mentioned is a gasp of disbelief. Did you also know that about 23 million Americans are diabetics? That's a lot! These diabetics can be classified into two types - the type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, insulin production is insufficient. Insulin, on the other hand, is not used properly in type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, doctors have a way of controlling or managing diabetes. They provide a guide or a list of what to eat or what not to eat. Diabetic diet food list is what the list is called.

Medicines, injections or any other kind of prescription is futile if you will not follow your diabetic diet. If you don't know even inkling about the diet, then you have come to the right place my friend. Let me tell you about the right food to include in your diet.

• Fiber-rich foods - this is the staple of any diabetic diet. According to research, foods rich in fiber reduce blood sugar levels. Among the fiber-rich foods, brown rice is the most chosen and popular. Other fiber-rich foods are fruits and vegetables. However, there are fruits such as mangoes and bananas that are high in sugar so these should be avoided. Fruit juices are packed with sugar and nutrients so these should be avoided too. Apples, avocado, cantaloupes, grapefruit, peaches, strawberries, and watermelon are some of the fruits you can eat. As for vegetables, the non-starchy ones are recommended. Examples are artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and zucchini. Special foods such as bitter gourd, flaxseeds, onions and soya beans are worth including in the diet plan. These foods have the power to take apart sugar and reduce glucose levels.

• Healthy Fats - one example is the omega-3 fatty acids which can be found in mackerel and salmon. This fatty acid keeps the heart healthy. Olive and peanut oils are good in managing diabetes instead of the vegetable oils. Foods that are low in fat such as cottage cheese, skimmed milk and skinless chicken wouldn't hurt if included in the diet.

• Foods rich in protein - wondering why protein-rich foods are important? This most especially concerns those with type 2 diabetes. As mentioned, the body does not use insulin properly in type 2 diabetes. Based on studies, protein promotes effective usage of insulin in the body. In other words, protein addresses the root cause in type 2 diabetes. This reason makes protein a perfect addition to the diabetic diet list. Examples of foods rich in protein are almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, and walnuts.

Diabetic diet food list helps in controlling your diabetes so be sure that you follow it. However, taking in large amounts will not help you so please don't do that. Consume only what is required for you and your diabetes management will go a long way. Avoid the foods that are not included in the list. This discipline should go alongside regular exercise. Do all this and you will manage diabetes well.
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