
The patient with diabetes mellitus have insulin secretion is insufficient for his needs in metabolizing carbohydrates. As a result, the diabetic suffering from hyperglycemia, glycosuria, thirst, weight loss, and the ketosis due to production of keto-acids from improper metabolism of fats. If the situation degenerates for uncontrolled diabetes, a serious case will prove fatal to acidosis as ketoses accumulate in the blood. Not all cases, however, are severe in some; supply of insulin is appropriate if the diet is moderate in calories and carbohydrates.

In other cases, diabetic patients should have sufficient insulin to treat with the carbohydrates in their diet. The management of these cases requires skill by dieticians and the doctor and nurse that intuition is looking after the patient during the period when the dietary requirements and insulin are being balanced.

Cases of mild to moderate
Diabetes occurs in a mild form in patients of middle age and often only uncovered during investigations of some other condition. Such persons are usually overweight and frequently women. Insulin is often not necessary, provided that the weight can be reduced and followed a diet low in carbohydrates. Should be omitted all sugar and starches reduced as in all diets obesity. As the weight falls, sugar in the urine is released and may disappear.

Moderate or severe cases
These people, who are usually children and young adults, have insufficient insulin to their metabolic needs and must be given by injection. Everything is given here are some of the principles of building diabetes diets for patients needing insulin. If he is receiving insulin, should have a diet combined with it; If he is given insufficient insulin, ketones will show up in the bloodstream and will ensue the diabetic coma. While his insulin is excessive in relation to its carbohydrate intake, will lower your blood sugar to the hypoglycemia and the consequent symptoms occur.

Some advocates of medical treatment free diet the patient eats what he likes, and the dosage of insulin is stabilized according to the severity of his illness. This is based on the fact that the calorie consumption of most people is fairly constant. Is attractive for patients because they are troubled by diabetic calculations, but in practice the blood sugar is not very good, and some of the long-term complications of diabetes, such as nephritis, seems to occur most commonly in people treated in this way.

Carbohydrate needs of the patient are estimated, according to her age, weight and the type of work. As a rule, only carbohydrates must be weighed. A new diabetic is better stabilized in hospital and usually starts with a diet with carbohydrate intake of 150 G and a caloric value of 1,500. His insulin and then is adjusted until the urine is sugar-free and diet and insulin are grown together as long as the diet is sufficient for the needs of patients in the outside world.

In addition the dietary management of diabetes, other factors that can help a diabetic patient set the condition for absolute control and live a healthy life are;

or: doing light exercises can also help stop diabetes conditions at a minimum level. Exercise such as walking up a flight of steps is recommended.

or injection of insulin as needed. Drugs are strongly not recommended because of their possible negative effects on some organs of the body. If drugs are involved, should be after the recommendations of a medical expert.
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