
Hypoglycemia is a clinical disorder caused by low blood sugar. The symptoms and severity depend from one person to another and it is easily reversed once the blood sugar level is back to normal.

Usually hypoglycemia starts developing around the age of 60 when the body is beginning to have difficulties in processing the chemicals, but in also occurs at any point in life and we all had at least one episode of low sugar level in the blood so far.

The symptoms for low blood sugar are:

- Intense hunger

- Weakness

- Palpitations

- Hand tremor

- Sweating

- Edginess

In more severe cases the symptoms can progress to behavior changes, confusion, seizure and even coma.

The acute management of low blood sugar involves the fast administration of a source of easily absorbed sugar. Regular soda, juice or sugars are the most common options. In general, 15 grams of glucose is the dose that is given, followed by an assessment of symptoms and a blood glucose check if possible. If there is no improvement after 10 minutes, another 10-15 grams should be given. This can be repeated up to three times if the symptoms don't improve you should call an ambulance.

The equivalent of 10-15 grams of glucose is: 4 teaspoons of sugar or ฝ can of juice.

People usually think that they can stop a hypoglycemic episode by having food high in sugar, but the combination of sugar, carbohydrates, sugar and fat make the absorption of sugar very difficult.

If the patient can take anything by mouth there are needed more drastic measures. In many cases, a family member will be trained in the use of glucagon. Glucagon causes a quick release of glucose supplies from the liver. It is given intramuscularly to a patient who can't swallow glucose. A response should be seen in minutes and lasts for about 90 minutes.

The easiest way to prevent low blood sugar is:

- Get tested for any diseases that cause low blood sugar (e.g. diabetes) and follow the treatment as instructed

- Always keep your sugar level in the blood at a normal level by having regular meals.
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