
Your symptoms of low blood sugar help you to easily and quickly begin controlling hypoglycemia. You can literally start the beginning cures to your hypoglycemia in a day.

In this article we give you 3 tips that will help keep you on course to avoiding a serious affliction.

Tip 1 - Be aware of your symptoms

At the first sign of one of your hypoglycemia symptoms - perhaps anxiety or a shaky hand, a vague or fuzzy brain fog - ask yourself why? What has brought this on? It is no good passing over it and waiting for your brain fog to clear as the effects of what you were eating wear off.

Tip 2 - Write it down

You will never remember the various reactions to food that affect you. Systematically write them down - time, place and date - after you experience different reactions. You will build up a picture of what is triggering the various symptoms of low blood sugar and then you will have a basis to start taking appropriate action. This will involve either eliminating totally certain foods or increasing and emphasizing other foods in your diet.

Tip 3 - Act Now on Your Reactions

Once you see a pattern in your reactions to various food items, ACT. For example, you might feel vague and dizzy until you eat your first bagel with coffee. Now you test this. Do not eat and drink this for 4 days - try a piece of fruit instead. If you find that you get a headache for any length of time and feel worse than usual you can safely conclude that you're addicted to your coffee. It generally takes at least 4 days to recover so don't give up half way - then you'll never start your cure to hypoglycemia.

In this article we looked at 3 very simple things you can do to control your signs of low blood sugar more successfully. There are several other steps that will turn your successful actions into successfully conquering low blood sugar.
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