
At present there is no known scientific cure for diabetes, either Type 1 or Type 2. The scientists are getting nearer to discovering a cure but there are no definite possibilities as yet. Many clinical trials on mice and humans are being conducted around the world each year in an attempt to find the cure for diabetes.

Having said this, several experiments involving people with Type 1 diabetes have suggested that it can be cured already. Type 1 diabetes sufferers have a pancreas that is not producing any insulin at all. Several patients with Type 1 diabetes have had pancreas transplants that have proved to have been effective at preventing their diabetes and allowed them to be insulin independent. It has not been successful in all cases and the logistics of providing every Type 1 diabetes patient to a new pancreas is unsurpassable.

Another method which when developed further may prove to be a cure for diabetes, is the transplantation of beta cells into the patient. This method has been carried out on both mice and humans but with disappointing results. It was found that the immune system was attacking the transplanted beta cells. This result was also found in a test involving the transplant of stem cells into both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes patients.

Some people may argue that there is already a cure for diabetes. Many alternative medicine and therapeutic practitioners believe that their treatments prevent or disrupt the symptoms of both kinds of diabetes. You can purchase products that are designed to protect the beta cells from harmful symptoms and exude an insulin-like action.

These products can be found online and can be shipped directly to you. Most of the products are quite expensive and so you need to decide if this is the right option for you. It could end up being a waste of money if it does not work for you.

Until a scientific cure for diabetes is found you may wish to keep using the various diabetic supports already available. You can access diabetic supplies in a number of ways. Firstly, it is worth noting that insulin can only be prescribed by a medical doctor and will be dispensed to you by a pharmacist.

All of the other supplies you need can be bought over-the-counter at pharmacies and drugstores; you can also access diabetic supplies via the internet. Items such as syringes, glucose monitors, lancets and testing strips can be ordered online and delivered to you. There are several companies who can provide you with what you need, when you need it.

Diabetics are well supported and there is a lot of information and products available to help control the condition. With the scientific studies getting nearer to a cure for diabetes it may not be long before the condition is eradicated.
Posted by Admin On 1:49 AM No comments


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