
Is life like how to be on a roller coaster never know how you're going to feel from one day to the next. Well maybe your as many and have the classic signs of low blood sugar. Wake up in the morning feeling like you who have a gigantic hangover, knowing that you have not had a drink in ages. This also depending on whether he was able to sleep the night before because of prolonged periods of sleeplessness.

Signs symptoms of hypoglycemia can be varied, with things like depression, severe mood swings, chronic fatigue, food cravings cake any time of day or night, headaches, and a person described as you her body was out of control, to the point that he became distressed and disoriented.

There are many more classic signs of low blood sugar such as personality change, blurred or double vision, nausea, tremors, heart palpitations, sweating with a high body temperature. Then you have the exact opposite where you have a feeling of coldness, and how the skin feels sticky. Also you suffer with amnesia, slurred speech, abnormal breathing and in extreme cases can lead to coma.

The symptoms of hypoglycemia can be so different, it would be difficult for a doctor to diagnose and the doctor may diagnose only if it has a complete list of symptoms that would give a clue about what is happening to your body. At the same time would then arrange for a blood test that he should show what the problem is.

Through medical tests have shown that a lack of glucose to the brain can do weird things then the desire for sweet things like your body tells you that you need. Sometimes these signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia can be mild in their effects, and that when it happens there would be no real damage to the brain. Under normal circumstances, it is only when the patient gets older that permanent damage to the brain is going to happen.

In some cases the Hypoglycemia occurs in hospitals where the patient gets hypoglycemia as a secondary disease after things like surgery, or sometimes where the patient has gone through a traumatic experience and in intensive care or in similar situations.

It was also shown that Hypoglycemia is the next step to diabetes, and if it ignores the patient's symptoms can be all kinds of problems.

Please note that I am not a doctor, or something to do with the medical profession and if you think you have symptoms as described please make an appointment with your doctor.
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