
There are many foods that sufferers of hypoglycemia may eat which will keep your symptoms of hypoglycemia in check. Chief of these are the various fruits and vegetables.

Because of their high fiber content they slow down the rise in blood sugar. Simple sugars found in candy, chocolates and refined pastries do the opposite, they cause the blood sugar level to peak and then drop to extremely low levels. It is this low blood sugar (which semi-starves the brain) which causes you to feel faint, lack concentration and suffer mood swings. If left unattended hypoglycemia leads to more serious illnesses like diabetes and heart disease.

When the body needs something sweet you have to be disciplined and not give in.

You must choose fruit, otherwise the alternative of refined snacks trigger further sugar cravings later in the day.

If you choose a donut, muffin or bagel you are choosing problems for your blood sugar levels. You will start the cycle of peaks and dips again bringing on those terrible symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Be careful with your breakfast. Most cereals and muesli have far too much sugar or dried fruit. For a breakfast without additives and plenty of fiber choose oats and add fresh fruit and nuts. Instant oats, incidentally, are as bad as the packaged breakfast cereals as they convert very quickly to glucose and contain few nutrients.

There are several fruits that hypoglycemia sufferers should not eat. They are bananas, figs, dates, raisins and all dried fruits. All contain too much sugar. From this you can see the best fruits to choose are those less sweet such as apples, cherries, grapes, kiwi, pears and strawberries.

To beat hypoglycemia you cannot attack it in a piecemeal way. You need to undertake some research into the disease and find information that is not expensive but will also help you to motivate yourself.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments


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