
The symptoms of hypoglycemia are known by the average person as low blood sugar. In most cases, it is a condition caused by another condition or disorder. Normal people have a functioning regulating system that keeps the blood sugar from going to extremes. One does not just suffer from symptoms of hypoglycemia without a causative disorder. But the danger of having hypoglycemia is that the symptoms feel like symptoms of other disorders.

Understand the Symptoms

It's important to recognize and understand the symptoms of hypoglycemia because anyone can experience them. If you skip your meals, you could suffer from low blood sugar symptoms. If you exercise too much, you could suffer from hypoglycemia too. However, diabetes medications are often the common cause of hypoglycemia. There are also people whose bodies react aggressively to changes in blood sugar levels. These people have a condition called reactive hypoglycemia.

Common Symptoms

Common symptoms are manifestations of stress. When your body's sugar levels descend, your body prevents further descent of sugar levels by releasing cortisol and adrenalin. This action causes the known symptoms like heart palpitations, shakiness, nervousness, sweating, and nausea. The same hormones are actually released during emergency situations. Hence, the symptoms are actually familiar, but someone experiencing hypoglycemia will experience these symptoms even during ordinary situations.

Then again, these symptoms may not be of concern to everyone. They may come and go. Often, just eating something will make you feel better afterwards. The symptoms mentioned above are quite common so are the actual symptoms of someone whose blood sugar is declining. Your body uses sugar for energy. So, when the levels drop, you will feel hungry and tired. When the levels drop even lower, you feel dizzy or become confused. The brain needs sugar to function properly too. Low sugar means mental processes are jeopardized. Pupils of the eyes may also dilate. You may lose your balance and may even faint.

A Quick Fix

When the symptoms mentioned are experienced, assume that your blood sugar has dropped below normal. You can have a piece of candy or a cup of soda as a remedy. Anything that is sweet can be given to restore the sugar level to normal. Now, keep in mind that if the above-mentioned symptoms go away after you eat and come back about 3 hours after your last meal, you probably have hypoglycemia.

Do Not Ignore Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia that is not remedied can worsen and lead to unconsciousness and even coma. Hypoglycemia can be fatal in rare cases. If you suspect you have this problem, you have to act and make an appointment with your physician. Symptoms of hypoglycemia may come and go without proper treatment. In many cases, diet modification can prevent attacks of hypoglycemia in the future.
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