
There are various and many symptoms of hypoglycemia that you will probably have not know about. In fact being told by your doctor you are hypoglycemic would leave you none the wiser. What on earth was the doctor talking about?

You had probably described the first outward signs, which seemed so minor to you, for him to give you the diagnosis of hypoglycemia. Typically the first symptoms of hypoglycemia are

1. Drowsiness

2. Dizziness

3. Headaches

4. Nervousness

5. Obesity

Because they appear to be so every day and come and go without a set pattern you would not have taken too much notice of these signs. With everyday work and chores the headache that developed could have been put down to your heavy schedule.

This is unfortunate because these symptoms are the first indication that your body is not functioning correctly.รข€à¸ˆWith this diagnosis from the doctor you now need to find out for yourself exactly what hypoglycemia means to you. It is definitely a serious situation you have found yourself in. Many people tend to ignore the symptoms and learn to live with them but the symptoms do not generally go away on their own. This should ring alarm bells. What is actually happening is that your blood sugar levels are too low and you are putting your body under extreme stress.

Your system suffers as it constantly tries to bring the blood sugar levels back in balance and you must act now before you suffer real distress and become truly fatigued. If you do not take action to correct this situation you could find yourself sliding into diabetes with all its serious consequences such as amputation and deterioration of your eyesight. Diabetes is a direct consequence of ignoring the symptoms given by hypoglycemia.

But all is not lost. By making a conscious decision to take the necessary steps you can put a halt to this down hill slide. It will mean a change in lifestyle particularly your eating habits and activities. This means peace of mind, which comes when you know you will not have to be dependent on others if you became seriously ill.รข€à¸ˆThe early symptoms you have experienced must be taken seriously. You must act on them as my brother-in-law Bruce Irving of Brisbane, Australia did. He turned his life around just by changing his diet and holding to a plan when he first noticed the various and early symptoms of hypoglycemia.
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