
If you have diabetes you will eventually experience hypoglycemia. This condition is also referred to as low blood sugar. You can usually tell if it is coming on by certain symptoms. Once you learn the symptoms, and more importantly which ones that affect you personally, then you will know when your sugar level is starting to get to low, at which point you will just have to have something to bring your sugar level back up. Some of the different symptoms include shakiness, weakness, hungriness, feeling lightheaded and confusion.

If you do not treat hypoglycemia diabetic shock is a possibility. Hypoglycemia is the medical term for what is sometimes referred to as low blood sugar, which is basically the result of an insulin reaction. However, type 2 diabetics who do not necessarily use insulin can also experience low blood sugar. Once you learn the symptoms of hypoglycemia that affect you personally, low blood sugar is usually easy to overcome. Hypoglycemia occurs very often in diabetics as compared to non diabetic types.

It occurs when too much insulin or oral medication is taken, then not enough food is eaten in proper balance with the medication. This is why it is so important for a diabetic to closely monitor their blood sugar levels. You can also experience low blood sugar from exercising too much without the proper increase in calories and protein to match the increase in activity. While experiencing low blood sugar is a very uncomfortable feeling, it usually only takes about fifteen minutes after you eat something for the food to be absorbed by your body before you begin to feel comfortable again. So when you do experience low blood sugar, it is important not to panic. You just need to stop whatever you are doing and get something to eat. Since low blood sugar can come on very quickly, and depending on how bad of an episode you actually have, you might possibly have to stop whatever you are doing and relax after you eat something until the food has a chance to take effect. I find that orange juice reacts about the quickest. For more tips on managing your diabetic daily life, feel free to browse my website.
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