
Hypoglycemia is a medical term. It illustrates the state that produces lower level of blood glucose level other than a normal one. It literary indicates "under sweet blood" (Gr.hypo-, glykys, haima). Hypoglycemia produces a variety of symptom, signs and effects, but the prime problem lying in an inadequate supply of glucose to the brain. It results the functional impairment that is neuroglycopenia. Ultimately, it creates bad feeling relating to seizures, unconsciousness and even permanent brain damage or death.

It appears the most common form of hypoglycemia occurs because of complications of treatment of diabetes mellitus involving with insulin or medications. Hypoglycemia is less common in non-diabetics, but it can occur from many causes at any ages. The causes can be the excessive insulin production in the body, inborn errors, medications, poisons, alcohols, and hormones deficiencies. Therefore, prolonged starvations, alterations of metabolism linking with infections and organ failure are the other causes of this disease.

Some of the signs of hypoglycemia are given below -

1. Cold, clammy or sweaty skin.2. Pallor, problematic concentration.3. Shakiness, lacking coordination relating to deterioration in writing or printing skills. 4. Irritability, hostility, and poor behavior fatigue, nervousness, dizziness, nausea and fainting.

In comparable to signs with symptoms of the Hypoglycemia, manifestation comes into our purview. The counter regulatory hormones (epinephrine or adrenaline and glucagon) produce it. The fallen glucose triggers and the reduced brain sugar produce neuroglycopenic effects. If we divide the manifestations, it can be -

1. Adrenergic,2. Glucagon and 3. Neuroglycopenic

Adrenergic includes shakiness, anxiety, nervousness, palpitations, tachycardia, sweating, warmth feeling, pallor, coldness, clamminess and numbness.

Glucagon indicates hunger, borborygmus, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort and headache.

Similarly, neuroglycopenic adds abnormal mentation, impaired judgment, nonspecific dysphoria, anxiety, moodiness, depression, and crying. Therefore, it also includes negativism, irritability, belligerence, combativeness, rage, personality change, emotional liability, fatigue, weakness, apathy, lethargy, daydreaming, and sleep. Confusion, amnesia, dizziness, delirium, staring, glassy look, blurred and double vision, automatism, blurred speech, abnormal breathing and coma all belong to neuroglycopenic manifestation.

The above manifestations do not happen in every case of hypoglycemia, and it is not customary that appearance of symptoms is consistent. Specific symptoms or manifestations vary according to age. In sleeping mode, hypoglycemia symptoms can appear. The symptoms include damp bed sheets or clothes from perspiration. Nightmares and the acts of crying out or yelling can be the signs of hypoglycemia. Suddenly, an individual gets up and perhaps feel tired, irritable or confused relating to the signs of hypoglycemia. It is also evident and appeared that in newborns, hypoglycemia creates irritability, myclonic jerks, cyanosis and heart failure.

In view above context, we could come to a specific point, the above signs, symptoms and manifestations are not solely the root causes of hypoglycemia. Research data reveals the fact that there may be the other causes for hypoglycemia. Based on these sign, symptoms, the measurement of the blood sugar level can be a real cause of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia happens when blood glucose dropping below four mmol/L.
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