
Implementing a diabetes diet and understanding the importance of proteins that are necessary for your diet is essential to know so that you can achieve optimum health. It is important to realise that protein is part of every cell in your body, which means that it is vital for the growth and repair of tissues throughout your body. They are made up of amino acids that are the building blocks for your body.

The source of protein can be found in plant and animal foods. The main source of protein is found in meat like beef, lamb, pork and chicken. Other sources include fish, shellfish, and dairy products like cheese, milk and yoghurt. For vegetarians they can find protein in legumes like chickpeas, soybeans, tofu, nuts and grains. Certain protein foods like meat are rich sources of micronutrients that can be found in Vitamin B12, zinc, iron and omega-3 fats.

The protein content in food is listed in grams, the majority of our bodies are made up of protein that is found in our muscles, skin and the immune system, and this is why we need protein in our diet for the healthy growth and repair of our bodies.

The most beneficial source of protein comes from nuts, they also contain dietary fibre, and micronutrients and the best part is that they contain a very small amount of saturated fat. You do need to remember not to eat too many nuts, grab a handful from the packet and place in a bowl. Nuts contain a lot of kilojoules so only eat about 30 grams per day. Research has shown that walnuts are beneficial in a diabetes diet as they help to lower cholesterol and helps reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Eggs are also a great source of protein as well as essential vitamins and minerals. It is now known that high blood cholesterol is obtained from eating huge amounts of saturated fat in foods instead of the cholesterol in foods. When buying eggs try to select the omega-3 enriched variety, as they will increase the intake of this good fat along with your protein intake.

It is also important to remember that our bodies cannot collect and store amino acids each day like carbohydrates and fats, so this is why we need a daily supply in out diabetes diet. The amount that is required for a women on average is about 45 grams per day, of course more is required if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Men require around 55 grams per day. If you are active or still in the growing stage, you will require more protein in your diabetes diet.

Any excess protein that we eat is broken down as a source of energy by our bodies. The importance of proteins in your diabetes diet is essential for you to be able to achieve optimum health.
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