
For so many with Type 2 Diabetes, the thought of ending up in a diabetic coma is a worst case scenario. There is no question. Such a coma is a very serious situation. This often occurs as a result of one of three different causes: severe diabetic hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis in combination with other symptoms or hyperosmolar nonketonic coma. Each one involves different causes. The medical term diabetic coma is a general term used when someone comes up unconscious with diabetes. Modern medical staff knows what to look for to figure out what is causing the problem. It is critical for you to recognize early medical symptoms in yourself to avoid losing consciousness. Let's look at each type and then what may happen with each.

The first one is severe diabetic hypoglycemia. That long medical term means that your glucose levels have plummeted too low. It often occurs if a patient takes too much insulin or something else causes the blood glucose to drop unexpectedly. People with Type Diabetes 2 will likely deal with some periods of hypoglycemia off and on. It is actually very uncommon for levels to fall so low as to induce a coma. If coma happens, the paramedics or hospital will give the patient intravenous glucose or glucagon to stimulate glucose release. This will elevate glucose levels in the blood stream.

The next type to consider is a coma caused by diabetic ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis begins when the body runs out of insulin. To get the much needed energy energy, the human body starts converting fat deposits of the person's body into energy. This action causes the build-up of ketones in the blood stream. The ketone buildup may result in many severe medical and health symptoms besides loss of consciousness. Vomiting, dehydration, confusion, and shallow irregular breathing are common. People with type 2 diabetes get this form of diabetic coma less often than the first one. Treatment involves rehydration and giving insulin to stop the generation of more ketones.

The last type of diabetic coma is one referred to as hyperosmolar nonketonic coma. This type of coma develops as a combination of severe hyperglycemia and dehydration. Hyperglycemia is the term for elevated levels of circulating glucose in the blood stream. When high levels of sugar combine with severe loss of fluids, the patient may then fall into a coma very rapidly. This form of coma is the most deadly in the type 2 diabetes community. It only begins to be seen as lethargy. Without overt symptoms, so many people fall into a coma without any warning. Treatment includes gradual rehydration and insulin introduction.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM 2 comments


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