
Checking the blood sugar level is utmost important for a diabetic patient. The diabetes check is conducted through various means such as blood and urine

Symptoms of Diabetes

There are primarily two types of diabetes but the symptoms are similar in both the cases. Given below are the symptoms that help you know that you need to check for diabetes now:

· You always feel thirsty.

· You pass a lot of urine.

· You remain tired always.

· You are overweight.

· Sometimes the vision is blurred.

· You get infections quite often.

· Your wounds do not heal fast.

· You may be getting cramps at night.

· You might be getting thrush or genital itching very often.

· Your feet & hands feel numb often.

Ways to Check the Blood Glucose Level

· Reading test strips visually- A blood drop is taken from your fingertip and placed on test zone. This zone has chemicals which react with the glucose in the sample. The concentration of sugar is determined by the changing colors. This is suitable for those who do not use insulin and check their levels occasionally. It is also helpful for those who dislike electronic meters.

· Blood glucose meter- It is an electronic device to measure the blood glucose level in your body. A small blood drop is taken on a test strip and is examined with a digital meter.

· Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring- It determines the levels every few minutes on a continuous basis.

· Glucose sensing bio implants- This is under development and is not still available. These promise to reduce the burden of blood sugar monitoring for the users.

· Non invasive Technologies- These technologies will help the users get rid of fingertip blood testing.

Checking diabetes and charting it at short intervals is quite important for all diabetics and those who show up any or all symptoms listed here.
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