
There are many people in the world who suffer from the dreaded disease called diabetes and this is the reason why we should be aware of it with its symptoms. This disease can afflict anyone and it is wise and prudent to know more about it. When you are a diabetic you should be aware of the precautions that you need to take in order to live a normal life without hassles.

Diabetes is of two types and they are Type 1 and Type 2. Both persons of these two types suffer from high blood sugar levels that are caused due to less or no production of insulin. Diabetes and symptoms depend on the two types that are suffered by the person and they have been outlined below:

Symptoms of Diabetes Type 1:

People who suffer from this type of diabetes experience fast weight loss and dehydration, In advanced stages a person may also experience coma and death. There may be symptoms of vomiting and nausea in the initial stages as the blood cells do not receive the required glucose that is required for producing ATP or Adenosin Triphosphate.

Symptoms of Diabetes Type 2:

People who suffer from this type of diabetes suffer from increased fatigue and this is caused due to cell inefficiencies to metabolize glucose in the body. There is blurred vision and the person experiences fluctuations in weight. The person may also become tired and uneasy as there is insufficient supply of blood glucose to the brain. This also results in irritation. The person also shows signs of increased appetite and tends to gain weight fast. There is also an outbreak of frequent infections and there is poor wound healing. This affects the person and there is no proper circulation of blood too as the blood vessels thickens.
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