
Diabetes has become an alarming disease. It has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. It is time for the general public to be conscious about it. For people with diabetes, extra care in picking their diet will not only let them control the disease, it can also help them do away with insulin. Doctors often prescribe pills or tablets for most diabetics in an effort to stabilize their condition before resorting to any use of insulin. Choosing a diet specially programmed for people with diabetes can help them prolong the treatment of their ailment with medication and thereby postpone the use of insulin.

People who suffer from diabetes have problems breaking down and assimilating carbohydrates into their system. Carbohydrates are a fairly big group or cluster of foods that people need for a balanced diet. Sugar, which many people think diabetics must stay away from, is only one example or component of carbohydrates. Aside from white sugar, other elements of carbohydrates can be found in pasta, white bread, some vegetables, potatoes, fruits, and any food with high content of white flour.

Carbohydrates constitute a complex assemblage of foods. Different groups give rise to different conditions in the blood stream. Although people with diabetes have problems breaking down carbohydrates in general, the most difficult process happens with carbohydrates that rate high in the Glycemic Index. Foods with the highest Glycemic Index rating also pose the greatest harm for diabetics.

A diet for people with diabetes allows them to limit their intake of harmful carbohydrates as indicated in the Glycemic Index. Those who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, and given medication as well as diet suggestions by their doctors, would do very well to heed the doctors' advice. Studies show that people with diabetes tend to be more in denial and non-compliant compared to other categories of patients. This should not be the case. By electing to follow rigorously a diet for people with diabetes and taking the prescribed medication, diabetics can still live to the fullest.

A diet for people with diabetes is low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Sugars and white flour must be discarded. Rice, pasta and any food that is rich in carbohydrates, should be avoided. The low carbohydrate diet that was fashionable years ago can be helpful for diabetics. Such a diet had at varying degrees very limited content of carbohydrates. Also helpful are diabetic cookbooks which diabetics can use to prepare a diet that effectively responds to their needs.

The bad news is many people continue to be found having diabetes. The good news is there is now a growing body of information about cookbooks and diets for people with diabetes that is available in the market or through the internet. Diabetes puts a heavy strain on the human body. Having a healthy diet can reduce the ill-effects of the disease on the body and allow diabetics to live a fruitful and longer lives.

It is important for diabetics to get themselves familiar with the Glycemic Index, rigorously follow a diet prescribed for people with diabetes, get their blood sugar levels regularly monitored and take their medication per doctor's prescription. This is the only way they can keep their disease in check and prevent many of its dreaded complications from arising.
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