
Diabetes is a medical disorder. It is characterized by the inability of the body to use or produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone released by pancreas. It helps to break down the food into energy.

Diabetes is generally diagnosed by an abrupt increase in tiredness, irritability, weight loss and skin infections. If the body fails to produce insulin the condition is termed type 1 diabetes. However the inability of the body to utilize insulin is termed type 2 diabetes. The former type is a life threatening condition and requires close monitoring.

When an individual suffers from diabetes his blood glucose levels fluctuates. The blood glucose level of the body increases and the sensitivity towards insulin decreases. There is a loss of excessive fluids from the body to expel the surplus glucose from the body. The diabetic individual does not sweat when required, which results in the skin drying specifically of legs, feet and elbows. Diabetics are also at an increased risk of catching various infections.

Diabetics experience severe symptoms of dry skin and complications. Diabetes also results in poor blood circulation and the nerve sensitivity at extremities. The decreased sensitivity cause the dry skin condition to remain unnoticed until the situation gets worse.

A most generally observed example of this is the cracked skin of the diabetic's feet. The diabetic may leave it untreated for some time. After few days the dryness becomes so severe that cracks start to appear. After few days germs may sweep in the cracks. These germs are happily fed by the high glucose levels in the blood stream of diabetics; so they reproduce quickly. The wound may result in gangrene which even requires amputation.

In addition to dry skin following skin complications may be faced by diabetics.

NLD is also termed Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum. It is a rash that appears on the lower parts of the leg. This rash is more common in women. There are red brown, slightly raised shiny patches. The centers of the patches are yellowish and have the tendency to develop open sores that are difficult to heal.

Diabetic Demopathy is a condition in which there are reddish or light brown, round or oval scaly patches that appears on the shins. This skin condition is faced by 30 % diabetics.

Bullosis Diabeticorum is blister that develops under the skin. They range in size from small to large. They are painless. There is not any treatment of the blisters as they generally heal by themselves within 3 to 4 weeks.

Acanthosis nigricans is a skin condition that causes velvety black or dark brown lesions on the skin of neck or underarms. It is more common in overweight women.
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