
If you are particular about health stuff, you must know that diabetes is one medical condition that can be fatal, if not debilitating. What's worse is that the symptoms of diabetes may not be immediately visible or felt, and even if they were, they could easily be mistaken for something else. The only good thing about diabetes is that it can be controlled, and if truth be told, it's quite easy to control given the advancements in technology and science. Unfortunately, for quite a lot of Americans, around 16 million of them, in fact, control measures may come too late already.

Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent the occurrence of deadly diabetic complications. That is why it is very important that you know the signs and symptoms associated with diabetes for you to be able to take immediate actions. When you are thirsty all the time, urinating more frequently than before, having blurry vision or are experiencing sudden weight loss and fatigue, consult your doctor without delay because you may be having diabetes. A series of tests may be conducted to confirm the incidence of diabetes.

The reason why diabetes presents with these signs and symptoms is because of too much glucose in the body following insulin resistance. Normally, insulin which is produced by the pancreas, converts glucose into glycogen, but for a person with diabetes, insulin is not able to do its task well or the body itself rejects insulin, that is why unconverted glucose pools in the bloodstream. In response, the body needs to dilute the excess glucose in the body. This explains why you get thirsty and why you need to drink more water.

It is vital that you understand the warning symptoms of diabetes so you can get immediate medical attention. Although diabetes is not in itself deadly at first, unchecked or uncontrolled diabetes can cause debilitating illnesses involving various organs of the body such as the kidney, the eyes, the heart, and the nerves. In worst cases, these complications can lead to death.

The need to constantly monitor blood sugar levels cannot be overemphasized, either. It is very important that your blood sugar levels are always within the normal bounds for diabetics. There is a diabetic chart that you can refer to so you will know if your body is responding well to the treatment or not.

Usually, the recommended treatment for diabetes involves eating foods appropriate for diabetics, exercising regularly, and taking the right medications. You need to understand, too, that certain foods, most particularly those that are high in fat and sugar content may cause spikes in blood sugar levels and must therefore be avoided. In many cases a diabetic dietician or nutritionist can help you prepare your daily menu so you can be sure that you are getting essential nutrients without increasing your blood sugar levels.

Prevention is better than cure, they say, but even if you already are afflicted with diabetes, there are many things you can do to control it and be on top of the situation.
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