Below are some of the symptoms for type one diabetes as well as its causes and treatment options. Basically, type one diabetes occurs due to decreased output of insulin by your pancreas.
A certain region inside the pancreas called the "Islets of Langerhans" manufacture the protein called insulin. This protein encourages the cells within your entire body soak up the sugar that's inside the bloodstream and utilize it for energy.
In this form of diabetes, the particular cells which usually generate insulin are destroyed. Therefore, a reduced amount of sugar is assimilated out of your blood stream and into your body's cells, as a result the sugar accumulates in your body.
The explanation as to why this process happens in not actually known. Possibly, some kind of auto-immune response which attacks the beta cells inside of the Islets of Langerhans could be an explanation. Some sort of virus-like infection could also possibly be a cause. This disorder might also be inherited.
Once sugar intake by your cells is reduced, it builds up inside of your system which has these effects:
* The cells within your body are not receiving the fuel they need.
* Your blood thickens resulting in water being taken out of your body's tissues in an effort to thin it out. Therefore, your tissues get dried out but your urine output increases.
* Your tissues commence digesting muscle together with body fat as a way to obtain energy, resulting in weight loss and also a reduction in muscle. On account of these processes a few signs or symptoms of type one diabetes will begin to emerge.
The symptoms normally come on all of a sudden. It typically develops in youngsters and young adults below age 30, hence the name "juvenile diabetes." The earliest symptoms for type one diabetes are generally:
* An excessive amount of urine
* Lack of sensation in your feet, or perhaps a tingling feeling
* Extremely thirsty on account of the greater urine output
* An increased appetite
* Suffering from low energy along with feeling exhausted
* Shedding weight even though you are eating very well
* Vision impairment
Below are a few additional symptoms which can take place if your blood glucose level goes too low:
* Nervousness
* Headaches
* Trembling
* Perspiring
* Overall weakness
In the event that the blood glucose level hasn't been kept inside of the normal range, an individual may undergo an increase of chemical compounds within their body which are called ketones. This problem is referred to as diabetic ketoacidosis. This particular affliction is extremely dangerous and may result in a coma or perhaps even death.
Ketoacidosis Warning Signs:
* Dry mouth
* Abdominal discomfort
* Throwing up
* Breathing extremely fast
* Accelerated heart rate
* Considerable drowsiness
Over time, type one diabetes may well harm blood vessels inside of your essential internal organs. This could result in damage to one's cardiovascular system, renal system and eyes in addition to various other internal organs.
Type one diabetes usually is treated with insulin injections. Another important element of one's treatment plan is control over how much fat and sugar is consumed, so that it ties in with the amount of insulin being taken. Furthermore, monitoring one's blood glucose is a vital element in the management of diabetes.
There are also natural treatments that may make it possible to stabilize your sugar level, and others that could reduce diabetic symptoms. Included in these are organic herbal remedies that may be helpful in regulating blood sugar.
These treatment options won't get rid of diabetes or even do away with insulin shots. But, they can aid you in managing your blood sugar and might also help to relieve some diabetic symptoms.
A certain region inside the pancreas called the "Islets of Langerhans" manufacture the protein called insulin. This protein encourages the cells within your entire body soak up the sugar that's inside the bloodstream and utilize it for energy.
In this form of diabetes, the particular cells which usually generate insulin are destroyed. Therefore, a reduced amount of sugar is assimilated out of your blood stream and into your body's cells, as a result the sugar accumulates in your body.
The explanation as to why this process happens in not actually known. Possibly, some kind of auto-immune response which attacks the beta cells inside of the Islets of Langerhans could be an explanation. Some sort of virus-like infection could also possibly be a cause. This disorder might also be inherited.
Once sugar intake by your cells is reduced, it builds up inside of your system which has these effects:
* The cells within your body are not receiving the fuel they need.
* Your blood thickens resulting in water being taken out of your body's tissues in an effort to thin it out. Therefore, your tissues get dried out but your urine output increases.
* Your tissues commence digesting muscle together with body fat as a way to obtain energy, resulting in weight loss and also a reduction in muscle. On account of these processes a few signs or symptoms of type one diabetes will begin to emerge.
The symptoms normally come on all of a sudden. It typically develops in youngsters and young adults below age 30, hence the name "juvenile diabetes." The earliest symptoms for type one diabetes are generally:
* An excessive amount of urine
* Lack of sensation in your feet, or perhaps a tingling feeling
* Extremely thirsty on account of the greater urine output
* An increased appetite
* Suffering from low energy along with feeling exhausted
* Shedding weight even though you are eating very well
* Vision impairment
Below are a few additional symptoms which can take place if your blood glucose level goes too low:
* Nervousness
* Headaches
* Trembling
* Perspiring
* Overall weakness
In the event that the blood glucose level hasn't been kept inside of the normal range, an individual may undergo an increase of chemical compounds within their body which are called ketones. This problem is referred to as diabetic ketoacidosis. This particular affliction is extremely dangerous and may result in a coma or perhaps even death.
Ketoacidosis Warning Signs:
* Dry mouth
* Abdominal discomfort
* Throwing up
* Breathing extremely fast
* Accelerated heart rate
* Considerable drowsiness
Over time, type one diabetes may well harm blood vessels inside of your essential internal organs. This could result in damage to one's cardiovascular system, renal system and eyes in addition to various other internal organs.
Type one diabetes usually is treated with insulin injections. Another important element of one's treatment plan is control over how much fat and sugar is consumed, so that it ties in with the amount of insulin being taken. Furthermore, monitoring one's blood glucose is a vital element in the management of diabetes.
There are also natural treatments that may make it possible to stabilize your sugar level, and others that could reduce diabetic symptoms. Included in these are organic herbal remedies that may be helpful in regulating blood sugar.
These treatment options won't get rid of diabetes or even do away with insulin shots. But, they can aid you in managing your blood sugar and might also help to relieve some diabetic symptoms.
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