Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, meaning that the body's immune system malfunctions and attacks the body. The pancreas produces insufficient insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. Type 1 diabetes symptoms usually appear quickly and threatening. Once started, they can progress rapidly over a span of weeks or a few months, and if action is take soon they are usually diagnosed promptly. The most common type 1 diabetes symptoms seen are:
Frequent urination. This symptom may be more noticeable at night. Frequent urination can lead to excessive thirst. There can be other health conditions that cause this symptom and they are all worth looking into.
Excessive thirst. This is a very common symptom of type 1 diabetes. Because of the loss of fluid from frequent urination, the person becomes extremely thirsty to avoid dehydration. In order to keep the body's water at a normal level the person drinks a lot of fluids.
Extreme hunger. Hunger that is not satisfied even after consuming a large meal. Because the body lacks insulin, the glucose produced from carbohydrates in your food never reaches your body's energy-starved tissues.
Weight loss. Even though a patient is eating more, they may be losing weight rapidly. This happens because the body is unable to properly convert food into energy.
Extreme fatigue. This type 1 diabetes symptom occurs because the cells aren't getting a sufficient supply of sugar.
Blurred vision. Excessive blood sugar causes depletion of fluid in the lenses of the eyes effecting the ability to focus.
Nausea and vomiting. A frequent type 1 diabetes symptom caused by high blood sugar.
There is no cure for type 1 diabetes and there is no way to prevent it. People with the disease need to see their doctor regularly, monitor their blood sugar daily, and take insulin as needed.
Type I Diabetes, (formerly called insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes) needs to be taken seriously, and treatment if needed should be started promptly. The longer a person has the disease the more at risk they are for complications. The risks can be reduced substantially if blood glucose levels are closely monitored and kept under control. Be sure to consult with your doctor if you're concerned about diabetes or if you notice any type 1 diabetes symptoms.
Frequent urination. This symptom may be more noticeable at night. Frequent urination can lead to excessive thirst. There can be other health conditions that cause this symptom and they are all worth looking into.
Excessive thirst. This is a very common symptom of type 1 diabetes. Because of the loss of fluid from frequent urination, the person becomes extremely thirsty to avoid dehydration. In order to keep the body's water at a normal level the person drinks a lot of fluids.
Extreme hunger. Hunger that is not satisfied even after consuming a large meal. Because the body lacks insulin, the glucose produced from carbohydrates in your food never reaches your body's energy-starved tissues.
Weight loss. Even though a patient is eating more, they may be losing weight rapidly. This happens because the body is unable to properly convert food into energy.
Extreme fatigue. This type 1 diabetes symptom occurs because the cells aren't getting a sufficient supply of sugar.
Blurred vision. Excessive blood sugar causes depletion of fluid in the lenses of the eyes effecting the ability to focus.
Nausea and vomiting. A frequent type 1 diabetes symptom caused by high blood sugar.
There is no cure for type 1 diabetes and there is no way to prevent it. People with the disease need to see their doctor regularly, monitor their blood sugar daily, and take insulin as needed.
Type I Diabetes, (formerly called insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes) needs to be taken seriously, and treatment if needed should be started promptly. The longer a person has the disease the more at risk they are for complications. The risks can be reduced substantially if blood glucose levels are closely monitored and kept under control. Be sure to consult with your doctor if you're concerned about diabetes or if you notice any type 1 diabetes symptoms.
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