
As you may be aware, diabetes is often referred to as a silent killer. Even though there are a number of symptoms and warning signs, it is very easy to dismiss them. Unless you have your blood sugar checked each year by a professional lab it will be very hard to make sure that you catch diabetes early enough. That said, if you have any of the following symptoms, it may be a good idea to check in with your doctor and demand to have a Hemo A1C test as well as one for fasting blood sugar. Even if your insurance company does not want to pay for the Hemo A1C test, you can talk to them before hand and make sure that you get the help that you need.

Excessive Thirst

When your body cannot digest carbohydrates, the excess will be eliminated through your kidneys. This, in turn, will require more water. Aside from feeling thirsty, you will also wind up urinating more often. Unfortunately, if you are active during the day, you may attribute excessive thirst to many other things. Without a question, if your water consumption levels change, you should check to make sure it is not being caused by diabetes.

Dizziness or Sleepiness After Eating Carbohydrates

If you do not eat too many carbohydrates during mealtime, your body should be able to reduce glucose levels fairly quickly. This is usually accomplished when your pancreas emits a bolus of short acting insulin. Many diabetics cannot make this form of insulin on their own. As a result, blood sugar levels can skyrocket to well over 200 after a meal. Depending on how high it goes, you may feel dizzy or sleepy. In severe cases, you may even go into a coma. Without a question, if you notice dizziness or sleepiness after eating on a regular basis, you should talk to your doctor about it immediately.

Slow Healing of Wounds

Excessively high blood sugar levels cause harm to almost every type of cell in the body. This includes bone marrow cells that are responsible for producing white blood cells and platelets. If you notice that wounds take longer to heal, or they get infected, you may have an underlying problem with diabetes. As with so many other things, this problem may get worse as you get older. That said, as soon as you think something may not be right, it is time to see your doctor. In general, it is better to ask for a simple blood test rather than sit around and wait for things to get worse.

There are many different symptoms that can indicate you may have diabetes. In many cases, you will actually be aware that something is wrong. Unfortunately, many people are afraid of saying something to their doctor because they do not want to appear like a hypochondriac. On the other hand, finding out if you are diabetic is one of the easiest issues to resolve. Your doctor will not judge you for bringing up symptoms that seem perfectly normal. All he/she will do is send you for a simple blood test that will help set your mind at ease, as well as his/hers.
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