
In a dream world where everything is constant; instead of searching for "what are the symptoms of diabetes"; a person would have called his pancreas and ask

"Hey! How are you doing today?"

And pancreas would have answered

"Yeah! Fine just busy in producing insulin"


"Noops! Not in the mood of producing insulin as lot more things to do"

Unfortunately this is not a dream world and we have to live in reality. The reality here is that we have to listen closely to our body. There isn't any magical calling system. Everybody has to rely on those red flags that are termed "warning signs of diabetes" or "symptoms of diabetes"

When we eat food our body starts breaking down the food into glucose and other required nutrients for survival. The level of blood glucose rises after we take our meals. A signal is passed to the pancreas to produce insulin. People who are suffering from diabetes are unable to produce insulin or cannot utilize the provided insulin properly.

In both cases the level of blood sugar starts to rise and the body has to give different signals. Unfortunately these symptoms of diabetes are not very obvious. Sometimes signs of diabetes are not there at all. Furthermore presence of one or more symptoms of diabetes does not necessarily mean that said person is suffering from diabetes. However as it is always better to be safe than sorry in the end; if anyone has more than one symptom of diabetes then it is better to plan a visit to the endocrinologist. The earlier the disease is diagnosed the better are the chances of proper treatment.

Excessive Urination

Recently restroom has discovered to be your best friend and most of the time you are found spending time in restroom. If this is your picture then it is a symptom of diabetes. Our body does not like high blood glucose levels in the blood. In an effort to flush away the excessive sugar the kidneys start to work overtime. Overworked kidneys compel you to spend your time in the rest room.

Excessive Thirst

Unquenchable thirst is linked with recurrent trips to restroom. For getting rid of excessive glucose in the bloodstream the kidneys have to pull more water from bloodstream. The water aids the dilution of glucose and flushes it away with urine. Constantly losing water makes the person thirstier than routine.

Intense Hunger

The cells of the body are not getting required energy from the ingested food. The result is obvious. The body starts to scream "I need food". The fact is that body needs energy.

Sudden Weight Gain

Are your pants feeling a bit tighter today? If Yes; then it could be the result of intense hunger. Intense hunger means more food, more food means more calories, more calories means weight gain.

Sudden Weight Loss

Sudden loss in weight is more common in the patients of type 1 diabetes. When the cells don't get the required nutrients they start to break down the fat cells for getting the required energy. The result is weight loss.


Fatigue is the simple outcome of all of the above; as it is not getting the required energy.


It is obvious for many people to get cranky when they are hungry, tired, thirsty and putting on weight.

Recurrent Infections

More sugar in the bloodstream makes the diabetics more prone to repeated infections of skin, bladder and gums.

Itchy Skin

Itchy skin is another common symptom of diabetes.

Slow Healing Cuts

Increased blood sugar levels make it difficult for the body to heal the cuts and bruises.
Posted by Admin On 5:49 PM No comments


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