
There is a popular argument going around in the medical circles of today, and it has to do with borderline diabetes. Doctors claim there is no such thing - either you are diabetic, or you are not. It seems that the treatment you are offered for this condition depends on the individual doctor you see. One thing is for sure - if you have been told you are a borderline diabetic, your glucose levels are out of whack.

Generally, a fasting glucose level between 110 and 125, and a level of 140 to 199 two hours after a meal are cause for concern. What generally separates the true diabetic from the borderline victim is the use of insulin. Most people diagnosed as borderline are not given insulin. The condition is also known as "pre" diabetes. All systems of the body seemed poised to develop the disease. Then why is it that some people actually go on to develop diabetes, and others do not?

One school of thought says that the borderline patient is not technically diabetic - just insulin resistant. This is probably closer to the truth. It is interesting that there are patients who go home determined that they will not allow this "fringe" type of diabetes to develop into the full blown Type 2 variety. They change their lifestyle to include a healthy diet suitable for those with diabetes, exercise, and weight loss, and most do not go on to develop insulin dependant diabetes.

On the other hand, those people who are told by their doctor that they are borderline diabetic and do nothing about it generally do go on to develop Type 2 diabetes. It is as if their pancreas just wears out after the long time assault of high glucose levels, and stops producing any insulin at all. They hear the term borderline, and think it means that they do not really have to worry about their health all that much.

Doctors need to stress to these people that they can take control of their own health and control their blood glucose levels to such an extent that there is just a very slight chance they will develop Type 2 diabetes. Diet and exercise may well control the blood levels so that no further complications will arise.

Take seriously any word from your doctor that you have borderline diabetes. Make the changes needed today to ensure a longer and healthier life.
Posted by Admin On 8:49 AM No comments


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