
Type 2 Diabetes is commonly known as the type that does not require the necessary injections that an individual must use when they have Type 1 Diabetes. Many people know this condition as adult onset diabetes. This very well may be simply because it will generally not develop in individuals who are under the age of 40. It can however occur at any age, and adolescents who are seen with this type of diabetes are continuously on the rise as well. In an individual that suffers from having Type 2 Diabetes, it very well may go undetected for several years. This is simply because the symptoms that a person generally experiences can be very mild.

This form of diabetes is the one that is most common in occurring. This could very possibly be due to the fact that the problem with obesity in individuals is constantly on the rise every single year. It is no wonder with the large number of fast food joints that can almost be seen on every corner in every neighborhood. Even though we seem to be a society that depends a great deal on any item that will provide us with convenience, the conveniences that can be found in many of the fatty foods and other food items that are high in sugar content that are produced in these types of restaurants is adding tremendously to the number of people suffering from Type 2 Diabetes. Unlike Type 1, this form of diabetes allows the body to produce adequate amounts of insulin that the body needs, however their body is unable to use much of the insulin produced, and in some cases it uses none at all.

There are a variety of different symptoms that a person can experience and they would include cuts that may seem to take a longer time than is normally required to heal properly, the feeling of fatigue, vision that is blurry, and unexplained weight loss.

An increase in the development of glucose that is found in the liver is one cause of this form of diabetes. The environment, and other insulin abnormalities are other causes, as well as conditions that are hereditary, age, obesity, and alcoholism. Often times a person who has Type 2 Diabetes will be able to control their condition successfully simply by taking an extra effort to control their weight, a sufficient amount of exercise, and a well balanced diet.
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