
Natural treatments for diabetes are effective at eliminating the most common form of the disease, which is diabetes type 2.

What is diabetes?

But first let's cover a brief introduction to the subject. Diabetes means that your blood glucose (blood sugar) is too high. Glucose comes from the food we eat. An organ called the pancreas makes insulin. Insulin helps glucose get from your blood into your cells. Cells take the glucose and turn it into energy.

When you have diabetes, your body has a problem making or properly using insulin. As a result, glucose builds up in your blood and cannot get into your cells. If the blood glucose stays too high, it can damage your body.


o Affects almost 21 million people in the United States.

o One third (more than 6 million people) are as yet undiagnosed.

o Costs more than $132 billion/year in health care expenditures.

o One of the six leading causes of death in the United States.

o Number 1 cause of acquired blindness.

o Number 1 cause of kidney failure.

o Number 1 cause of non-traumatic amputation.

o Major contributor to cardiovascular disease, the #1 cause of death.

 What are the symptoms?

Common symptoms of diabetes include:

o     Having to urinate often.

o     Being very thirsty.

o     Feeling very hungry or tired.

o     Losing weight without trying.

 But many people with  diabetes have no symptoms at all.

 Why should you be concerned?

Diabetes is a very serious disease. Do not be misled by phrases that suggest diabetes is not a serious disease, such as "a touch of sugar," "borderline diabetes," or "my blood glucose is a little bit high."

Diabetes can lead to other serious health problems. When high levels of glucose in the blood are not controlled, they can slowly damage your eyes, heart, kidneys, nerves, and feet.

What are the different types?

There are three main types of this condition.

o   Type 1 diabetes-In this type, the body does not make insulin. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day.

o   Type 2 diabetes-In this type, the body does not make enough insulin or use insulin well. Some people with type 2 diabetes have to take diabetes pills, insulin, or both. This is the most common form of diabetes.

o   Gestational diabetes-This type can occur when a woman is pregnant. It raises the risk that both she and her child might develop diabetes later in life.

 Good news! You can treat diabetes and lead a normal life reducing or even eliminating health risks from this condition.

This disease can be managed and eliminated. You can successfully manage diabetes and avoid the serious health problems it can cause if you follow these steps:

oMake healthy food choices and be physically active most days. Following this advice will help you keep off extra pounds and will also help keep your blood glucose under control.

oCheck your blood glucose as your doctor tells you to.

oResearch the Hippocrates Health Lifestyle further. It has been proven for over 50 years to help those afflicted with this disease through a natural treatment.
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