
When you have high blood sugar you are said to have diabetes. One of the earlier ways of detecting diabetes was to smell the urine. If the urine had a sweetish smell, it meant you had diabetes. That is why it is called Diabetes Mellitus in its full form.

What are the symptoms of diabetes? Excessive thirst, excessive urination, excessive sweating (beware it can also be indicator of a heart attack or hypertension), unusual digestive problems, unusual variations in appetite, general fatigue, tiredness, fainting or frequent headaches, blurring of vision, etc., may indicate the onset of diabetes.

Gaining weight or unusual loss of weight is also one of the symptoms of Type II diabetes. This is because either your body is unable to process the sugar and carbohydrates in the food, or there is excessive sugar in your bloodstream. it's best to rule it out.

If you have any of these symptoms, it is best you are examined by a physician immediately. Your blood tests would show whether you are a Type II diabetic or not. Don't get worried. If you are 40 plus in age, the onset of Type II diabetes has just begun. And IS NOT a cause for worry.

These symptoms suddenly appear sometimes because of hormonal changes as the human body shifts from the borderline of adult to middle age, and sometimes mirrors the very symptoms of diabetes. ladies generally should see whether it is their menstrual time of the month.

If normally you are drinking say 'x' amount of water, and suddenly your water intake goes up by say 50 per cent, and the temperatures are normal, then you are a possible candidate.

Similarly, if there is unexpected gain in weight, then the chances of your having diabetes does go up, because the digestive system is unable to process the carbohydrates and sugar in your food, because of the impairment of the insulin system.

If you have nausea or similar oral ejaculation tendencies, then again this might be a cause, although there can be other causes for it. It is best to eliminate diabetes as the cause.

There is yet another symptom. For example if you have a fainting spell, and your blood glucose level shows a lower than normal level, it is quite possible that you are suffering from diabetes. This is known as hypoglycemia.

To explain better diabetes, note that the body needs energy, and this is supplied in the form of carbohydrates extracted from the foods that you eat. When the body is unable to digest fully, meaning extract fully, the carbohydrates that you ate, then the surplus carbohydrates, which also contain sugar, remain in the system, and your blood glucose level rises, in view of the excess sugar present. This creates a diabetic condition. That's why some people have a feeling of fullness, tiredness (since you are not used to carrying so much carbohydrates and sugar in your body), and fatigue.

Due to the excess sugar, it induces thirst, as the body tries to assimilate the sugar, and asks for more water to absorb it. This thirst as it is satiated, in turn triggers excessive urination, as the water absorbs the water, and the kidney tries to flush it all out.

A major symptom of diabetes is your weight. If your weight is above the the level determined scientifically for you, then you have a high chance of getting diabetes Type II. Obesity is certainly a high trigger for the onset of diabetes. Therefore get your weight checked properly. There is a method, known as the Body Mass Index, which co-relates your height, weight, and your waist measurement to find out whether your are overweight, obese, or the right weight.

If you have any or a combination of the symptoms described above, don't hesitate to consult a physician right away.
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