
Up to a point, diabetes is nearly undetectable if you aren't aware of its symptoms. Because it can exist for years before triggering the most obvious symptoms, it can do major damage to the body before being diagnosed.

So what should you look for?

First, a little ground work. During digestion, your body converts carbohydrates into a simple sugar called glucose. This sugar provides the body with the fuel for movement and exercise. Diabetes results from a failure of the pancreas to produce enough insulin to help the cells of the body absorb the sugar (or glucose) in the bloodstream.

When blood sugars begin to accumulate in your bloodstream, the body does its best to dilute them and flush them out of the system. And this provides us with the first hint of symptoms to look for if you suspect diabetes.

What are the 3 diabetes mellitus symptoms?

1. The first is a dramatic increase in your thirst. It's very noticeable. You'll find yourself relentlessly seeking out water or coffee or soda or milk. And it won't matter how much you drink, you'll still be thirsty.

2. What goes in, must come out, so you'll find yourself frequently needing to urinate throughout the day and night. And when you do urinate, it will be like nothing you've ever experienced before. The stream will be strong and never seem to run out.

3. Finally, you'll find yourself exhausted. You'll be tired throughout the day, needing to lie down whenever you get the chance. This isn't a need for sleep as much as it's a need to rest the body. You'll feel fatigued for no obvious reason.

What's happening is simple. Your body isn't able to process the glucose, which the cells need for energy. Hence, the exhaustion. In addition, your body had an excessive level of sugar in the bloodstream, which it needs to funnel out of the system. Hence, the thirst and urination.

If you're experiencing any of these three diabetes mellitus symptoms don't hesitate... see your doctor immediately. The long term consequences of diabetes can be devastating... blindness, kidney damage, stroke, even heart failure. Learn as much as you can...
Posted by Admin On 12:49 AM No comments


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