
Diabetic Foot is the most dreaded complication of any diabetic patient. What is this Diabetic foot? Why is the foot so important for a diabetic? Now the extremities are used for locomotion. To assist in the motility and to carry out the instructions from the brain, the extremities are provided with a dense and well connected network of nerves.

Diabetes when complicated or when blood sugar levels are not properly maintained for long periods of time can cause destruction or dysfunction of these nerves. This can cause reduced sensations and even reduced blood supply to the lower extremities. Obesity usually accompanies Diabetes. This in turn can cause an excessive strain on the loco motor system.

The lack of sensation in the soles and feet can be very dangerous for the diabetic patient. They may not be able detect or sense injuries or wounds on the soles or feet. The wound healing and skin regeneration is markedly disordered in diabetics, so even a slight wound can suppurate and go on to sepsis or even cellulitis. This cellulitis if uncontrolled can lead to Gangrene necessitating Amputation.

Patients must be counseled by their physicians to be aware of these problems. They must be encouraged to take extreme care of their feet. Always wash the feet with a mild soap or antiseptic solution. Never leave the feet wet, because fungal infections thrive in damp areas. Pat dry the feet with a soft towel. Shoes should be selected with utmost care. Always wear socks inside shoes. Open shoes are a strict no for these patients. Even the tiniest wound should be immediately attended to. Nails should be trimmed regularly. Never allow them to in grow into the nail bed. Always check shoes before putting them on. Even tiny particles or gravel can irritate the skin and lead to infections.
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