
If you have been to your doctor recently, he/she may have advised that you have diabetes or you are a borderline diabetic. You might be overweight, you may be at risk of diabetes due to your lifestyle or you may be predisposed, because a relative has either had or been diagnosed with the disease.

Diabetes, in simple terms means that your blood sugar (blood glucose) is too high. Since your blood always maintains some glucose in it, your body uses the glucose for energy. But if you have too much glucose in the blood, it can be detrimental to your health. Glucose is added to the body from the food you eat. The bloodstream carries the glucose to all of your cells in the body.

Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas and the pancreas releases the insulin into the blood. The purpose of insulin is to help the glucose from ingested food get to your cells. In the case where your body does not produce an adequate amount of insulin or if the insulin, for whatever reason does not function properly, the glucose is unable to get to your cells, remaining in the blood. As a result, your blood glucose level will get too high, which can cause pre-diabetes or diabetes.

Pre-diabetes is defined as a condition in which the blood glucose levels are higher than what they should be. Most people who are diagnosed with pre-diabetes are usually at an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes and also have the risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke. stroke. If you have pre-diabetes, there are things you can do to reduce your risk of getting diabetes with, namely Weight loss and physical activity. But more importantly, they can help to lower your blood glucose to return to normal levels.

The major signs of diabetes can include any or all of the following:

1. excessive thirst

2. frequent urination

3. excessive hunger or tiredness

4. sores that heal very slowly

5. dry, itchy skin

6. numbness or tingling in your feet

7. blurry vision

You may have experienced one or more of these symptoms but it is possible you never had any symptoms at all. A simple blood test will check your glucose levels and the results will show if you are pre-diabetic or actually have diabetes.

Diabetes can strike anyone, at any age, so if you have been diagnosed, you will have one of the two types.

Type 1 diabetes, was previously referred to as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes and it affects children through young adults.

In Type 1 diabetes, specialized cells located in the pancreas can no longer make insulin and for whatever reason, they have attacked and destroyed the immune system of the body. The usual treatment for Type 1 diabetes includes insulin injections. It is also stressed that you need to make wise choices of food and become more physically active.

Type 2 diabetes, was previously referred to as adult-onset diabetes or non insulin-dependent diabetes. This is the most common form of diabetes and anyone can develop Type 2 diabetes at any age.

In Type 2 diabetes, the condition manifests itself with insulin resistance. This is a condition in which the body's cells do not use the insulin produced properly.

Initially, the pancreas is able to keep up with the increased demand of the body to produce more insulin. But over time, the pancreas loses it's ability to produce an adequate amount of insulin when you ingest food.

When you are overweight and do not get any type of exercise, you increase your chance of developing Type 2 diabetes. The normal treatment for this type of diabetes includes using prescribed diabetes medicines, making wise choices in the foods you eat, exercising and being physically active and controlling blood pressure and cholesterol.

Although there is no actual timeframe, over many years, diabetes can lead to very serious health problems with your eyes, kidneys, nerves, and gums and teeth. However, the most serious problem can be heart disease or stroke. When you do have diabetes, you become twice as likely as people without diabetes to suffer from heart disease or a stroke.

Diabetes, heart attack and stroke do not care if you are male or female, as both women and men are at risk. The absolute best way to take care of your health is see your doctor to both monitor and keep your blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol in check and within normal limits. Remember this - every step you take towards your goals ill help you.
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