
Would you like to forget your worries about high blood sugar levels and just relax about your health again?

Diabetes has a big impact on your life. And high blood sugar levels can be worrisome. But even traditional medicine embraces the idea that you can take control and decrease blood sugar naturally.

Read on for just a few crucial lessons for reversing or preventing the impact of high blood sugar.

- Get monitoring aids and use them. People with glucose issues often become exquisitely tuned to their bodies. You'll know something is off. You'll think you know how much your body is off. And you'll be wrong. Knowing you're hypoglycemic isn't enough. You need to know precisely how low you are. Test!

If you don't, you're one step closer to complications. It's that simple. Fewer than half of patients who guess even come close to their actual sugar level, rarely within even 50 mg/dl.

Test regularly if you have diabetes - twice a day if you have type 2 diabetes, before meals and at day's end as long as you have type 1.

- Log your measurements. The American Diabetes Association says "keeping a log is vital." Just like you don't know how low your blood sugar is, you won't remember just how many minutes after exercising your sugar dropped or how many glasses of wine you had that evening.

And that's what you've got to know to get your regimen adjusted to keep glucose from damaging your body.

 - Get on a regimen. 90% of the cases when diabetes progresses it's because the patient doesn't stay on their regimen. If you don't have a history of success on other self-guided regimens like diets, get a system to assist you. Consistency is crucial to a long and healthy life.
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