
Hypoglycemia is a medical term used to describe low sugar levels in the blood. Just as a high sugar level is life threatening, so is the low sugar level, hypoglycemia.

The symptoms and seriousness of Hypoglycemia can vary from one individual to the other. This condition could be caused by severe hunger, excessive activity, over dose of anti- diabetic pills or insulin injection. Therefore, the subject of Hypoglycemia should be well understood by all diabetic patients because the drugs sometimes bring them into this state. Hypoglycemia signs occur when the blood sugar level is less than 3mmol/L.

Signs and Symptoms of Hypoglycemia

If you are on anti-diabetic drugs or insulin injection, the following signs and symptoms should hint you that your blood sugar level is quite below normal;

- If your body begins to shake
- If you start sweating profusely
- If it seems as if your eyes are turning
- If you feel as if you want to faint
- If your heart start to beat faster
- If you have sudden blackout
- If you develop sudden headache
- The last sign is loss of consciousness (coma)
- If you long for sweets
- If you are always having cold hands and feet

Hypoglycemia is one condition people rarely talk about. Researchers say that 70% of alcoholics were hypoglycemic. True Hypoglycemia most times is prevalent in people being treated for type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. People with insulin resistance can also develop Hypoglycemia if their high circulating insulin level is adversely affected by fasting for a long period of time.

Since Hypoglycemia is prevalent in patients being treated for diabetes 1 and 2, one needs to be aware of the simple natural ways of managing diabetes condition to the barest harmless minimum.
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